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Comeback Opportunities will determine the game’s long-term survival: Here’s how we do it.

Comeback Opportunities will determine the game’s long-term survival: Here’s how we do it.
There’s no question that one of the most exciting and exhilarating things that can occur in any game is pulling off an absolutely epic comeback. This is true no matter the game or the sport. Just the simple fact of knowing that a comeback is possible is enough to keep both players and spectators captivated and engaged throughout the entire duration of a game no matter what the deficit might be.
Comebacks are responsible for some of the most powerful emotions that someone can experience in a game, whether you're on the winning end or the losing end. And that's what people remember the most about games – not necessarily what happened, but how it made them feel.
Making sure that the comeback element is present is going to be IMPERATIVE for Frost Giant to not only implement, but absolutely NAIL if they plan on creating a game that stands the ultimate test of time.
What I aim to do is to explain the importance of the Comeback Factor, show the Comeback Factor’s relation to RTS and its history, and then propose game elements in terms of economy and unit balance that can ensure that comebacks play a pivotal role in Frost Giant’s mission to create the next great RTS!

To emphasize just how important the comeback element is, let’s just take a look at the top 25 sports in the world and their estimated global following:
  1. Soccer / Association Football (4 billion estimated followers)
  2. Cricket (2.5 billion)
  3. Basketball (2.2 billion)
  4. Ice Hockey, Field Hockey (2 billion)
  5. Tennis (1 billion)
  6. Volleyball (900 million)
  7. Table tennis (875 million)
  8. Baseball (500 million)
  9. American Football, Rugby (475 million) -----------------------
  10. Golf (450 million)
  11. Motorsports
  12. Boxing
  13. MMA
  14. Athletics
  15. Cycling
  16. Badminton
  17. Swimming
  18. Snooker / Billiards
  19. Gymnastics
  20. Shooting
  21. Handball
  22. Wrestling
  23. Skiing
  24. Horse Racing
  25. Bowling
Take a look at the top 9 sports on this list. You know what element they share? The Comeback Factor!
If you are a fan of any of the top 9 sports on this list, I am positive that you have multiple memories burned into your brain of absolutely incredible (or heartbreaking) comeback games, and you’re probably replaying some of those memories in your head right now as you read this. Comebacks create memories that stick with us forever, both for better and for worse (if you’re on the losing end), and these memories are what keep us wanting more and keep us coming back.
But it’s not even the comebacks themselves that create this phenomenon. It’s the fact that we know in the back of our minds that even if the team we’re cheering on gets soul-crushingly behind in a game or even gets ridiculously far ahead, a game is never over until it’s over. That’s because in all of the games at the top of this list, at any given moment the players have the power and the ability to completely turn things around, take control of the game, and have a direct impact on your opponent’s failure or success. In these games, even if your opponent gets a decisive lead – and even if he keeps up the exact same level of performance – you still have the opportunity to either step up your game and go above and beyond your opponent's level, you can drastically change up your approach to totally disrupt your opponent’s gameplay, or you can also take a series of high risks that might result in a complete change of momentum in the game.
This isn’t the case for nearly all the sports at the bottom.
In golf, if you get significantly behind halfway through a match and your opponent is scoring birdies on every hole, what are you going to do? Rack up consecutive hole-in-ones? Not gonna happen.
In bowling, if you get significantly behind in the first few frames and your opponent keeps bowling strikes, what are you gonna do? Bowl even bigger strikes? Keep dreaming.
In racing sports, if your opponent is a lap ahead and they’ve been consistently maintaining the same speed throughout the race, what are you going to do? Hope you roll a blue shell on your next power up? Ha!
The only way that a possible comeback can occur in nearly all of the sports at the bottom of this list is if your opponent just happens to make a disastrous blunder (like missing a pivotal shot in billiards) or suffers an unforeseeable misfortune (like pulling a muscle in swimming or clipping another bike in cycling).
Having to be 100% dependent on your opponent making mistakes or suffering a misfortune in order to win is simply NOT FUN. There’s nothing exciting or exhilarating about it at all!
The interesting thing about RTS games is that they share elements with sports on both the top and the bottom of this list. RTS games have both the direct offensive and defensive aspects of the top 9 sports (attacking your opponent, defending your base) and they also share the same indirect, passive aspects of most of the sports at the bottom of the list (building your army, growing your economy, developing your tech). The challenge to ensuring that comebacks are possible will be finding a happy balance between the two.
But before we get more into RTS, let’s briefly take a look at two other games that have stood the test of time due to their Comeback Factor: Chess and No-Limit Tournament Poker.

RTS games often get compared to Chess and No-Limit Tournament Poker due to their emphasis on preparation, coming up with a game plan, executing different strategies, reading your opponent, adjusting to your opponent, and taking risks. But there are also many elements in Chess and No-Limit Tournament Poker that allow ample opportunity to pull off a comeback, and because of these comeback elements, Chess and No-Limit Tournament Poker are games that will more than likely live on forever.
In Chess, if you’re behind in material, it is very possible to still win if you can coordinate your pieces, give yourself a positional advantage, and execute different tactics to either checkmate your opponent, trap your opponent’s majominor pieces, or promote your pawns. Even if these options aren’t readily available, it’s still possible to cleverly weasel your way out of defeat and force a stalemate. Yes, at the very highest of levels of Super Grandmaster (top 30 players in the world) these comeback possibilities are extremely rare and very blundemiscalculation-dependent since Super GMs nearly always play perfect chess (which is a big reason I feel that chess will never gain mainstream spectator popularity despite having been such a popular game for centuries). But for players of all different levels ranging from just the casual player to even players at the Grandmaster level, the opportunity for a comeback is almost always present and happens in games all the time. In chess, you can also even intentionally give your opponent a material advantage in exchange for a positional or tactical advantage, and these tend to make for the most interesting games in chess! These kind of sacrifices happen regularly at all different levels of chess, including the Super GM level.
In No-Limit Tournament Poker, there is a common term that every poker player knows: “Chip and a chair.” For those who aren’t familiar with NLTP, “chip and a chair” basically means that as long as you have a single chip and a seat at the table, there is still a chance that you can actually comeback and win an entire tournament. This element alone is exactly why so many players are attracted to NLTP, because just like in the top sports mentioned above, a game is never over until it’s actually over. But even before you’re down to your last chip, if your chip stack is dwindling and you’re starting to lose hope, you can decide to risk your entire stack and go all-in and take a shot at a doubling up and giving yourself new life. Not only is this kind of risk taking a possibility, but it’s also REQUIRED if you actually wish to have any kind of long-term success. And on the other end of the spectrum, even if you are the dominant chip leader and have triple the amount of chips as the next biggest chip stack in the tournament, you can go from Hero to Zero and get knocked out of the tournament in just a matter of a few hands if you get unlucky or take a number of unnecessary risks. This dramatic level of constant uncertainty is undoubtedly the element that keeps people playing and also why people will always enjoy watching streams and broadcasts of No-Limit Tournament Poker.
But it’s also very important to keep in mind the difference between No-Limit and Limit Tournament Poker. While both games definitely require a lot of skill and understanding of the game, Limit Tournament Poker almost completely lacks the Comeback Factor. If you are ever down to your last chip in LTP, there is literally close to a 0.00% chance for any sort of eventual comeback. And on the other end of the spectrum, if you’re way ahead of the rest of the field in LTP it’s basically guaranteed that you are going to be there for a long, long time and will have an almost definite chance of placing high in the tournament – of course, that is unless you recklessly make a long series of blunders or get really unlucky back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back. There’s nothing exciting about any of that. This is why Limit Tournament Poker isn’t popular at all whatsoever. There actually was a brief period of time when LTP was relatively popular during the Poker Boom of 2003, but after the player population really got a good grasp of the game, that popularity fizzled out pretty quickly, because the game is redundant and simply isn’t exciting or interesting.
We want to create No-Limit Poker, not Limit.
(Note: I am not saying that all of these sports/games are perfect by any means and I believe that there are actually some game balance issues in nearly all of them, but that’s a subject for another time.)
So how can we use all this information and implement the Comeback Factor into the next great RTS?
Before we get into what we can do, it’s very important for us to first take a good look at the economic systems of three of the most successful RTS games of all-time: Brood War, StarCraft II, and yes… WarCraft III.

Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. WarCraft III put forth an honest effort to TRY to get this comeback element right, and while I don't believe that they were successful in really accomplishing it, I do think that it would be a mistake to overlook the innovation that WarCraft III actually did manage to bring to the table.
While developing WarCraft III, Blizzard was well aware that a big reason for Brood War’s success was because even if your opponent got a significant lead, players could still stay in the game and perhaps eventually pull off some sort of a comeback. While the comeback element was definitely present in Brood War, it still wasn’t nearly at the degree of any of the sports/games discussed earlier. Blizzard aimed to change that in WarCraft III by implementing upkeep with the goal of encouraging engagement and aggression while also allowing players who get behind to have a higher flow of income than their opponent so that they can build themselves up and get back into the game more quickly.
For those who are uninitiated on upkeep or just need a reminder, upkeep is basically a tax bracket based on active food supply that essentially punishes you for building an army beyond certain points of supply. The three different levels of upkeep are:
- No Upkeep (0-50 Food: 100% income)
- Low Upkeep (51-80 Food: 70% income)
- High Upkeep (81-100 Food: 40% income)
Unfortunately, the implementation of upkeep made the game very unenjoyable for a large percentage of the RTS player base and you can still find WarCraft III players – both loyal fans and players trying to give War3 another shot – complaining about upkeep to this very day! The different levels of upkeep are so punishing that it discourages players from even building up an army much larger than their opponent’s, as their economies would suffer dramatically and it would give their opponent a significant and completely game-changing economic advantage. As a result, at the top levels of play, you basically never see players go above 80 supply and they are even hesitant to even go above 50 supply until they feel the time is right.
So how on Earth are you supposed to have a comeback when the game is systematically designed to prevent players from even getting ahead?
With all that said, it would be extremely shortsighted for us to only look at the flaws of upkeep without acknowledging what it actually did accomplish. The number one thing that the idea of upkeep got right is that it was successful in encouraging aggression. When a player approaches the maximum threshold in an upkeep bracket (50/80 supply), it’s almost immediately necessary for them to attack their opponent in order to either gain an advantage or keep any advantage that they already have – which ultimately also puts that advantage at risk – and there’s really only a small window of time to be able to do that, because if you don’t, your opponent can quickly and easily equalize. When a player is forced to put his advantage at risk, in theory it should create a perfect opportunity for a possible comeback. However, since the possibility of gaining a significant advantage at all is basically non-existent in the first place due to upkeep, the theory doesn’t really perform well in actual practice in terms of an RTS game. This causes the game to place a much higher emphasis on gaining an advantage through hero development rather than unit, economy, and tech development which are basically the three main elements of all RTS games. And in WarCraft III, once a player’s heroes become significantly more powerful than their opponent’s, the possibility of a comeback is nearly completely lost as there is no opportunity to set back any progress that a hero has already made in leveling.
Now what Blizzard seemed to have possibly overlooked when developing WarCraft III was that Brood War already had a form of upkeep innately implemented into the game that they may not have even realized they already had!

Brood War has an economic system that is extremely unique and very different from any game that has ever been made and this system is a huge reason why comebacks are more possible in BW than other RTS games. To further explain this point, it’s important to first compare its economic system to WarCraft III and StarCraft II.
In WarCraft III, each worker holds the same amount of value and this value remains the same throughout the entire course of the game unless it’s affected by upkeep, in which case every worker’s value is affected all at once. In terms of income, each base only allows a maximum of 5 workers to mine gold at a time. If workers that are mining are killed, all the races have a pretty easy time immediately replacing them with very little impact on the economy. Of course, it’s slightly more difficult for Undead, but you can still replace Acolytes relatively quickly without much of an economic effect since you only need 5 for 100% mining efficiency.
In StarCraft II, the first two workers per mineral patch all hold exactly the same value. The amount of minerals that 16 workers can mine per minute is roughly double the amount of minerals that 8 workers can mine per minute on a base that has 8 mineral patches (ever so slightly less than double actually, but not significantly enough where “double” isn’t fair to say in terms of game balance). After 16 and up to 24 workers, each additional worker adds value approximately 40-45% of the income value as each of the first 16. After 24 workers (or 3 workers per mineral patch) there is practically no value at all in having any additional workers. This is why expanding in StarCraft II is so incredibly beneficial and has such a high reward. As a result, expanding is always done as early as possible in nearly every single top-level game, because the value that you get from your first 16 workers at every base is just so ridiculously high.
In Brood War, mining works very similarly to StarCraft II except for one MAJOR difference. The rate of minerals mined per minute IS NOT doubled when you have 16 workers mining as opposed to 8 on eight mineral patches. In fact, all the workers between worker 9 and worker 16 only have about 55-60% of the income value as the first 8 workers, then workers 17-24 only have roughly 35-40% of the income value as the first 8 workers. Like StarCraft II, additional workers after the 24th worker have practically no value. These elements of mining are a big reason why Zerg players in BW can equalize their rate of income with other races despite having a lower worker count because their workers tend to be distributed among more mineral patches at more bases.
So what does all this mean in relation to all 3 games?
In WarCraft III, it means that it’s basically impossible to have a major long-term impact on your opponent’s economy unless you take out an entire base.
In StarCraft II, it means that killing just a handful of workers can be a total economic disaster for a player. For example, if you and your opponent both have 16 workers mining and you kill half of your opponent’s workers, you now effectively have an income rate TWICE that of your opponent.
In Brood War, it means that the effect of killing your opponent’s workers isn’t nearly as punishing, because if you kill half of their 16 workers in Brood War, you have only given yourself a 55-60% economic income advantage, which gives your opponent much more of an opportunity to get back into the game!
“But what if I lose ALL of my workers in BW and SC2?”
This is just ridiculously more punishing in SC2 than in BW because now you have to make 16 workers to equalize your opponent’s economic advantage instead of just having to make 8 to at least somewhat get back into the game.
These reasons are also why Drone kills in Brood War are often considered way more valuable than Probe or SCV kills, however this is compensated by Zerg’s ability to be able to produce many workers at once. If Zerg didn’t have this compensation, then killing Drones in BW would be just as punishing as killing Probes or SCVs in StarCraft II.
Because of the economic comeback elements that Brood War somewhat possesses, it's far more difficult for both players and spectators to ever really have a clear idea exactly who is going to win until the game is all but over, and I believe this plays a huge role in why an ASL quarter-finals match can still attract nearly a quarter-million live viewers 22 years after Brood War's release.
So how can we take what we know about the economy of these games and implement them into the Comeback Factor moving forward?

I’m not going to sit here and act like I’m some sort of creative genius and spitball ideas of whether or not the economy should involve mining minerals, collecting coins, soaking energy from the sun, or picking turnips. I mean, I can if you want, but that’s not what this proposal is about. This is about how to create a fair and effective economic system that finds a good and fair balance between allowing players who are behind to get back into the game while also not too harshly punishing players when they are ahead.
While there was a pretty effective form of economic income control through worker values in Brood War and a somewhat effective form of income control through upkeep in WarCraft III, I believe that both forms of control are still far too dramatic and too immediate (albeit much less immediate in BW since only one worker loses value at a time whereas all the workers lose their value at once in War3).
But there is one thing that both games taught us: Income control is necessary.
I would like to propose a simple idea that can be implemented in a variety of different ways whether it’s through gathering gold, mining minerals, or (ideally) picking turnips from a garden.
What if ONLY the first worker got 100% value from gathering resources at a single location? What if the 2nd worker got 95% value, the 3rd got 90% value, the 4th got 85%, so on and so forth...? Of course, these are arbitrary gradients that mean absolutely nothing right now and we don’t even necessarily have to use workers as our means of getting income, but the idea behind it is that if your early workers have more value and your later workers have proportionally less value but still SOME value, then you aren’t as severely behind when you just have a few workers and you also aren’t drastically punished when you have a lot of workers.
If this were implemented into any RTS it would effectively do three things:
  1. It would encourage engagement and aggression just like upkeep did in WarCraft III.
  2. It would encourage expansion and growth just like in StarCraft II.
  3. It would allow even more of an economic opportunity for a comeback than Brood War.
Q: How would it encourage aggression like in WarCraft III?
-- Because once you reach various levels of economic growth, your opponent will be able to equalize with you much more quickly unless you stop him from doing so.
Q: How would it encourage expansion and growth like in StarCraft II?
-- Because once you reach a certain level of income at one base, it becomes more beneficial to establish another base in order to gain higher value from your workers.
Q: How would it allow even more of an economic opportunity for a comeback than Brood War?
-- Because your earlier workers will have an even higher value compared to your later workers than in Brood War.
In order to give you an even better idea of how earlier workers will have a much higher value and allow for a better chance of a comeback, here are a couple of graphs so you can see it for yourself.
But so that we can compare the worker values in my proposed model to the worker values of StarCraft II and Brood War, I reduced the value of each additional worker in 4% increments rather than the 5% in my example earlier, since we will be using 24 workers to reach maximum saturation. Like I said, the actual numbers are pretty arbitrary anyway. It's the idea that I'm trying to get across. This will allow us to visually compare what it looks like going from 0% to 100% mining saturation in SC2 and BW and it shows what my model would look like in comparison.
This graph makes it clear why earlier workers in Brood War are far more valuable than in StarCraft II in the big scheme of things, which is why coming back after taking an economic hit is so much easier in Brood War. But as you can also see, my economic model for Frost Giant takes it a step even further, which would make it even more economically easier to recover should you take a big hit, or any degree of a hit for that matter. But at the same time, it's also not so way over-the-top that it makes it completely unfair to the player who holds the economic advantage either.
I've also included this bar graph if you wanted to take a side-by-side look at the difference of values the workers would have at each level.
And here are the raw numbers if anyone wants to take a look and check my math for me...
If you want to know exactly how I got these numbers, you can find the explanation HERE, because it's annoyingly tedious and it really messes up the overall flow and pacing of this proposal.
From an economic standpoint, I don’t see any downside to this if it is implemented to the primary source of income. Plus I’m just going to assume that there will be at least one additional type of secondary resource that players have to gather that could have a more stagnant and consistent gathering rate, so that can also be a way to kind of balance the flow of income between the resources.
(Edit: I wanted to avoid throwing out specific ideas, but quite a few people have commented and messaged me that this would be difficult to realistically implement. I don't see why workers wouldn't be able to extract resources from a single source that loses extraction efficiency the more workers you have on it. There are probably even far more creative/simple ways to accomplish this.)
But while implementing an economic system like this would be very effective, the Comeback Factor cannot be solely dependent on the economy. It will be very necessary to also implement other game elements to allow comebacks to be possible.

Now that we can finally push economics completely aside, there are many unit/building qualities that will be necessary in order to ensure that comebacks are possible. The main ones that come to mind are:
  1. Unit and building fragility
  2. Unit fortification advantage
  3. Units that dramatically hard-counter other units
  4. Efficient static defense
  5. Accessible and completely momentum-changing units
  6. Units that can quickly exploit different specific weaknesses
WarCraft III, StarCraft II, and Brood War all have some of these qualities to varying degrees, but it will be very important to put an emphasis on these particular unit/building qualities and make sure that they have a strong, discernible presence in order to ensure that comebacks are more of a possibility. And again, I’m not going to act like I’m some sort of creative genius, so I’m not going to try to tell some of the best professional game developers in the world how they should design their units. If you can find a way to implement turnips, cool. If not, too bad. But I do feel that these six qualities are all absolutely necessary for comebacks, nonetheless. They are mostly all self-explanatory, but I did want to elaborate a little on the importance of the first three.
1.) Unit and Base Fragility is probably the most important quality on this list. Having an opportunity to find weaknesses and deal damage to your opponent quickly can be extremely critical when trying to make a comeback, and this will only be possible if units and buildings have an exploitable level of fragility. If units and buildings are too difficult to kill, then it becomes impossible to do any kind of serious, game-changing damage to your opponent if you’re trying to equalize. It won’t matter that you snuck a covert task force into your opponent’s undefended expansion if it takes 5 minutes to kill a building. It won’t matter that you caught reinforcements on their way to join the main army if you can’t kill them before they get there. It won’t matter that you just built a direct counter to your opponent’s army if you can’t do any damage before he builds a counter to your counter. The lack of unit and building fragility in WarCraft III is also a big reason why it’s so difficult to ever rally together a comeback. In War3, if you have a bigger army than your opponent, it’s just incredibly easy to pull back weakened units to ensure they don’t die because of how long it takes to kill them. And because it takes so long to kill buildings in War3, it’s also very difficult to just run a few strategical units into a base, do some meaningful damage, and get out before your opponent’s army gets there, especially with Town Portals being a factor.
2.) Unit Fortification Advantage is a pretty big quality that I think took a hit with StarCraft II due to the implementation of unlimited unit selection and units being able to move in swarms, which led to the inevitable evolution of death balls. This made it extremely easy to get all of the units in your attacking army to all fight at once. In Brood War, it’s a lot riskier and more punishing to send your army into a fortified group of units since it’s way more difficult to keep your army close and have them all attack together. Another reason why unit fortification is stronger in Brood War is because the units and spells that work best in stationary, defensive positions (such as siege tanks, reavers, dark swarm/lurker, psionic storm) are far more powerful than those in SC2. I am by no means saying that one game’s mechanics and unit makeup are superior to the other, but it is important to acknowledge game elements that offer either more or less opportunity for a comeback.
3.) Units that Dramatically Hard-Counter Other Units will be an absolute MUST if we want to give players a good opportunity for a comeback. And I’m not talking about $1,000 worth of unit “A” will always beat $1,200 worth of unit “B” kind of counters. I’m talking about counters like $500 worth of unit “A” will embarrassingly DESTROY $2,000 worth of unit “B” kind of counters! It might not be necessary to be THAT dramatic, but you get the idea. These kind of dramatic hard-counters are definitely something that will help make it possible for a player who is behind to effectively defend or pre-empt an oncoming attack if they know what’s coming. (Edit: I'm NOT saying that every single unit should have a super hard-counter, just that dramatic hard-counters should play a clear role in the game.)
I really don’t think that I need to touch on the last three qualities at all, as the importance of those are very easy to see and understand. So in terms of units and buildings that haven’t even been invented yet, I think that’s all I got for that.

I really hope that I was able to help you understand the vital importance of having comeback elements in a game. And if I did, I really hope that some of the ideas that I proposed help you guys develop a game that makes comebacks possible and results in an RTS that lives on for generations.
I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this, as I always try put a lot of thought into analyzing any game that I really enjoy playing whether it’s a sport, board game, card game, or a video game. I am very passionate about balance and fairness, particularly in games of course, and I especially have a deep affection for RTS games, so even having you just read this really means a lot.
Thanks again for reading. Take care!
submitted by Ted_E_Bear to FrostGiant [link] [comments]

What's New in Poker Forum?

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submitted by womib to IDNPokerForum [link] [comments]

The Division 2 - Title Update 9 Patch Notes

Title Update 9 will release during the maintenance on April 21st. Below you will find the changes and bug fixes coming in this patch

Patch size

Updating from 8.5 to 9 > approximately 10 GB Fresh installation > 70-80 GB (depending from the platform)

New features

Exotic Reconfiguration

You will now be able to upgrade Exotic items to level 40, as well as re-roll their attributes with the new Reconfiguration system available in the Crafting bench. Find out more in our dedicated article here.

Game Balance

Exotics, Talent, Named items

  • Sawyer’s Kneepads – Reworked Image
    • Cannot be staggered by explosions.
    • Increase total weapon damage by 3% each second you are not moving. Stacks up to 10x and stacks are lost when moving
    • This exotic only provides defensive attributes and no brand bonus, so now has potential for high damage and makes it appealing to both red and blue builds.
    Developer comment: The old version didn’t provide enough engaging gameplay; this change should help with that.
  • Imperial Dynasty - Buff
    • Reduced cooldown to 35s (down from 40)
    Developer comment: This buff is to better compensate for the lack of brand bonus.
  • Dodge City Gunslinger
    • Reduced charge up time 30s (from 50s)
    Developer comment: This buff is to better compensate for the lack of brand bonus.
  • Diamondback – Reworked Image
    • Now Grants all shots guaranteed crits for 5s after hitting a mark
    Developer comment: The Diamondback is underperforming, and this change should make the bonus a bit more exciting.
  • Merciless/Ruthless – Buff
    • Explosion damage increased to 1200% (up from 900%)
    Developer comment: Explosion Damage doesn’t scale with crit stats, so boosted to compensate.
  • Lady Death
    • No longer enhances Turret Skills.
  • Bullet King
    • Base damage is now the same as the non-exotic LMG version.
  • Exotic attribute roll quality
    • All exotics will now roll at the highest possible minimum roll regardless of the difficulty they are obtained in.
      • Exotic items can still roll higher than the minimum but minimum rolls are now higher.


  • Tag Team - Reworked
    • The last enemy you have damaged with a skill is marked.
    • Dealing weapon damage to that enemy consumes the mark to reduce active cooldowns by 6s.
    • Cooldown: 4s
    • Does not consume mark if no skill is on cooldown.
  • Reassigned – Buff
    • Killing an enemy adds 1 round of a random special ammo into your sidearm.
    • Reduced cooldown to 15s (down from 20s).
  • Tamper Proof – Reworked
    • Enemies that walk within 3m of your hive, turret, or remote pulse are shocked.
    • Arm time: 2s.
    • Increased cooldown per skill to 10s (up from 5s).
  • Empathic Resolve - Buff
    • Repairing an ally, increases their total weapon and skill damage by 3-15% for 20s (up from 10s). 1-7% if self.
    Developer comment: Currently it is difficult to keep a high uptime in 4-man content as non-tank players try to be as safe as possible and NPCs have higher lethality, so chip damage is less frequent.
Creeping Death
  • When you apply a status effect, it is also applied to all enemies within 8m (up from 5m) of your target.
  • Reduced cooldown to 15s (down from 20s).
  • Overcharge talents now properly state they don’t work in PVP.
Named Items
  • Contractor's Gloves
    • Damage to Armor lowered to 8%.
  • Firm Handshake
    • Status Effects increased to 15%.
  • Ammo Dump
    • Now correctly rolls 2 additional attributes.
  • Claws Out
    • Now correctly has a skill tier core attribute roll.
    • Now correctly rolls an attribute in addition to pistol damage and melee damage.
    • Melee damage increased to 400%.
  • Fox's Prayer
    • Damage to out of cover lowered to 8%.
  • The Hollow Man
    • Damage to Health lowered to 10%.
  • Punch Drunk
    • Headshot Damage increased to 20%.
  • Send-Off
    • Removed Perfectly Rooted Talent.


  • Assault Rifles:
    • Increased maximum roll of Damage to Health to 21%.
      • Players on Stadia will not see this be displayed correctly and instead see an increase to Damage to Health on other weapon types. This is an UI issue only and will be fixed with the next client update.

Gear Sets

  • True Patriot
    • White buff armor repair lowered to 2%/3% once every second.

Main Missions

  • Pentagon & Darpa Research Lab
    • Lowered difficulty to be more on par with other missions.
  • Liberty Island
    • Lowered difficulty to be more on par with other missions.
  • Wall Street
    • Reduced health and damage of the APC.
  • Stranded Tanker
    • NPC composition has been adjusted.


  • Signature Weapons Against Named NPCs
    • Slightly increased damage signature weapons deal to named enemies
  • Elite NPCs Damage Against Player Skills
    • Reduced damage elite NPCs deal to player skills.
  • Tank Sprint Speed
    • Reduced sprint speed of Tank archetype from all hostile factions
  • NPC Shotguns
    • Reduced damage of all NPC shotguns
    • Adjusted range of some NPC shotguns (including shotguns used by Black Tusk Rusher)
  • Status Effects
    • Reduced duration of Poison and Cleaners' Napalm Ensnare (when applied to players)
  • Special Ammo Signaling
    • Any NPC with special ammo has the same UI indication as from the Special Ammo Directive.
    • Examples of who this affects:
      • Outcasts who pick up special ammo from boxes deployed by their Support archetype.
      • Bounties who spawn with special ammo.
  • Rogue Agents
    • Significantly reduced the armor of dynamically spawning Rogue Agents.
      • To prevent this from being too large of a nerf in 3-4-player co-op a Rogue Agent can spawn with an armor kit which can repair their armor up to 70%.
    • Slightly reduced the damage output of dynamically spawning Rogue Agents.
  • NPC Buff Allies Ability Changed
    • Previously, certain bosses and bounties would magically overheal themselves and their fireteam. This “buff allies” ability lacked clear messaging, so it has been replaced with a “leader overheal” ability. This is the same ability that the Rikers’ Leader archetype has. Once the boss (leader) is killed, all their friendlies lose their overheal. The UI indicator of pulsating circles inward/outward in their nameplate signals when this ability is active.


  • Increased power of dropped Exotics to always be of the highest tier, giving the highest minimum rolls.
  • Added Operation Dark Hours raid gear set Chest and Backpack items to the general loot pool, making them available outside of Operation Dark Hours.
  • Lowered number of Exotic Components awarded from Exotic deconstruction to match the cost of Exotic reconfiguring.
  • Lowered Conflict XP amount from PVP weekly projects to match the required XP for 1 Conflict level.


  • Combined all Skill Mod blueprints of different qualities into a single blueprint per Skill, scaling quality with that of the Crafting Bench.
  • Added Skill Mod Blueprints for the Skills introduced in Warlords of New York.
  • Added Blueprints from the general Blueprints pool to first-time weekly completion rewards of Invaded Missions.
  • Added Blueprints from the general Blueprints pool to the rewards of Daily Projects.


  • The Sharpshooter’s Tactician Skill base radius has been increased to 50m.
  • Scoping is now enabled when using a Shield Skill.


  • Changed the trophy requirements for "Dark Zone: Safe House" to be unlocked by visiting any Safe House in the DZ.

Bug fixes

Gear and Skills

  • Fixed several magazine attachments not matching their weapons and/or clipping with their models.
  • Fixed several Scopes being offset on multiple weapons.
  • Fixed a missing animation when picking up the Skill variant after defeating the final boss in The Tombs Main Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing deployable Skills to not refresh their duration when receiving the Artificer Hive buff.
  • Fixed an issue causing some items created before Warlords of New York to have wrong attribute values.
  • Fixed an issue causing the "Glass Cannon" gear talent to amplify all healing received.
  • Fixed the text of the "Perfect Overflowing" talent to correctly state that it increases the base magazine capacity at the 3rd reload from empty.
  • Fixed the text of the Acosta’s Go-Bag talent "One in Hand…" to correctly state that the buff triggers when the grenade is thrown.
  • Fixed an issue causing cards to not correctly flip when having the "Poker Face" backpack talent of "Aces & Eights" Gear Set equipped.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Nemesis Exotic to not trigger the Focus Gear Talent while scoped.
  • Fixed an issue causing the muzzle flash VFX to be missing for the Lady Death Exotic submachine gun.
  • Fixed an issue causing agent to get stuck on slopes and stairs when having a shield equipped and moving diagonally.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Demolisher Firefly to sometimes target and destroy friendly decoys.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Sniper Turret to have odd behaviour when shooting at enemy NPCs with shields.
  • Fixed several issues causing attachments being misplaced on the Carnage and IWI NEGEV weapons.
  • Fixed the text for the Booster Hive to now correctly state that it delivers a stimulant to nearby allies that increases their weapon damage and handling.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to purchase the “Holster Intel: Go West, Young Agent” at Inaya.
  • Fixed an issue causing the “Plague of the Outcasts” debuff of the Pestilence to transfer the lower amount of stacks under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed wild life to count towards the Technician and Flamethrower Special Field Research. Be nice to the animals, y’all!


  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to progress to a higher World Tier when completing any required Stronghold in another player’s session and leaving that session.
  • Fixed an issue causing The Violent Delights bounty to not be completable when it spawns at certain locations.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to not gain any Seasonal XP when disconnecting or crashing, requiring an additional restart of the game.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to reach The Angel of Mercy contaminated area.
  • Fixed an issue causing low level agents to deal higher than intended melee damage while in co-op with a player at Level 40.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be able to change Global Difficulty when in a party with players without Warlords of New York or below Level 40.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed a party leader to invite crossplay players into the group while other party members had crossplay turned off.
    • This would cause the non-crossplay players to be kicked off the group. You will now no longer be able to invite crossplay players into the group if any group member has deactivated crossplay.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause odd grouping behaviour when a non-Warlords of New York player interacted with the helicopter pilot in Washington to transfer to New York.
  • Fixed an issue causing Specialization Skill Mods to not scale correctly at level 40.
  • Fixed an issue causing Global Event NPC challenges to only count for the player landing the killing blow.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to gain the Armor Breaker Distinction commendation under certain circumstances.


  • Fixed misleading GPS pointing towards a SHD Tech position in the Civic Center area.
  • Fixed an issue causing Control Point Alert Level to remain after a player captured a Control Point in New York.
  • Fixed an issue causing Gear Score to be displayed when creating a raid group at Warlords of New York maximum level.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Directives tutorial to not trigger after finishing the Liberty Island Main Mission and activating Keener's watch.
  • Fixed an issue causing the "Opt in to participate" message to show in the "Rewards" and "Challenges" menu when performing a server transfer despite the event being already activated.
  • Fixed an issue causing the "League activity started" celebration and "League activity: Time trial" objective to appear when starting a Time trial Mission on any difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue causing the buff icon after using an armor kit with the System Corruption Gear Set to disappear before its visual timer was finished.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Keener’s Watch tutorial to trigger on subsequent characters.
  • Fixed an issue causing the UI to enlarge when pressing the "I" key while browsing an inventory section through an item.
  • Fixed an issue causing non-functional apparel menu to remain on screen when exiting Apparel, Emotes or Weapon Skins while holding option button on any controller.
  • Fixed an issue causing non-functional inventory UI to remain On-Screen when accessing and then exiting the store menu through a lootable item.
  • Fixed missing VFX for completing a Rogue Agent Encounter.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Expedition matchmaking UI element to be available for Warlords of New York players that have not reached level 40 yet.
  • Fixed visuals for some modding icons in the weapon modding screen.
  • Fixed an issue causing the incorrect message "You left the group" to repeat when trying to invite a player on another platform when you have Crossplay disabled on Stadia or PC.
  • Fixed the text of the Shield Skills to correctly reflect that they also scale with the Blue / Defensive Core attributes.
  • Fixed an issue causing the "Please wait" message to remain on screen when the player quickly sells and buys back any item from the vendor menu.
  • Fixed an issue causing Warlords of New York skills to have placeholder render and missing stats on the Skills overview page of the Quartermaster menu.


  • Fixed missing Italian, Spanish and Arabic voice translation for cinematics.
  • Fixed an issue causing the error text "Can't invite players that have not started the expansion" going out of border for certain languages.


  • Fixed an issue causing the voice over to overlap if the player goes through the Keener’s Watch tutorial too quickly.


  • Fixed an issue causing the Outcast Support NPC to remain stuck in the spawn area in the Federal Emergency Bunker Main Mission on Challenging difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue causing too many Cleaner tanks to spawn at the same time during the Stranded Tanker Main Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing the mission objective to not update if the agent did not interact with the already open elevator doors when entering the Pentagon Main Mission a second time.
  • Fixed an issue making it possible to destroy the fuse box before raising the shutter in the New York Federal Reserve Side Mission causing progress to be blocked.
  • Fixed an issue causing the interaction with a door look weird after respawning during the Stranded Tanker Main Mission. Yes, technically this is a weird door.
  • Fixed a missing interaction highlight on a prop blocking the way during the Pathway Park Main Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing too few Rogue Agents to be spawned for 4-player group in the Stranded Tanker Main Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing the error message "Outside playable area" to appear when walking against sandbag props in the City Hall Side Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Razorback generator hacking to not start when a player is inside the radius before it activates during the Liberty Island Main Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing the objective "Meet with Faye and Rhodes" to not update after a Delta disconnect during cinematic during the City Hall Side Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing the player character to not correctly be placed back in the mission area when disconnecting or quitting during the New York helicopter cinematic for the City Hall Side Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to not receive any damage from airburst seeker while sitting behind a specific cover piece during the Liberty Island Main Mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing players on PC and Stadia to become stuck after climing a metal prop during the Pathway Park Main Mission when being in a 2-player group.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to fast travel to a group member when that group member was in a Classified Assignment entrance.
  • Fixed several issues with props in Missions.
  • Fixed collision issues in Missions.
  • Fixed a number of cover issues.
  • Fixed several occlusion issues.

Operation Dark Hours

  • Fixed an issue causing Razorback to not drop any subsequent keys after defeating it once.

Open World

  • Fixed an issue causing players to become stuck in a container after freeing a hostage.
  • Fixed an issue causing Black Tusks to take over too many activities in New York. They also need some time to relax.
  • Fixed some weird stairs.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be able to loot a weapon container through a wall.
  • Fixed an invisible loot crate. You will ask yourself if there ever was an invisible crate or not…
  • Fixed several doors not opening when doing Bounties.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to re-spawn a Hunter encounter when they die to it.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to open a door after taking the appropriate key for a Hunter encounter.
  • Fixed an issue causing NPCs to spawn from a manhole and then become stuck in a wall.
  • Fixed some lighting issues in the Open World.
  • Fixed some issues with buildings.
  • Fixed occlusion issues in the Open World.

Dark Zone & PvP

  • Fixed an issue causing Agent nameplates to be visible at incorrect distances.
    • SHD Agent name plates are now visible at 15m.
    • Rogue Agent name plates are now visible at 30m.
    • Manhunt name plates are now visible at 50m.
    • These values can change depending on Dark Zone perks.
  • Fixed several props.
  • Fixed a prop that could cause players to become stuck and immune when dropping from a certain location.

Vanity & Store

  • Fixed some animation errors when a player uses the "Gunslinger" emote.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to become immobilized by the Riot Foam of enemy NPCs through cover.
  • Fixed several issues where enemy NPCs would not shoot at the decoy.


  • Fixed several issues causing low FPS in various Side Missions.
  • Fixed a streaming issue in Haven at the beginning of the cinematic after the objective "Meet Faye and Rhodes".
  • Fixed a streaming issue players could encounter when starting the Pathway Park Main Mission.
  • Fixed several streaming issues in the Open World.
  • Fixed several performance issues during the Operation Dark Hours Raid.
=> Source
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Slotland Casino (USA) $38 free chip and 250% welcome bonus

Slotland Casino (USA) $38 free chip and 250% welcome bonus

Slotland USA Casino Full Review
Do you know that Slotland Casino gives away free chip codes to new players?! Click on the link below to collect your free bonus - no deposit required! Additionally, your first deposit will be matched with a 250% bonus. Use bonus codes from the link to qualify for this promotion. USA Welcome!
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Slotland Entertainment Casinos

Slotland is certified by Casino Affiliate Programs and has won a number of online gaming awards. They've been on the scene since 1998 and currently satisfy the needs of more than 50,000 online gaming fans.

Lobby Layout

The layout of a Slotland casino is simple. Rows of slots and video poker options - that’s it! If you’re looking for a lot of bells and whistles, you’ll have to wait until you put your money in the slot. Slotland does not have downloadable casinos, all they have are slot machines and video poker machines. For those who want to try to win big playing a variety of great slots and video poker games, this is perfect. No need to fool around, just click on your game, get your money on the site and start spinning the reels to win big.
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Software and game selection

Every single game offered at Slotland runs inside of your web browser using either flash, or even plain old html and javascript. This means that players do not necessarily have to play on a PC or Mac, but they can make use of practically any digital platform out there. All you need is an Internet connection and a web browser, and you're ready to play. When it comes to the games themselves, Slotland pretty much does everything it says on the tin. As the name of this online casino implies, the majority of games on offer are of the video slot variety. In addition to this, while the selection itself isn't as vast as it could be, each one is of the highest quality. An interesting and much-loved feature of the software is the fact that every single one of the video slot games they offer form part of a single progressive jackpot. This means that every one of Slotland's players has a chance winning bigger than their wildest dreams. Of course, we at CasinoTop10 take nothing for granted and in fact, we have taken it upon ourselves to track Slotland's jackpots ourselves.
Our research has shown that the jackpot is regularly hit every few months. Despite the emphasis Slotland places on slots (players can enjoy wonderful games such as: Heavenly Wheels, Lucky Stars and Wheeler Dealer), they are not the only variety of game offered at this online casino. If you're feeling a bit adventurous, why not give Space Jack a try. Unlike its plainer sister, Space Jack is blackjack with a sci-fi twist which will have you longing to visit outer space. Of course, the uniqueness of the Slotland world does not end there and in fact, video poker games here are coded more like slots, rather than randomly drawn card deals. This method is used so that players are able to take part in the sitewide progressive jackpot while playing video poker.

Sound and Graphics

For many players, playing slots or video poker at a Slotland casino is better than playing in a live casino, with fuller sounds, sharper graphics, well rendered symbols and more variety. All the games are aesthetically engaging and will keep players involved for hours of play. The Slotland games lose little when moving to the mobile platform. Slot and video poker fans on the go can enjoy quality casino gaming entertainment right on their cell phone, Blackberry or other wireless device.
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Deposits and Withdrawals

Like most reputable online casinos, Slotland accepts deposits from most major payments options such as major credit card giants such as VISA and MasterCard, as well as other methods like Bitcoin, NETeller and Skrill. At Slotland all the payment methods register instantly which means that you can start to play straight away. Furthermore, when it's time to withdraw your winnings, you can use any one of the alternate methods. If these particular payment methods don't suit you, you can also request a wire transfer or a cheque. You truly won't find an operator more reliable for payouts on the net.

Customer Care

If you find yourself in a bit of a pickle, the best thing to do is visit the casino’s FAQ section. That said, if you don't find your answer there in black and white, you will have to apply a lot of patience as the site does not offer a live chat facility. You can always email them at their support email address found on their website if you are in need of assistance. There is an email for general and technical issues, another for billing issues, and another for account verification.
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Playing on Mobile

These days there is no use of casino software if it is not fully supported on your favorite mobile or tablet device. Scotland software supports play on iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, as well as all Android devices. All you need to do is open your browser on mobile or tablet, log in to your account or register a new account to start playing. Another option is to scan the code found on their website on desktop and the mobile version of the casino will open automatically, and again all you need to do is log in or register. You can claim all the same bonuses regardless of whether you play on desktop, laptop, mobile phone or tablet device so you don’t have to worry that you may lose out by playing on mobile.

Safety & Security

Slotland has a long history in the industry – it was founded in 1998. It is fully licensed and registered by the Government of Anjouan. All account information is encrypted to ensure the privacy of your personal details and payment details.
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Slotland has a lot of different promotions for its players, all you need to do is click on the most alluring one for your needs and start playing. There are welcome bonuses, mystery bonuses, weekly free draws. And a VIP program with many other benefits you can redeem.
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CasinoLuck 20 gratis spins + 100 free spins + €500 bonus

CasinoLuck 20 gratis spins + 100 free spins + €500 bonus

CasinoLuck Free Bonus and Review
Claim 20 gratis spins bonus at CasinoLuck! This exclusive promotion is available for new players after registration. Use your free spins on Book of Dead or Starburst slots. In addition, get 100% bonus and 150 free spins on first deposit! No bonus code needed.
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About CasinoLuck Online

CasinoLuck is among the pioneers in the online gambling industry as it emerged on the web over 15 years ago, in 1999. A lot has changed since its inception. At the beginning of 2011 it went through a dramatic transformation and its design and layout were remodeled. The gaming provider also changed its management and established a successful partnership with software developer NetEnt, among others, that continues to this very day.
The casino operator has vast experience in an ever-growing industry where competition is fierce and grows with each passing year. Despite that, it has managed to successfully stand its ground and has become a force to be reckoned with as it is home to one of the most diverse catalogs in the history of online gaming. Its collection comprises hundreds of virtual slots, numerous table and card games and plentiful video poker variations. Players can also join the professional dealers in the Live Casino, where games are live-streamed in the highest of quality.
Unparalleled diversity is by no means the only advantage the casino hides ups its sleeve. The gaming operator is focused on providing its players with first-rate customer support around the clock. Registered members can greatly extend their gameplay by claiming one of the many bonuses available or participating in various ongoing promotional offers.
As the casino is home to an ever-growing, diverse community of players, it caters to their needs and accepts an impressive number of currencies. In addition, the website is available in many different languages, while players can fund their accounts using some of the best and safest methods of payment. With so many perks, there is nothing left to be desired.

In Partnership with NetEnt

The online domain aims at providing its customers with high-quality gaming experience. An efficient way to achieve such a goal is by teaming up with an established and experienced software provider. This is exactly what it did in 2011 when it joined forces with software giant NetEnt.
Founded in 1996, the Swedish software developer quickly secured its strong position in the market, providing first-rate games for dozens of renowned web-based casinos. NetEnt offers hundreds of online casino games ranging from card and table classics like blackjack and roulette to slots, video poker, and arcades. The developer also supplies its partners with quality live dealer and mobile games. Each product delivered stands out with unparalleled graphics design, compelling audio effects, hassle-free gameplay and easy to navigate interface.
Its partnership with EveryMatrix, a company which provides a unified platform, allows players to choose from games developed by different software providers. Thus, members of the casino can opt for various games, powered by other notable names in the industry like Microgaming, Play'n Go, NYX and IGT, among others. The different providers' games are seamlessly integrated within the online casino's lobby. Thus, it has included some of the most enticing offerings from all popular developers' portfolios which furthers players' flexibility.
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CasinoLuck Gaming Collection

The games offered by this casino exceed 600 in number. Its user-friendly layout and the search tool available at the website, allow players to quickly navigate through the catalog and find whatever they're looking for in a matter of seconds. It matters not what games you prefer to play, the myriad of options to choose from ensures that all types of players will find something to suit their style, preferences and budget.


There are over 500 virtual slots variations available at the casino. If you are a fan of traditional 3-reels, you can try out over 30 variants of those at the casino including all-time favorites like Double Diamond, Break the Bank, and the classic title, Bell of Fortune.
Many players prefer more advanced video slots as these come with a number of cool features like multipliers, wild and scatter symbols, free spins and bonus rounds, designed to increase one's chances of collecting a nice prize. Besides, with so many options to choose from, you will hardly get bored. Slot fans tend to favor titles like Microgaming's Immortal Romance with its improved payouts, NetEnt's hilarious rendition of South Park, Starburst and Jack Hammer and Play'n'Go's Wild North.

Video Poker

The casino is also home to six video poker variations, all of which are courtesy of NetEnt. These are an excellent option for inexperienced players, who lack the skills to play actual poker as they pose as a combination of virtual slots and the traditional game of skill. Thus, the video poker variants available at the casino are easier to play, not to mention they pay out well with an average player return of about 98%. You can play the games with 1, 5, 20, 50 or 100 hands at a time. Also, players are enabled to choose between different denominations, in accordance with their budget.
The six video poker variants on offer are as follows – two variants of Jacks or Better, two more of Deuces Wild, Joker Poker, All American Poker, and long-time favorite, Joker Wild.


As blackjack is, without a doubt, one of the most popular card games of all times, the casino has complied with the needs of the game's fans and has included five top-notch variants on its list. These include Double Exposure, Single Deck, Classic Blackjack and Pontoon. There's the option to play the Multi-Hand version of the game, where bet limits range between $1 and $100 and six decks of cards are used.


The gaming provider demonstrates a good deal of consideration for the fans of the sophisticated card game that is baccarat. Although baccarat originally enjoyed greater popularity among the elite, today players from all walks of life can engage in it as it is available online and its objective is easy to grasp. Players are simply expected to predict whose cards total will be higher without exceeding the number nine – theirs or the dealers. Bets can be placed on a tie as well.
Those, who join this particular online domain will be greatly pleased by the two variants of the game available, Mini Baccarat and Punto Banco, which is predominantly based on chance. Both options attract attention with their sleek design that comes close to what one expects to see at a baccarat table in an actual land-based casino. Punto Banco, in particular, is available in Low Limit too, an option suitable for those who are new to the game.


The Table Games collection here is geared to the needs of roulette fans as they can make a pick between eleven variants of their favorite game of chance. Of course, popular versions like American, European, English and French Roulette made it to the list, but there is the option to play 3-Wheel Roulette as well. The Triple Bonus Spin Roulette, on the other hand, is suitable for both high-rollers and novices, who like to play it safe as bets range between $1 and $500 per spin. The game's bonus features will further tip the scales in players' favor.


Fans of the demanding game of skill are presented with the opportunity to play Casino Hold 'em, Red Dog, Casino Stud, Oasis Poker, and player favorite, Texas Hold 'em. The latter is of special interest as its average return to players is estimated at 99,27% and can prove to be quite profitable. But which poker variant you opt for is practically irrelevant as each of the options is unmatched in terms of authenticity and gameplay. NetEnt's poker variations also allow for adjustment of the game's speed.


Some players are simply not interested in slots, video poker, and table games. If you are one of them, you should definitely consider paying a visit to the site's “Other Games” section. Sure, we've seen greater versatility as the category comprises of eight options only. Despite that these are well worth your while as their quality is tough to match. Some of the most popular arcade games are present on the list, including two variants of Keno, Super Bonus Bingo, Pharaoh's Gems, Germinator and Enchanted Woods.

Live Casino

Tired of playing against a machine? If so, the simplest solution to this problem is dropping by at the gaming operator's Live Casino where you can compete against the expertly-trained dealers in real-time. As the croupiers are all exceptionally personable, players should not hesitate to ask for help, if any aspects of the games are unclear to them.
Speaking of games, those who visit the Live Casino can choose between Baccarat, Three Card Poker, Roulette Dragonara, Immersive and European Roulette as well as several variations of Blackjack. As you can see, some of the titles are unique to this particular online casino and are not available at other gaming providers. Each game is live-streamed in the highest of quality which makes for the ultimate gaming session right from the comfort of your own home. Most of the options are available 24/7.
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Supported Devices

CasinoLuck may be among the oldest web-based gaming providers in the world, but manages to keep up with the latest trends in the industry. Players, who open an account at the casino will be able to enjoy their favorite games from the comfort of their surroundings, regardless of place and time. This way, you will never miss out on your opportunity to scoop a massive jackpot.
Unlike other gaming operators, the games collection here is available only in Instant Play. This by no means can be deemed a disadvantage. On the contrary, this is the perfect option for players, who wish to access the casino and enjoy the games from different desktop devices. As no software download of any kind is required you won't have to waste disk space, either. However, a stable internet connection is a necessary requirement for a smooth gaming session and so is installing Java Script and the Adobe Flash plug-in on your device.
It matters not what type of browser players use as the casino is accessible via all of them, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer. The site is compatible with all widespread operating systems, so whether your computer runs on Windows, Linux or Mac is of no importance.
Players, who register at this casino will be able to enjoy the games while on the move as the casino is mobile-responsive. There is no need to download and install any applications on your portable device as no downloadable apps are currently available for this particular online casinos. To play on the go, you simply need to enter the casino's address in your smartphone or tablet's browser and you will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of the website. You can also scan the available QR code to the same effect. For further convenience, players can easily add the website to the Home Screen of their portable device and access it with a single tap.
The mobile catalog is just as diverse as the desktop version of this domain. There are still hundreds of slots to choose from, though some of the games failed to make the list. For instance, there is only one video poker variant, which is Bonus Deuces Wild. The number of arcades is limited to two options, namely Keno and Triple Chance Hi Lo. Still, the mobile portfolio boasts a considerable versatility that is rarely found at most casinos.
The mobile casino is optimized for a wide variety of devices running on the iOS and Android, including iPhones, iPads, iPods, Samsung Galaxy, Nexus tablets and smartphones, Motorola and Sony Xperia, among others. The minimum system requirements for Apple and Android devices are as follows – iOS 6 and Android 4.1.
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CasinoLuck Bonuses and Promotions

This online casino demonstrates its appreciation for both new and existing members by rewarding them with a myriad of bonuses. A great number of giveaways and ongoing promotional offers are available as well. And certainly, we all know there is no better way to start a gaming session than playing with some bonus casino chips.
Players, who open an account can benefit from its fantastic Welcome Package as long as they make an initial deposit of $10 or the equivalent in their currency of choice. Here is what the Package consists of. To begin with, your first deposit will earn you a 100% bonus match of up to $150 and 200 Extra Spins on the Starburst slot. Sounds good, doesn't it? And it does not end here as players' second deposits of $20 or more will be matched at 50% with up to $200 to play with for free. Certain playthrough conditions are attached to the Welcome Bonuses, however. Players will be able to withdraw the winnings they've accrued with the free funds only after they have wagered the deposit and bonus amount 20 times or more. The Extra Spins are also subject to wagering requirements of 30 times.
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[Guide] 1000 Ancient Tunnels runs + Comprehensive Guide to High Rune Drop Rates - part 2


Hello all, Initially this post was meant to be a highlight of 1000 Ancient Tunnel runs, which I have completed over the last few months (had a break in between). I wanted to sum it all up somehow and since I am absolutely fascinated by the entire rune concept and their drops, I decided to go a bit deeper and...create a guide with some helpful tips and in-depth analysis.


The purpose of this guide is to show the best non-LK way to farm high runes and to highlight how many runs you need to perform before you will see some results, which is what I believe setting this guide apart from other articles I have seen so far. Also, there are at least 3 main sources for rune drop odds, each showing different numbers, so I wanted to confirm that by myself which one is good. Which means digging into text files.
I'm saying non-LK, because nothing beats Lower Kurast chest farming, mathematically it is the fastest but at the same time - the most boring way. You will turn yourself into a human bot, there won't be any experience, any items (besides charms and jewels). I did my fair share (1200 runs) and that's it.
Big shoutout to preppypoof for creating the original guide! I can confirm that vast majority of the information that can be found there is correct.

Who am I?

I am a data analyst, ex semi-pro poker player and a fan of Diablo II of course :) I like numbers and statistics - that is exactly why runes are so fascinating for me.

Definition of a High Rune

Many say it starts from Vex, I would say it starts from Gul, since it is the first rune you can't get from Countess (from her special drop). On the other hand, Ist is rarer than Gul, but then again - it doesn't make sense to transmute two Ists into Gul, especially since Ists are quite valuable for MFing.

A quick recap

For those who don't understand how this rune drop system works, there are essentially 3 main steps that have to be fulfiled before you will see your rune. If you are not interested, feel free to skip to the next paragraph.
>!1. Select the "Good" category Depending on act, difficulty level and monster type (melee, range, wraith, cow, etc.), each monster has its own category, based on which game will decide what items it can choose from upon its death. Most popular will be most likely Act 5 (H) H2H C, which is common for melee monsters in Level 85 areas. There are the following possibilities: - NoDrop 100 - gld 21 - Act 5 (H) Equip C 16 - Act 1 (H) Junk 21

- Act 5 (H) Good 2

sum or probabilities: 160!<
We won't go into any more details, all you need to know is that: a) you want to hit Act 5 (H) Good (2/160 or 1.25%) b) ideally, you want to minimize NoDrop, so that your odds for hitting Act 5 (H) Good will increase (we will get to that later)
2. Selecting Runes 17 from Act 5 (H) Good Welcome inside the Good category.
>!- Jewelry C 60 - Chipped Gem 4 - Flawed Gem 10 - Normal Gem 14 - Flawless Gem 28

- Runes 17 14

sum or probabilities: 130!<
You see that Runes 17? This is what we aim at (14/130 or 10.8%). If you would like to know more details about what Runes 17 is, please visit preppypoof's guide.
3. Selecting rune quality Welcome inside the Runes 17 category. Now it's time to select your prize. Runes are organized in categories, two in each in all categories all the way up to Runes 16 (besides Zod, which is alone in its top tier category called Runes 17), that's why you have 2*16 + 1 = 33 runes in total.
Random number generator will go in a "stairs-like" sequence: - let me try to get you that Zod, 1 in 5171. Oh, we missed? Let's go one step down to Runes 16 (that will happen in 5170 out of 5171 cases) - Welcome in the Runes 16 category. We have 2 offerings, especially for you my friend: Cham and Jah. Every single time the top rune (here it's Cham) will have a probability of 2 and the bottom rune will have a probability of 3 (here it's Jah). The difference will be the last part, which will determine the chance to "step down". At the highest levels, this chance will be huge, but it will gradually go down.
In this example, it's 2941. Add those 2 and 3 and you have 2946 of that probabilites. So, after going down to Runes 16, now your options are: - 2/2946 to get a Cham Rune - 3/2946 to get a Jah Rune - 2941/2946 to step down to Runes 15
The sequencer will go all the way down to Runes 1, where you have El and Eld - unless it will hit something during the process (which is what we want).
>! So in short, we must hit all 3 things at once: - Good category - Runes 17 - our desired rune Multiply all those probabilities and you will get some astronomical numbers, but don't panic yet :)!<

Rune Odds Tables

This one will be almost the same as in the original guide. However, I have found a small error in preppy's calcs. I got the same numbers from Zod till Ohm, but starting from Vex and below your chances of hitting those runes are slightly smaller than in the quoted article. I found the reason: preppy took the remaining probability (if you are looking at the example above - that would be that 2941) as the total sum of probabilities, whereas the total is bigger by 5 (that would be 2946 in our example). This error continues all the way down and most likely throughout the rest of the columns (for Wraiths, Cows, Champions, etc.). I will only provide you with an updated table for Regular monsters and in a moment you will see why.
Rune odds for /players 1
Rune (Others / Regular) Chance Chance of ... or better
Zod 3 841 314 3 841 314
Cham 1 471 885 1 064 137
Jah 981 256 510 509
Ber 1 095 823 348 264
Sur 730 549 235 837
Lo 810 410 182 677
Ohm 540 273 136 518
Vex 569 154 110 107
Gul 379 436 85 342
Ist 401 293 70 376
Mal 267 529 55 719
Um 272 924 46 272
Pul 181 950 36 891
Lem 138 358 29 348
Fal 92 238 22 606
Ko 71 100 17 458
Lum 47 400 12 909
Io or Worse 774 758
While it is interesting to note that Ber Rune is rarer than Jah, getting a Cham Rune isn't that much far away, it is just 1.5x rarer than Jah. That "1.5x rarer only" means additional 2100 AT runs though…
It is absolutely shocking how much rarer Zod Rune is from Cham Rune (2.6x rarer). It reminds me of poker hands: AA is just miles and miles away from the 2nd most powerful hand - KK. Then the differences between the next hands get smaller, similar thing can be observed here.

Players X setting vs Rune drops

Remember first point of the sequence? Here is where the players X setting come into play. By increasing the number of players you can decrease the NoDrop value. It goes as per so called NoDropExponent, there is complicated formula behind it, but let's get down to business.
In short: every odd number will increase the player bonus, that's why you want to select players 1/3/5/7, but never 2/4/6/8 (unless you want more experience and you are a super fast killer anyways).
I think this is another mistake that I found in preppy's article. He said that increasing players setting from 1 to 3 will yield you around 30% more runes. looks like the increase is much bigger than that! Here is a breakdown for numbers up to NDE=4 (which is same as players 7/8 and is max what can be reached in a single player game where there are no party members around you. Higher NDEs are possible on multiplayer).

NoDropExponent 1 (players 1) 2 (players 3) 3 (players 5) 4 (players 7)
New NoDrop 100 38.46 19.38 10.8
Prob "Good" 1.25% 2.03% 2.52% 2.82%
Hitting Runes 17 0.135% 0.219% 0.271% 0.304%
% increase - 62.48% 24.03% 12.11%
It means that you should farm runes on at least /players 3 setting, because I am almost sure you won't take more than 62.48% time to kill them. After that point is where the fun begins. Going from p3 to p5 is still doable, but from p5 to p7 is a tricky one.
Interpretation: if your current clear speed on p5 is 5 mins, then you should clear p7 in a time no longer than 5.6 mins (5 mins 36 seconds). In other words: increasing players difficulty setting, which will increase monsters hit points from 300% to 400% (+33.3%) cannot take you more than additional 36 seconds to clear, otherwise you're better off on p5.
Tip: players X settings does have an effect on popables (chests, urns, etc.). It is possible to first clear the area on a lower settings and then after that changing it to p7/8 and then popping the chests/urns. Whether you consider that strategy as cheesy or not I will leave that up to you. Personally I find it troublesome to constantly switch between the settings.

Expected Value - introduction

This is my favorite part and what I think sets this guide apart from the others - the expected value. Well almost, there is something similar in an absolutely great guide about LK vs Travincal vs Cows, where one guy has even used some serious high-level math (calculus etc.), but the results are still close enough so that we can use our basic approach.
So, what is that expected value? Basically I will try to answer a very frequent question: how many runs you need to complete before you will get that Jah Rune. I will give you the exact number, with one small "but": you need to understand that because of the RNG (Random Number Generator) nothing is certain for 100%. It's the same as with rolling a dice. If you want to roll a "6", you have 1 in 6 chances to hit it. Your expected value after 6 rolls is 1 (1/6 / 6 = 1), meaning that after 6 rolls you expect to hit that 6 once. However, it is totally possible that you will hit that 6 in a first roll or that you won't hit it in your 12th roll. Same with runes. Below are your chances (or if you will: confidentiality levels) per each EV (these values are similar to almost every drop in Diablo II):
# of EVs Confidentiality Level
1 63.212%
2 86.466%
3 95.021%
4 98.168%
5 99.326%
6 99.752%
7 99.909%
8 99.966%
9 99.988%
10 99.995%
The way I calculated the EV includes normalizing everything to a regular monster (for which we already know the rune drop odds). We need to do this first before coming back to the EV.


I will Ancient Tunnels as an example. What you need to do is to calculate how many "regular kills" you can get per one full clear (full clears are better if you are looking for runes). That means, you need to translate every champion/unique, every urn, every chest, every boss and what not - into a regular monster. How to do that?
For champs and bosses you can use drop calculators, even though they show incorrect values (way too high, in reality your chances are better), but the proportions are maintained. I will use preppy's tables since I have confirmed them so I know they are good to use. Small note: this is a third and last mistake that I found in preppy's guide. He claimed that players settings increase will have a very small effect on rune drop odds for champions and bosses. The answer is: it doesn't have any effect (just like your Magic Find %), since there is no NoDrop value, so there is nothing to be decreased. I will use a Zod Rune as an example, but you can use any rune that you want.

Regular p1 Regular p7 Champ Champ p1 proportions Champ p7 proportions Unique Unique p1 proportions Unique p7 proportions
3 841 314 1 700 319 1 600 548 2.4 1.07 744 255 5.16 2.29
As you can see, if you play on p1, then killing a champ or a boss makes a massive difference in terms of runes. Once you switch to p7, there is almost no difference between a regular and a champ. I measured the average number of bosses and champions over the course of ~~ 30 runs. Same for regulars and urns. Last thing that might be coming to your mind: how the heck can you know what are the drop odds for urns and chests?!
There is another great guide made by Urlik. It was for 1.10, when rune drop odds were less optimistic, so I can't rely on exact numbers, but...I can rely on proportions. In his guide, Urlik has found out the mean number of runes produced per kill at p8 (which is same as p7). Like I said, we cannot take these numbers directly, but we can copy/paste them into Excel and then get our proportions. Our baseline will be the first line: Melee/Cast/Missile. Let me present you the rest of the important proportions.
vs Regular
Special Chest 16.64
Special Chest - Locked 22.29
Sparkly Chest 37.60
Type IV (like Urns, Jars, Baskets) 1.16
Type III (like Rat Nests, Goo Piles, Jugs) 5.55
Type I (regular chests) - Locked 11.09
Type I & II 4.16
There is way more than that, but these are the objects that you will mostly encounter. As you can see, Sparkly chests and special chests (like those in LK or behind Mephisto or in River of Flame) = are your best friends. So essentially: popping one special chest is the same as killing 16.64 or 22.29 regular monsters, depending whether a chest is locked or now (no wonders people like LK chests, although their dropped is bugged). There is a table for that too. In AT, chance for a chest to be locked is 16.5%.

Total regular kills and kills per minute

We are almost there. Now we are at the most crucial point of this article - calculating total kills normalized to a regular. You can do the same for your own map (The Pit, Chaos, you name it). Here is how it looks like for my Ancient Tunnels at p7. What you are looking at are the average numbers of monsters/urns/whatever I have encountered over the course of 15-30 measured runs, it is time taking, you need to count it and then write it all down somewhere. Kind of self data collection. Remember: each map seed is different and my AT map won't be the same as yours. Map rolling is actually another interesting topic, AT holds few secrets which I will reveal later.

Nominal Normalized
Regular (x1.0) 86.7 86.7
Champ (x1.07) 3.5 3.73
Unique 5.2 11.92
Sparkly (x37.6) 1 37.6
Type IV (Urns) (x1.16) 38 44.25
Type III (x5.55) 3 16.64
Type I 1 5.3
TOTAL 206.13
Average time per full clear 3.6
P7 kills per minute 57.26
The way I derived that 5.3: = (0.165 * 11.09) + (1-0.165) * (4.16) = 5.3
Okay folks, the number required here is 206.13 and 57.26. Remember, that's on p7. You can do the same for p5 and compare your results with p7, but one important thing: first you will need to translate all p7 kills into p5 kills. One regular p7 kill is worth 1.12 regular p5. So in my example, that 86.7 would translate to 97.2 p5 kills. Don't forget that player bonus doesn't apply on champs/bosses, it's just the proportions will be different.
Kills per minute is in my opinion your main metric you should be monitoring in order to gauge your progress and make a decision whether to step up the players settings or not. Going from p5 to p7 will of course bring you some more runes, but it can decrease your normalized kills per minute. Make sure to maximize kills per minute by: - choosing the right players settings (As a rule of thumb, if you can already one shot everything on a current setting, then it's usually good idea to increase players X) - equip your max killing gear (MF doesn't matter, although it's still good to have some! I have 182)

Expected Value - # of runs required per rune

Time for the final results you've been waiting for :) Just some small remark: all objects "kills" in Act 2 can be calculated towards your final result up to Lo Rune, because Lo is max what these objects can drop in Act 2 (Act 1: Vex, Act 2: Lo, Act 3: Ber, Act 4: Cham, Act 5: Zod). In my case, they make for the ~~ 50% of the total "kills" which is both good and bad.
Good, because there is no there is almost no way you can kill 11 monsters faster than you can pop 10 urns (if you can, then most likely AT is not for you anyways, Cows will be faster).
Bad, because that means AT is not that great of a place to hunt for Sur+ runes, you will see what I mean when I will compare it against Chaos Sanctuary.
Assumptions: - p7 - One AT run # of regular kills up to Lo: 206.13 - One AT run # of regular kills up to Zod: 102.35 (substract all objects from the total result) - Number of AT runs: 1000

Rune EV Actually found # of AT runs to realize one EV
Zod 0.060 16 613
Cham 0.157 1 6 366
Jah 0.236 1 4 244
Ber 0.211 4 739
Sur 0.317 3 159
Lo 0.574 1 740
Ohm 0.862 1 1 160
Vex 0.818 1 222
Gul 1.227 1 815
Ist 1.160 1 862
Mal 1.741 4 574
Um 1.706 1 586
Pul 2.559 5 391
Lem 3.366 4 297
Fal 5.049 3 198
Ko 6.55 10-12+
Lum 9.82 10+
Io or Worse 601.83
And there you have it :) How to interpret these results? I think it went quite well. Clearly, Cham Rune destroyed everything in this run! Normally, there is a 63.2% chance to find it within one EV (6366 runs), but the lucky run was run #571 :) Jah Rune was found in Drifters Cavern, so technically it wasn't in AT, but I since I did that run kind of "in between" and for fun, I decided to include it anyways. That was before run #546.
Fact: I got plenty of runes from the urns/chests/jugs: Gul, Um, Mal, Pul, Lem and countless Ko, Io, etc.
Q: Ok, so you are saying that after 1000 runs I am guaranteed to get an Ist Rune (EV: 1.16), right? A: Not quite, you are guaranteed to fulfil your EV for an Ist Rune after 1000 AT runs (1.16 runes after 1000 runs or 1 rune after 862 runs to be precise), which gives you 63.2% confidence to get it. Wanna 86.5% confidence? Do 2000 runs. Wanna 95% confidence? Do 3000 runs. Wanna 99.995% confidence? Do 10000 runs.

Ancient Tunnels vs Countess

For runes up to Ist, Countess is your best source. I will use the results from 1000 Countess Runs done by dbrunski125, who has inspired me to my own Human Bot Project (love that name!). Worth noting is the fact that it is possible to do one Countess run in 30-40 seconds, so you will complete 1000 Countess runs ~~ 6x faster.
1000 Ancient Tunnels 1000 Countess Runs
Cham 1
Jah 1
Ohm 1
Gul 1 1
Ist 1 0
Mal 4 6
Um 1 8
Pul 5 10
Lem 4 9
That shouldn't be a surprise, after all - this guide is about high runes especially, but that is just out of curiousity ;) But then again, it's kind of robotic, just killing one single boss on p1, almost no items, no challenge.
In AT, I can constantly challenge myself, tweak with the gear, keep on improving my run times, get those elusive ethereal items, find mythical TC87 items and then also find some runes. Pure Diablo experience at its finest.

Ancient Tunnels vs Chaos Sanctuary

Assumptions: - players 7
- One CS run # of regular kills up to Zod: 408.91
- 1000 runs
Rune EV AT EV CS CS/AT # of AT runs to realize one EV # of CS runs to realize one EV
Zod 0.060 0.229 3.81 16 613 4 361
Cham 0.157 0.628 4.00 6 366 1 593
Jah 0.236 0.941 4.00 4 244 1 062
Ber 0.211 0.843 4.00 4 739 1 186
Sur 0.317 1.264 4.00 3 159 791
Lo 0.574 1.14 1.98 1 740 877
Ohm 0.862 1.71 1.98 1 160 585
Vex 0.818 1.623 1.98 1 222 616
Gul 1.227 2.435 1.98 815 411
Ist 1.160 2.302 1.98 862 434
Mal 1.741 3.453 1.98 574 290
Um 1.706 3.385 1.98 586 295
Pul 2.559 5.077 1.98 391 197
Lem 3.366 6.677 1.98 297 150
Fal 5.049 10.015 1.98 198 100

As you can see, on average CS will provide you 2x more runes up to Lo (or same number but 2x faster), but I am not really sure you can run it in a time no longer than 2x AT time. You can try to compare it against p5 CS, which will be definitely faster and will yield only ~~ 12% less runes. Very interesting :)
However, from Sur onwards CS is clearly better. CS collects additional points for a high monster density (roughly 200, out of which around 60-65 are wraiths, which have 3.5x the chance compared to a regular).
I am currently 59 runs into CS. For now, I will stick to AT, until I will find ethereal Colossus Blade for runeword Death (the EV for finding that thing is ~~ 1477 runs). Once done, I will switch to CS, since I need Lo, but specifically Sur for runeword Pride for my merc (it required Cham as well, which I already have).

Farming Lo Runes - time efficiency

I will take Lo as an example to illustrate. I will assume that you want that Lo Rune at all costs to the point that you sacrifice each Ohm, Vex, Gul. I will calculate each Ohm as 1/2 of a Lo, Vex as 1/4 of a Lo and Gul as 1/8 of a Lo - this isn't a fully correct approach, but I don't feel like doing calculus :)
My EV for Lo (farmed directly or cubed up) is: = 1 * 0.574 + 0.5 * 0.86 + 0.25 * 0.82 + 0.125 * 1.23 = 1.363 or after 733 runs
Currently, my average run takes 3.6 mins (massive improvement compared to like 7-8 minutes on p3/p5 back in the days). This translates into 44h or AT running. How does that compare vs LK / Travincal / Cows? I'm going to quote numbers from this great article:
Area: LK p7/8 Average runs to cube/farm Lo: ~1433 runs Average run-time and time needed to farm Lo: 25s: ~9.9h 21s: ~8.4h 18s: ~7.2h
Area: Travincal p3 Character: sorceress - for barbarian 55% hork divide numbers of runs by 1.597, and for 56% hork divide by 1.608 Average runs to cube/farm Lo: ~1725 runs Average run-time and time needed to farm Lo: 26s: ~12.5h 22s: ~10.5h 18s: ~8.8h
Area: Cows p5 Cows killed per run estimate: ~400 Average runs to cube/farm Lo: ~281 runs Average run-time and time needed to farm Lo: 4m 30s: ~21.1h 3m 30s: ~16.4h 2m 30s: ~11.7h
And now AT p7: Average runs to cube/farm Lo: ~733 runs
3m 36s: ~ 44.0h
If you are ready to become a human bot, then clearly there are better options out there :)

Why AT/CS and not LK?

LK is too robotic and mind numbing. Plus, finding a Sur Rune or Ohm Rune is like: oh, okay, cool. Finding Mal/Um in AT is like: wow! Finding Ist+ is like: OMG !!!! Much much more excitement :)
Experience, socketables and TC87 items. Pretty much everything that contributes to Diablo being Diablo. Turning yourself into a human bot can be the fastest way, but in my opinion brings no joy and can only lead to getting burned out and bored with this game.
Travincal is a much better choice, at least there is some fight involved, though it's a short one (if you can't clear the council and get back to act 4 in like 30-35s with a non-hork character then I am not sure it's worth it). You also need a very high-end gear, p3 Trav council can apply some serious punch, especially under nasty mods/auras. They drop from TC84, so forget about TC87 items.
Cows can be good for a fast killer, but in my opinion they are also quite boring and irritating (moo moo, moooo!).

Is it worth to cube up?

Generally yes, but not when you cube up two more popular runes to get one rarer rune. Examples: 2 Ber into Jah, 2 Lo into Sur, 2 Vex into Ohm, 2 Ist into Gul, 2 Um into Mal = my advise is: don't do that, unless you desperately need that Lo Rune and if you think you won't need those Vex Runes anymore.
Also, I wouldn't care much about runes below like Sol or Io - it will take you ages to cube up to Pul, it takes a lot of time to collect these runes and then stash them, you need to return to the stash more frequently = massive time loss. Also, you need lots of chipped gems, which are very hard to find on Hell difficulty. I personally had tons of Amn runes and no Chipped Amethysts, which are necessary if you want to cube up to Sol Rune, you Amn was kind of "choke point". Actually, I would seriously question collecting charms as well, since upgrading your damage from +2 to +3 won't really change a lot if you already have good charms, but might hurt your run times. The odds for hitting a skiller+life or re-rolling it are similar to hitting a high rune.

Best non-LK areas for rune farming

Sur+ runes = Chaos Sanctuary and possibly Worldstone Keep, since after Lo Rune AT loses its primary weapon, urns. WSK can be very dangerous though. Cows if you are a fast killer.
Up to Lo = AT might be better than Chaos, unless you can clear Chaos in no longer than 2x the AT time.
Chaos has one big advantage: high amount of Wraiths, which can be killed over the ground vast majority of the time (in comparison to Arcane Sanctuary, where it's not possible).
Chaos sucks for socketables and for items too (especially TC87) for the very same reason, since a decent part of monsters are Wraiths which won't drop any items actually.
Chaos runs will provide more experience because of Diablo (there won't be any exp penalty). WSK is worse, it takes way longer to get to Baal, CS wins.
AT is a great balance for everything: lots of TC87 stuff, good chance for runes up to Lo, easy monsters, no cold immunes, no Lord de Seis/Archer-like monsters that can one or two-shot you, fast clear time.
CS won't provide as many TC87 (Wraiths drop nothing, Diablo and his 3 seal bosses drop up to TC84), though it provides a good chance for any rune up to Zod, monsters are tougher though, Decrepify curse is a pain and you need to watch out for Lord De Seis - one wrong move + bad combination (fanaticism + Extra Strong + Extra Fast + AMP curse) = and your life bubble can reach the bottom in like 0.2s.
Cows will be probably even better for socketables than AT, but they totally suck for magic items, chances for TC87 items are like 15x smaller.
Cows require more hassle: go to Tristram, get that leg, get tome of TP, clear a huge, wide open area. Whereas AT/CS are much more "restricted" by walls and objects = easier crowd control and navigation.

Q: What about the Pits? A: Haven't run them a lot, but I think they will be worse than AT. Hardly any popables, that can drop max up to Vex. Lots of monsters though, yes, but archers who can one/two-shot you are a pain. Entrance is also located way further from the waypoint in comparison to AT (if you get a good map, mine has trap door super close to WP, 2 teleports away).

Final Verdict

Best rune farming area is the one that will provide the highest kills per minute. Which area is this precisely will depend on your character, build, map you got and your personal preferences.
My answer for my Frenzy barb? Ancient Tunnels wins in almost every single category :)

1000 Ancient Tunnel runs

Oh, I almost forgot about my project :) You already know what kind of runes I acquired, so here are the items: 001-100: barb skiller charm, Natalya's Mark, Gore Rider 101-200: Immortal King's boots from a chest, Thundergod's Vigor 201-300: Mara's, Dragonscale
301-400: Dracul's Grasp, Kira's Guardian, great small charm (+3 max dmg, 20 AR, 16 Life), Bartuc's Cut-Throat, IK Ogre Maul, Carrion Wind 401-500: Rainbow Facet, Tal Rasha's armor
501-600: Arreat's Face - my personal holy grail :) , Tomb Reaver, Templar's Might 601-700: ethereal Berserker Axe, Crown of Ages 701-800: Lightsabre, Amazon skiller +36 life, Reaper's Toll 801-900: Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye, almost perfect Annihilus (19 all stats, 16 all res, +10% exp) 901-1000: Ormus Robes with Blizzard, Death's Web (the rarest drop by far!), 2nd Dragonscale and 6 runs before the end of the project...last piece of IK set - IK Soul Cage :)
I wish you all good luck. May the EV be with you!
submitted by MatiKosa to diablo2 [link] [comments]

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Hunter Characters: The Trionfi Brothers

This is a trio of characters inspired by many various sources and ideas, but primarily based on the Magician, Gambler, Cardist youtube video.


Basic Info:

Rammy Dominic Dennet-Parnell
Monty Carter Dennet-Parnell
Faro Hollace Dennet-Parnell


The Dennet-Parnell brothers are the sons of a world-famous stage magician and illusionist Fray Dennett, the latest of the Dennet succession of illusionists that spanned over five generations. To make up for his constant time away on world tours and performances, when the elder son turned five, Fray started voyaging together with his family, and began to incorporate his sons into his acts, using them as his assistants and props to his magic tricks. The boys grew on-the-move, travelling a lot, and were “homeschooled” by their mother, a former elementary school teacher, Jillian Parnell.
By the time the boys reached adolescence, Fray has decided to retire as a stage magician, having piled up enough money from performing worldwide, and settled down to open Magic Lounge, a magic-themed shop and café-bar, where he gave occasional performances. The boys were enrolled into a prestigious academy where they have received proper education. At the same time, their background with magic has began to show and bear fruit in their daily lives.
The elder son, Rammy, who’s been his father’s assistant the longest and has shown great talent in performing a great variety of magic tricks, has began developing his own “act”, participating in school shows and performing in his father café. He eventually developed his own stage “persona”, the Knave of Diamonds, and have invented several new tricks, as well as added his own spin to his father’s, incorporating modern technology and trends into his act.
The middle son, Monty, instead used his skills in card reading and manipulation to gamble, and has become a notorious gambler both in the school (playing under the table with other students), and in many small-time card clubs around the town. He claimed to have learned every card game in existence, and though he was perfectly capable of manipulating cards and cheating to win, he enjoyed to play fair and use his wits and playing skill to win the game.
The youngest son, Faro, was one year too young to be enrolled in the academy when their father settled down, and, for that year, he continued to be homeschooled by their mother. During that time, he grew very close with father - though all the sons have had plenty of quality time with him, that time was spent mainly on training and practice of magic, or performing. Faro, under his father’s tutelage began practice with cardistry, a relatively new form of close-up magic focusing on flourishing cards, and was soon very adept at it, able to perform many tricks and create various complex shapes with cards even with his eyes closed. By the time he has enrolled into the academy, his skills were on par with his brothers in their respective areas, and the three only kept improving all the way down to their graduation. The brothers were very close with each other, always having each other’s back, and though disagreements happened, they knew how to solve them peacefully.
During their academy years, Fray also revealed to his sons the existence of real magic, rather than the practiced art of delusion that the stage magic really technically was, though he didn’t use or even know the word Nen. That knowledge of the art was passed down in the family for several generations and was used by each Dennet in the family as part of their magic act (due to their knowledge of Nen being superficial at best, they could only create simple, weak Hatsu that worked well enough for stage magic tricks). Fray also showed his sons three relics, used by his predecessors as part of their ‘magical’ abilities: an ornate magician’s wand, a set of hand-carved wooden poker chips, and a deck of decorated cards.
After graduating the academy, which has left them with a good base of general knowledge but no actual work skills, they did not choose to pursue further education and a professional career, as they already had one on their hands.


Reaching adulthood, the brothers have taken over running the Magic Lounge from their father, who by that time decided to retire completely. They continued to practice and hone their skills, and each developed a simplistic Hatsu based on the relics their father gave them, which they considered to be a “magic ability”, incorporating them into their performances and quickly earning their fame, and bringing prosperity to their Lounge.
Stocking up for their Magic Shop one time, the brothers acquired what seemed like a regular magic box, the kind that was used for disappearing tricks. However, it turned out that the box really made items disappear without a trace, and never return. Unable to figure out the trick behind the box, the brothers eventually realized that the box had similar magic origins to their own abilities (and was in fact under the effect of a Nen ability). Eager to find out more, the brothers tried to trace the box’s origins, but soon realized that they had no means to get the information and resources they needed, though they have managed to make the connection to Hunters.
Seeing there to be no other way to find out about the origins of the magic item or finding new ones but to become Hunters themselves, Rammy took the Hunter exam, which he failed, but used the experience to train together with his brothers and prepare for the next year’s exam. They passed together on their third joint attempt, obtaining their Hunter Licenses, and soon were introduced to Nen, finding themselves a teacher to train them and developing their “abilities” into fully-fledged Hatsu. They continued to hunt for objects imbued with Nen abilities by people long deceased, becoming Magic Artifact Hunters.


Prior to becoming Hunters and learning about Nen, the brothers believed that its effects were “magic abilities” taught to them by their father and only being able to perform them with the “Relics” he has given them. The brothers were in a similar state as “Geniuses” that use Nen abilities without realizing it. Rammy, being a transmuter, could invisibly extend the reach of his wand, using that effect for his magic tricks. Monty, an emitter, subconsciously infused cards with his aura and used it to distinguish different cards without looking at them – which he considered to be a skill rather than a cheat. Faro, a manipulator, was able to exert his control over his cards without touching them, allowing him to briefly hover and move by themselves.
However, after becoming full-fledged Hunters and being trained in Nen allowed them to realize the origins of those abilities, the brothers soon expanded on them and developed them into full-fledged Hatsus of their own, along with a unique Hatsu that could only be performed by the three of them collaborating together.
Magician's Hatsu: Hocus-Pocus Wand
Gambler's Hatsu: Chips Down, Bets Off
Cardist's Hatsu: A Wild Card Chase

Combined Hatsu

Name: The Army of the Kindom of Cards
Nen type: Emission, Transmutation, Manipulation, Enhancement
The Hatsu can only be performed when all three Dennet-Parnell brothers are together, and uses their combined Aura reserve. It also requires a deck of cards that all of the brothers have attuned to their Nen. No other Hatsus can be used while this ability is active.
The Hatsu allows the user to summon powerful Nen minions to fight on their behalf. However, there are very specific steps that must be taken to summon each minion:
  1. Faro (the Cardist) shuffles the deck thoroughly. He cannot cheat and manipulate the cards in any way, else the ability fails to activate.
  2. He then deals 6 cards to Monty (the Gambler), with the cards carrying some of his aura to him.
  3. When Monty receives the cards, he designates one card the Minion, and passes it to Rammy (the Magician), also adding a portion of his aura to it. Alternatively, he can fold and return his cards to Faro, allowing them to start back at step 1.
  4. Rammy summons a minion based on the card. The suit of the card determines the minion’s Element, while the rank of the card determines their form as well as their skill and intelligence level.
  5. Monty uses the rest of the 5 cards to form the best possible hand as to Five-card Draw Poker. He can replace his cards with Faro. Once his hand is formed, he announces it and also passes it to the Rammy. The cards that aren’t part of the hand are returned to the dealer. (In case of a High Card, Rammy can choose which of his cards he’s going to use for the boost)
  6. Rammy’s hand determines the power boost that the minion gets – ranging from simply a high card, where the minion would be about as strong as a somewhat athletic non-Nen user, to a Royal Flush, that gives the minion almost unfathomable power levels.
  7. Once the “Round” is complete, so is the Minion, and it can now be issued commands and do its creators’ bidding. They can also summon up new minions, starting again from step 1. How many minions they can support depends on their combined Nen reserves and the power levels of current minions. The cards that were used to summon the minions and empower them remain with Rammy and cannot be used again until the ability is dispelled. Only the cards that remain in the deck can be used to summon more minions – the ones exchanged, and the ones not used in the hand.
Card Suits – the Elements
Card Ranks – the Minions
Aces – the Battlefield
A special case occurs when an ace is chosen for the Minion card. Instead of summoning a Minion, it changes the scenery and environment of the surroundings within a 20-m radius around where the card was used by creating a Nen space. That space provides an advantageous battleground for the minions of the same suit, and can impede opponents. The degree to which the battleground affects them depends on the hand. Only one Ace can be used in a battle.
Joker – the wildcard
When a Joker card is dealt, it immediately summons a Joker minion, and all the cards currently in Rammy’s hand are used to “boost” it. It will also have the strengths and abilities of all the currently summoned minions combined (if it’s summoned when no minions are on the battlefield, then its strength will depend solely on the hand, and it will not have any special abilities). The Joker is quite literally a wildcard – unpredictable and uncontrollable, it will act on its own, even against the brother’s interests.
The hands that are used to empower the minions are based on Poker hands. Though “High card” provides a very small, almost negligible boost, each higher ranking hand doubles the boost of the highest hand of the lower rank (E.g., a two-pair of 2s and 3s provides double the boost than a pair of Aces), while increasing hands in the same rank provide a linear increase in boost (e.g. a pair of aces will provide a boost greater than a pair of kings by the same margin that a pair of kings’ boost would be greater than that of a pair of queens)
Limitations, Details, numbers.

Big thanks to u/Stabbackerr for the original idea, inspiration and support! 
submitted by SlateObscura to HatsuVault [link] [comments]

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