Casino Holdem online spielen: die besten Anbieter, Tipps

casino holdem tips

casino holdem tips - win

5-card PLO starting tips?

I'm a winning NL casino cash player who's tempted to give bingo a shot. I play at MGM National Harbor and typically bring two max buy-ins when I go to play holdem. I used to dabble in 4 card PLO ten years ago, so I'm thinking I'll buy in with $2-300 and reload if I bust. Thoughts on short stacking the 1/2 game? Tips?
submitted by savesmorethanrapes to poker [link] [comments]

Tips for young players in US? 18-20y/o

I’ve recently got really into no limit holdem and introduced a lot of my friends to it. We regularly play twice a weak, .25/.50 $20 buy in with unlimited rebuys. My cousin and I have started to take it more seriously then our friends and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for young players like us. Obviously we can’t play online or in casinos but we are looking to try and become somewhat decent players by the time we are able to. If anyone has tips or advice anything would be appreciated:)
submitted by ChocolateTedGraham to poker [link] [comments]

First Time Advice

Hey everyone! I am going to be making my first trip to Vegas (this weekend, Thursday through Sunday) and I was just looking for some tips/tricks/advice. I have read about the "$20 trick" to get upgrades, but how often does that actually work?
I also have a few questions about what is or isn't open right now due to Covid. Are buffets open? Any suggestions for which buffets should be a must go? I am a very novice holdem player, I play for fun and I wanted to try it in Vegas, which casino tables or tournaments are more geared towards a newer player?

Any tips or advice or guidance is greatly appreciated. As a side note, I don't drink and I'm not really in to the club scene.
submitted by owntsk to vegas [link] [comments]

Discovering the Details of Poker

Poker is a game of discipline, strategy, intuition, skill, and like most other games, it requires a little bit of luck and a lot of patience. The poker game is a classic card game that uses a standard 52-card deck. A game can be played between two people and among as many people as ten. Different variations of poker call for different numbers of players to be at the table to play a real game. Most casino poker games require eight players for Seven Card Stud or Razz, but nine or ten players are necessary to play the variation of texas holdem poker.
Regardless of the type of poker you are learning, the objective of the game remains the same. When you sit down to play poker your ultimate goal is to be the player with the strongest hand that will win you the pot. But in order to accomplish this feat, a fair amount of strategizing and planning is necessary to secure your victory.
Not all poker players have natural talent that the great poker players have exhibited in poker legends you have read about, or watched in Hollywood films like Maverick, Rounders, Honeymoon in Vegas, or, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Although Hollywood can make any illusion seem real, even the actors had to go through a fair amount of training to acquire at least the outward skills and appearance of someone who really knows how to play poker.
If you are interested in acquiring the ability to be more than the illusion of a good poker player, it is helpful to look into online poker resources that can provide you with incredibly useful poker information and limitless opportunities to play all kinds of poker in real time. Using internet poker to learn about different types of poker like Five Card Draw, or even the art of bluffing in poker are two fantastic ways to improve your playing skills.
Most online poker resources will offer to all players with a range of experience, from professional to novice a great deal of promotions and offers that will encourage you to keep playing, and usually at no cost to you. In fact, there is free poker available to you at all times of the day no matter where you are in the world.
Moreover, most free online poker websites provide interested players with complete access to extensive online poker manuals, poker glossaries and explanations of the different types of poker varieties. If you are interested in making the next step and entering into actual tournaments, of which there are many kinds online, entrance bets are often as low as $1USD.
Essentially, online poker websites offer you more than an entire room full of poker guidebooks, plus the experience of probably millions of poker players who share their poker tips with other players via poker blogs, and poker online news sites as well. The best part of online poker, however, is that you will always be able to play a free poker game
submitted by Ozone21337 to psarangkiucominfo [link] [comments]

First attempt at live counting

Called a casino and asked if they had live blackjack (and what the table minimum ranges were) because its about 30 mins from my house. Remembered seeing some tables back in the day when i used to go in for Texas Holdem. On the phone i get redirected from their automated phone line and a person tells me no live BJ. Anyways, i show up dressed up like i got breadddddd (cuz i read a few times this may be a good cover for why I'm spreading bets so much), because i was very sure i had seen live tables there in the past. Turns out they still have about 20+ tables of BJ with varying rules. Find only a single table with $15 mins (6deck), which is what my bankroll will currently allow; the rest were $20 and up.
I back count the $15 table for about 15 mins trying to get my mind up to casino speed and inconspicuously looking all around the casino while the cards were being dealt and not really looking at the table until all 5 players and dealer had been dealt. My mind is fast enough to rapidly scan each set of cards and reach the visible running count. My biggest down fall is the in-between-hands part of remembering the running count, while tuning in to the conversations and not seeming like a robot. When i tune back in to the cards i often questioned myself "was it -1 or -2 to leave off?" (any tips to help with this?)
Anyways, i end up back counting that table for a total of probably 30 mins before the pit boss comes over and announces next shoe will raise to $20 min. I finally feel ready and eager to hop in once a seat is open and TC goes above 1. There are still about 5.5 decks left in the shoe. Count hovers from from -2 to 0 TC then back down to negatives until there is about two decks remaining, with one being cut off. Seat 1 opens and my heart rate goes up. Im preparing for my first action. Running count is currently at 0. Another hand or two is played and RC goes to 1. 1/1.5 TC. My heart tells myself its close enough to 1 TC to wong in at this moment but my head continues to remember the importance of my discipline to play only when conditions are in my favor, when possible. After that hand, TC goes back negative and a minute or two later, the table changes to a $20 min and my hope of getting my first AP action is folded. Blueballs.
I go to the poker room and play Hold em for about 2 hours to get some thrills and end up, up about $60. Not all bad, but not how i wanted to win it. *Sigh*
AP players of this realm, please bestow wisdom and encouragement on me
submitted by readrOccasionalpostr to blackjack [link] [comments]


Poker adalah permainan judi yang sangat terkenal popular di dunia casino las vegas yang berada di Amerika serikat permainan ini sangat popular didunia perjudian luar negeri dan sudah banyak dijadikan tayangan didalam film-film luar negeri yang sering kita tonton di televisi akan tapi tidak kalah lagi dengan Masyarakat negara Indonesia. Masyarakat Indonesia saat ini sangat meminati permainan poker ini. Dikarenakan diwaktu kekosongan mereka dapat mengisinya dengan bermain Texas holdem poker. Permainan jenis poker ini adalah permainan yang mengasah pikiran otak dan piling jiwa seseorang dalam membaca /menghayati kartu yang keluar pada meja.Permainan POKER ini menggunakan jenis kartu REMI. Pada permainan tersebut kita di tuntun harus mengkombinasikan / mencocokkan kartu yang ada pada bagian kita dengan kartu yang ada terbuka pada meja. Setiap pemain memiliki 2 bagian kartu jadi dimana pemain harus mencocokkan kartu yang keluar pada setiap meja. Dan dipermainan poker ini pemain dituntun saling bersaing tingkatan kartu yang tertinggi. Jika pemain tersebut mendapatkan kartu tinggi maka pemain tersebut akan memenangkan permainan pada putaran tersebut .Jadi dengan zaman semakin modern/maju kita tidak perlu lagi bermain judi didunia nyata, Hanya saja kita cukup dengan menggunakan hp/computer saja sudah bisa bermain judi jadi tidak perlu dengan bermain dengan dating ke casino,tempat perjudian nyata.Hanya dengan judi online di setiap situs judi online.

Untuk menang dalam bermain judi poker online tentunya tidak mudah, anda tidak cukup hanya mengandalkan gunakan cara bermain saja tetapi anda harus banyak membaca artikel – artikel tentang trik menang poker online disini kami sebagai admin menjelaskan & berbagi sedikit ilmu trik mendapatkan kemenangan dalam bermain poker online yaitu sebagai berikut:
*Bermodal yang cukup àtentunya dalam bermain hal yang pertama kita butuhkan adalah modal untuk itu pastikan modal anda cukup dalam bermain agar dapat memenangkan permainan poker online pkv games.
*Memahami setiap pemain yang duduk di mejaà sebelum melakukan persiapan taruhan pertama di meja anda sebaiknya membaca permainan pemain lain agar anda tidak terikut dengan arus permainan, justru dalam hal ini kita bisa memulai melakukan trik yang kita gunakan jika ada pemain di suatu meja tersebut emosi dalam bermain maka anda harus menunggu kartu bagus disitu nantinya anda harus mengambil langkah dengan menaikkan jumlah taruhan sedikit- sedikit agar pemain lain tidak mengetahui membaca kartu yang anda miliki tersebut.
*Bermain dengan sabarà pada trik ini banyak sekali pemain judi poker online gagal dalam melewati ini karena selalu sering sekali kita menjumpai yang namanya bermain secara emosi padahal bermain secara emosi dapat menghambat mendapatkan kemenangan dan akan membuat kerugian kekalahan yang begitu besar pada anda.
*Tidak terbawa keadaan permainanà biasanya jika dalam bermain judi poker online untuk mendapatkan trik kemenangan anda tidak terhipnotis dengan suasana keadaan permainan karena jika anda terbawa suasana permainan akan membuat anda kalah besar coba bermain dengan suasana tenang dan tidak mau di bawa oleh suasana permainan pemain lain disuatu meja.
* Berpindah-pindah saat bermainà tentunya dalam trik ini anda bisa lakukan agar anda tidak selalu menetap di suatu meja karena dapat menghambat kemenangan dan hoki anda, jika anda terlalu lama focus bermain di 1 meja anda sebaiknya keluar dan melakukan metode ini agar anda selalu hoki di setiap meja yang poker online.
*Dapat mengisi waktu kekosongan dengan bermain dan juga mendapatkan uang yang cukup.*Dapat mengatur strategis bermain dan menunggu kartu bagus.*Dapat menghilangkan rasa bosan seseorang.*Dapat memperkuat piling terhadap membaca kartu lawan atau pun kartu yang keluar dimeja.*Dapat membuat berpikir dan melatih daya tangkap ingatan seseorang.*Mudah mendapatkan uang apabila pikiran sedang tenang dan santai pada saat bermain.
Tentunya dalam setiap permainan pasti kita dapat menemukan adanya kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam setiap jenis permainan jadi disini kami memberitahukan kekurangan yang ada dalam bermain POKER sebagai berikut, yaitu :*Putaran bermain yang begitu cepat apabila pikiran anda sedang kacau akan menjadi kacau/tidak tenang dalam bermain.*Pemain selalu terpancing emosi dan tidak dapat mengendalikan diri sendiri dalam melakukan taruhan.*kurang fokus dalam melakukan taruhan.*Tidak bisa menganalisis keadaan apabila pikiran pemain kacau.*Membuat seakan seperti dunia nyata*Kurang memiliki waktu dekat dengan keluarga sendiri.
*SEKOP / SPADE = Jenis Kartu Berwarna Hitam*HEART / HATI =Berwarna Merah*CLUMBEKERITING =Berwarna Hitam*WAJIK / DIAMOND =Berwarna Merah
URUTAN KARTU REMI TERTINGGI – TERENDAHurutan jenis kartu remi adalah kartu AS,KING,QUEEN,JACK,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
*ROYAL FLUSH = Kesimpulan : URUTAN kartu tertinggi dalam permainan Texas holdem poker contoh : AS,KING,QUEEN,JACK,10 ( Harus jenis kartunya semuanya BUNGA SEJENIS tidak boleh berbeda ).
*STRAIGHT FLUSH, Kesimpulan : URUTAN KE-2 kartu tertinggi CONTOH : jika anda mendapatkan kartu yang straight ( 5 urutan kartu ) dengan memiliki bunga yang sejenis.
*FOUR OF A KIND, Kesimpulan : URUTAN ke-3 kartu tertinggi CONTOH : KOMBINASI kartu yang membutuhkan 4 angka kembar / sejenis yang terdapat pada kartu remi.
*FULL HOUSE, Kesimpulan : URUTAN ke-4 kartu tertinggi CONTOH: kombinasi kartu yang membutuhkan 3 angka sama dan 2 angka sama baik itu
*FLUSH, Kesimpulan : URUTAN KE-5 kartu tertinggi CONTOH : campuran beberapa kartu bebas tidak memandang angka yang didapat hanya saja yang dibutuhkan harus 5 urutan kartu dengan sejenis bunga.
*STRAIGHT, Kesimpulan : URUTAN ke-6 kartu tertinggi CONTOH : jika kartu yang didapatkan berurut tidak memandang bunga (bebas) dengan berurut 5 urutan kartu .
*THREE OF A KIND, KESIMPULAN : urutan ke-7 tertinggi CONTOH : jika kartu yang didapatkan 3 jenis angka kartu kembar.
*TWO PAIR, Kesimpulan : Urutan ke-8 kartu tertinggi CONTOH : campuran kartu yang membutuhkan 2 pasang kartu dengan angka yang sama di meja dengan kartu pada anda
*ONE PAIR, Kesimpulan : Urutan ke-9 kartu tertinggi CONTOH : campuran yang hanya membutuhkan 1 pasang kartu dengan angka yang sama di meja dengan kartu pada anda.
*HIGH CARD = kesimpulan: kartu yang keluar di meja tidak ada cocok/sama dengan kartu semua pemain maka dari itu semua pemain beradu kartu tertinggi.
Dipermainan POKER ini anda bisa mendapatkan bonus JACKPOT hanya saja jika anda membeli tiket jackpot pada setiap putaran yang ingin anda dapatkan disini anda tidak dituntun untuk membeli anda hanya saja bisa membeli kapan saja anda mau.Ini adalah urutan kartu tertinggi yang bisa mendapatkan jackpot apabila dibeli pada saat putaran taruhan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :
*ROYAL FLUSH ( 80% dari total jumlah hadiah jackpot )*STRAIGHT FLUSH ( 30 % dari total jumlah hadiah jackpot )*FOUR OF A KIND ( 10% dari total jumlah hadiah jackpot )
submitted by kenzokomang to u/kenzokomang [link] [comments]

My experience with poker in Macau (Long Post)

It was a completely spontaneous thing. I was in China on a 2-week trip to visit some relatives and had just arrived in HongKong when I realized Macau wasn't too far away and I had nothing planned for the next couple of days. A 2-hour bus ride later, I set foot in Macau for the first time in my life.
The first thing that struck me was just the sheer number of casinos and the ease of access to them. Shuttle buses were everywhere (mostly free!) and taxis were quite abundant as well (started at 19HKD for the first bit, + 2HKD every 100m I think). I quickly made my way into a couple of the casinos in hopes of hopping into some Holdem. A few attempts later and it became apparent that Holdem was not a popular game in Macau at all and only a few casinos offered it (Venetian, Wynn Macau, and possibly some others). The lowest stakes offered were 50/100HKD (about 6.5/13USD), with the lowest rake being 5% capped at 200HKD. These stakes were a bit higher than the 1/3 and 2/5 I was used to and I didn't have that much cash on me, but I wasn't about to come all this way and not play poker, so I got some help withdrawing money from an ATM at the Wynn and walked in with 20K HKD hoping to not bust 2 bullets in what was likely to be a deep game (25K buyin cap).
Some sidenotes before getting into the main action:
1/ The casinos were all really nice: very well designed, good service (people opening doors and greeting you), air-conditioned.
2/ Some potentially mafia-associated people would approach you on the casino floor quietly asking you if you needed HKD, but a brief shake of the head or ignoring them sent them on their way.
3/ Women would occasionally approach you on the casino floor asking you if you needed 'service'.
4/ No railing the tables if you weren't playing, and also no phones at the tables (you had to stand up to use a phone).
5/ No 1K chips were allowed to play at the poker table (not sure if for all the casinos or just the Wynn Macau). Had to use 100, 500, 5K, and 10K chips, with the dealers giving you 5 and 25 chips as change occasionally.
6/ Mandarin, Cantonese, or English were the only languages permitted at the tables.
7/ Good selection of beverage and food (drinks were free).
8/ No tipping! I tipped an extra 10 at the end of a session and got flashed a funny glance by a dealer. One of the regulars made a joke about me donating to Mr. Steve Wynn.
9/ Tables were all 10-handed.
1/ Battle with a Reg: Preflop Edition
18K effective. Good reg HJ opens for 300. I 3bet As4s to 1100 from the BTN. HJ makes it 2700. I 5bet to 5700. HJ tank folds.
2/ Funny Business with My Favourite Hand: Part 1
10K effective. I open from the HJ with JhTh to 300. SB weaker reg calls, BB folds. I cbet 400 on 9h7h5s. SB checkraises to 1300. I tank 3bet to 3300, hoping to fold out some pair or pair+sd type hands. He calls. Turn comes an As. He checks and I jam. He quickly folds.
3/ Funny Business with My Favourite Hand: Part 2
13K effective. I open (same orbit!) from UTG with JhTh to 300. Only a rec UTG+1 calls. Flop comes 5s5h5c. I cbet 200 and get snap called. Turn is the 9h. I lead for 800 and get called again. River comes the 2c. I overbet 5K and get a tank fold.
4/ No Fear
20K effective. Folds to me and I open 5s6s on the BTN. SB rec and BB good reg both call. Flop comes Ks8h9d. SB donks 300, BB calls. I make it 1500 and to my surprise, both call (slightly concerned about BB slowplaying a set but SB is FOS at this point). Turn is an inconsequential 3d, bringing a bdfd. I make it 2700, the rec calls rather quickly and the reg folds to my delight. The river brings the Js and the rec checks after a couple seconds. The best hand he can have here is a straight, but calling turn with a naked QT is unlikely even for this player, so with him holding so many 76, T7, JT, and possibly just Kx, I went for blood and went for a pot-sized 10K bet. My bluff gets through and after consoling the agonizing rec that I indeed had a set, I raked in my chips.
Poker in Macau is rather tough, and casinos don't seem super interested in promoting it, with a number of rooms being shut down over the past years. It might have been soft before, but not anymore. I assumed that sitting at the lowest stakes offered the games would be much softer than they were, but though there were still some weaker players, games were significantly tougher than the games I play in Vancouver, which aren't that soft compared to other places in the world. There were barely open limps except from one or two weaker recs, and for the most part, even the weaker regs were sizing and range aware. 3bets were also quite common and I suspect 4bet-bluffing was a thing among a number of regs as well. The overall vibe was more serious and competitive. I sat at 3 different tables over the course of 2 days, and the table composition was usually the same: ~3-4 tight weaker regs, ~1-2 good regs, ~2-3 recs, ~1-2 tight passive OMC, and me. It was an experience I'm definitely glad I had, but to maximize hourly, I'd for sure play elsewhere.
In total, I played 10 hours, and was up +22600 HKD.
submitted by Blooonz to poker [link] [comments]

How To Help to make Best Possible Use Associated with Bola Slot Online?

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submitted by mikkasirke to u/mikkasirke [link] [comments]

First time cruiser impressions you won’t find on YouTube.

I keep getting asked by friends how I liked it, what was surprising, etc so I figured I’d help out some of the new people here who have one planned or are considering it with a few tips that aren’t the obvious YouTube flair. This pertains to Bahamas via Carnival.
Don’t he first in line to get off the ship in a new port if you didn’t plan an excursion.
Why? Well at least for Carnival they didn’t have their A team out there and set up. We were one of the first people out of the ship and basically no one behind us in the Bahamas and we were INUNDATED with locals selling cabs, horses, Bikes, boats, cigars, etc. Pushy, aggressive and to the point where they would grab at you and try to fit you with bracelets to get donations out of you for “disabled school kids”. DONT WEAR A TOURIST BRACELET IN THESE AREAS. You’re marking yourself same as staring at a map out in the street. It ruined the experience until I went back and saw larger groups with more put together guides and help that knew where they were going. The public beach is about a 10-13 minute walk from the ship but you have to walk around some construction to get there. Too many lefts instead of rights and you are not in good company. You’ll see signs protesting cruise lines, guys yelling how Senior Frogs is not local and shady people hanging from cars yelling stuff at you for example. Yes, seriously we had that happen twice. Probably because we were early and isolated.
Atlantis is not full of magic and sunshine if you don’t have an excursion there.
We took the boat over to wander around and the stores were kinda nice. Same thing tho, go early and it’s a ghost town! The hotel staff really don’t want you just wandering through to their beaches either so either find the public beach and walk/taxi there or don’t go to the other island. That said in general: you need a taxi or guide if it’s your first time.
There are no “free lunches” on a cruise.
Any time a pamphlet says “free drinks!” It means you’re going to get a single, weak drink for about a half hour to hour of your time hearing a pitch. Drink “specials” were not special most times besides the first day, 12-2, the casino had half priced drinks. Those were the only half priced drinks the whole trip. Even tho the alcohol package isn’t worth the money if you don’t drink much, consider that you can get better alcohols for the drinks you do get, all the specialty coffees and shakes you want and you can taste multiple drinks with no intention of finishing them to expand your palette. Use this same strategy and avoid the buffet. You can try multiple appetizers, dinners and desserts for free at the sit down dinners offered every night. Bring one nice pair of pants and a shirt because even tho they said there wasn’t an elegant night when I asked before the cruise... there was and I was forced to the buffet that day.
Don’t buy cookies/cake for your room to meet you on day one. Same with a robe, etc.
The same cookies and cakes the sell in the fun shops are what you’ll find for free in the buffet. Load a plate up and put it in your fridge in the room. Robes are free upon request but $50 if you take one home. Same price as in the shop.
Coffee is not always free.
If you get a coffee at the coffee bar you’re going to pay for it. The free coffee is in bars if they have it, room service, buffet and dining area. You’re free coffee can cost $5 if you add chocolate to it too so ask for a coffee and a hot chocolate then ask for an extra cup. They use the hot chocolate powder to make a Cafe Mocha... $5 each and it’s not included in “bottomless bubbles”
Btw bottomless bubbles suck unless you’re super into soda. I found myself never using it and just drinking tea and lemonade with meals which is free. It’s a very limited selection and they were continuously out or half the stuff they offered on the website. It doesn’t help that in the buffet there is no where to get soda unless you go to a bar stall.
The casino takes a massive raking fee.
For a private Holdem poker table, the digital kind, the raking fee was up to 10% per pot at a table of 3 or more. The only way playing casually in the casino was worth it is at full tables where you can actually make bigger pots. Also note that the casino is off in ports because they don’t want to follow the rules/win ratios of gambling commissions. Keep that in mind at the slots.
That’s all I can think of right now but I’ll answer questions best I can from my “first timer” point of view if you want something the usual videos don’t cover.
All that said: it was super fun and I enjoyed myself. Next time, knowing the small details, will be an even better time.
submitted by Killtrend to Cruise [link] [comments]

New player to the game trying to beat new players. Any tips?

I know the rules and hands of Texas Holdem, but I’ve never played before. Right now, I’m at a summer math camp in Seattle, and tonight is Casino Night where the winner of Texas Holdem can win a real, legit poker set. What are some tips and tricks I should know?
submitted by leonardknowsall to poker [link] [comments]

Dance With Fate

Heres some retarded fiction I had started before doing other thread. This has zero relevance to other thread I have. I just decided to clean this up and post it.
There I was, the year is 2004 the day after my 18th birthday and my old man is riding me hard to get a job. What my old man didnt know was I had been given 200$ by my grandma and I had bigger plans.
I jump in my truck and drive down the dark two lane highway headed for the casino. I had been watching poker on ESPN for a year now, saw a slightly fat man like Moneymaker win the main event then a fatter man named Chris “Future John” Raymer win the main after him. Hell, I am an attractively thin man, and any thin man should be able to crush fat men at almost any sport and poker has been deemed a sport now.
After arriving and parking my truck I have the realization that if poker is a sport then I am now an athlete walking up to the bright lights of the casino entrance, so I skip through the door to show off my athletic abilities, catching the eyes of many. To no surprise security instantly IDs me as I look an age that Epstein finds (he aint dead) appealing.
I pass the security check and wander further into the modern day Roman Coliseum where poker warriors battle to the death of their wallets on the felt. One hand in my front right pocket tightly clinching my 200$ birthday money from grandma, and my other hand in the left pocket cupping my balls knowing having balls makes poker champions.
I arrive to a podium outside of the arena, some schmuck in a suit staring me down, trying to get a read on me. My first chance to test my poker face, I am up for the challenge. I stare back at him with a blank face, after 10 seconds of silence which must have been extremely awkward for him, he asks what he can help me with and I respond “once you can read me, youll know”. Silence ensues again, never breaking eye contact with him. Breaking the silence once again he asks “are you wanting on a list for a Holdem game?”. Fuck... he has read me finally, but I wasnt rattled as it took him well over a minute and if I immediately call clock on opponents when its their turn I should be able to keep them guessing just long enough.
He informs me there is 1-2nl and 4-8fl. Being an alpha male I accept a 4-8 seat since the numbers are bigger and it must be a faster route to being a professional. I give him 100$ of my 200$ and sprint the 30 feet to my table to exert my athletic prowess once again.
Dealer welcomes me, so I compliment her smile and tip her 10$ of my 100$ stack while flexing my pecks and staring at her with my patented blank stare so she cant get a read on my desires. I then pull my hoody over my head and grab 4$ and put it into the pot, she stops me and says “dont splash the pot and you have to wait until next hand to play”. This upset and embarrassed me, my face turning red and my body feeling warm I am now fighting back tears and I havent even been dealt a hand. I shake it off though and tell myself that even Phil Hellmuth has made an ass of himself a few times.
Minutes later, I am dealt in. My first hand is K7 off suit. “Queen is a pretty good high card” I state out loud while shooting glances out of the corners of my eyes, trying to throw my opponents off of my trail, as I count ten 2$ chips out of my stack and cascade 20$ into the pot. The dealer stops me and says I can only raise to 8$. Fuck! Humiliated again by these obscure casino rules! I am now fighting back tears again from the frustration of making an error. “Hold on” I tell the dealer as I calm myself down and correct my bet to 8$, now the players behind me are calling the 8$ feverishly. No one folded it seemed like. I am feeling disrespected that no one respected my raise, so I stand up pull my hood back and say “in time, you will all learn to respect my raise!”. We go to a flop of 27J rainbow. A couple checks to me and I bet 8$. Dealer hands me 4$ back as she tries to explain how the betting structure works and once again I am losing composure over a critical error, having to fight back tears isnt GTO in a live game. A couple people call and an older man is looking at me trying to make a decision. “CLOCK!” I yell trying to eliminate as much time as possible for him to get a read on me. “FLOOR!” The dealer yells out very loudly. “Oh shit!” I yell, thinking there must be an active shooter in the building, I dive under the table onto the floor thinking I cant go out like this. I hear no shots ring out and no one else went under the table. I climb back into my chair to see the guy in the suit from the podium informing a disgruntled old man he has 30 seconds left. The old man calls and so do two others.
To my great pleasure the turn is a Queen. The card I had asked for. This was my chance to take this pot down. I bet 4$ and eye down the table behind me, hoping they remembered my preflop remarks and fold their hands to me. The dealer interrupts my stare down by instructing me I have to bet 8$. My eyes begin to water. This one might finally break me, I dont think I can hold the tears back this time. My bottom lip is trembling as I feel a tear roll down my right cheek. I have no time to deal with these emotions though, I am in the middle of an elaborate bluff. I shake it off and add the other 4$ to make my bet. I force a fold, then another fold and its back on the old man who is trying to stare at me again. “CLOCK!” I yell once again, and the dealer yells “Clock called table 7” instead of potentially scaring me back under the table. The old man raises me to 16$ one person calls and I am in the spotlight again. I raise him back to 24$ and he calls along with the other person.
The river is a King. “Yahtzee” I say out loud as I cascade four 2$ chips into the pot. Old man calls and the last guy announces raise to 16$ and I immediately raise him back to 24$, the old man calls and the last guy makes it 32$. I pause for a moment, staring at the board trying to figure out what he could have. I raise it again to 40$ and simultaneously tip the dealer 10$ more as I cant see a combination of cards this guy could have that beat me. Both players call as I table my K7, the old man pushes his cards face down in defeat and the last guy turns over 910. “Ten fucking high! Hahaha!” I bellow out, salivating at the mound of 2$ chips that I am already grabbing for.
The dealer cuts my movement for the chips off and informs me that he has a straight and wins the pot. A flash of rage builds inside me as I look down at the two 2$ chips I have left. “Fuck this! Not today! Not like this!” I yell, reaching for my pocket knife and opening it up. I had seen in an old western movie a man recover a pot he was about to lose by jamming his knife into the table. So I swing down with the knife over the pot, catching the dealers arm accidentally cutting her pretty badly. I ignore the blood and her screams as I start dragging chips towards my seat, shoveling them into my pockets as I plan my escape in this now chaotic environment of people running and screaming. Suddenly someone hits me from behind and pins me to the table. The dealer screaming in pain and me with my face pressed down on the table unable to overpower the people pinning me down, as I scream “thats my fucking pot!”
Security drags me off as I stare at the chair that once was inhabited by me and the pile of chips now covered in blood that should have been mine. I was going to be a professional poker player, but ended up with an attempted murder charge and a 15 year sentence instead.
Its been 15 years since that happened. 15 years of reliving my session, remembering my errors. Unable to avoid thinking what might have been if I had not struck her arm with my knife and had utilized the other 100$ my grandma gave me by rebuying. I play Holdem in prison for cigarettes and snacks. Telling my fellow inmates of all my glorious triumphs from my professional poker days before being locked up. Wasnt like they knew I had only played one live hand.
Finally released from prison hours ago, among the items retrieved from when I was arrested was that other 100$ bill my grandma gave me all those years ago. My second buy in it was supposed to be, so my second buy in it will be. Im on my way to the casino to pull up my chair once more to dance with destiny.
submitted by cisheteropatriarchy to poker [link] [comments]

Tips on playing in a casino for the first time

I have been playing poker for a few years, and would consider myself moderately-experienced. I am travelling and will be playing in a casino(in Mauritius) for the first time. They play some type of oceanic-holdem, but I'll stick to texas holdem. What things should I be wary of, and what tips would you recommend for me?
Thanks in advance!
Ps, I dont plan to fold pre
submitted by YourDadHatesYou to poker [link] [comments]

Keesler - Casino and Hotel suggestions - PRK

Chaperoning someone for laser eye surgery and checking out what casino/s I want to try out. Looking for 1/2 NL Holdem. Splitting the cost of the hotel and looking for somewhere pretty nice.
Also comments/tips on PRK? I'll be going a few week afterwards to get my own surgery done.
submitted by Stickkzz to AirForce [link] [comments]

Fish Wants to Play Live

Soon, I'm going to be away on holiday near a casino (specifically Jupiters on the Gold Coast, AUS). I'd love to play live poker, because I think it would be a very fun and interesting experience.
I'm writing here to ask for some advice, because I'm definitely a bad player. I play very casually 1-2 or 2-5NL cash games, and I usually break even and I'm prone to tilt. I've never played live before, and I would certainly benefit from some backup information that protects me from making a fool out of myself.
This is a link to the casino's texas holdem page, which shows the blinds/buy ins. I'm confused by this $2-$3 blinds business, but they're probably the stakes that I'll play at. And yes, I'm prepared to potentially lose $300.
Specific questions I have are:
  1. What kind of playing patterns are more common in live games compared to online? (I've heard that lowish stakes at casinos tend to have more limpers pre-flop).
  2. Are there any rules/etiquette that I should always keep in mind at a live table that I may not currently be aware of?
  3. What strategies or playing styles tend to work better in live poker as opposed to online play.
  4. How the fuck do I manage physical chips? Also, what's the best way to keep counting the size of the pot to ensure good sizing?
Any tips or roasts telling me to kiss $300 goodbye would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: formatting n stuff
submitted by PapaKeatz to poker [link] [comments]

Can you guys introduce me to poker?

Hello, I would like to understand poker at higher level as I do right now. I played for years because I like the game and the feelings I get while playing but I have never studied poker I know the rules like what card combos win and when but I would like to be better and have some profits. I play mainly online on pokerstars and I have tried 3-4 live turnaments in local casino fór few euros.
Well my question is what books would your recomend for someone like me? Also math behind poker? Is there someone who explanis it ?What YouTube/Webs should I follow ? Basicly any tips or guides or views on game which will help me start and understand the beautiful game of Texas holdem poker.
Thank you for any help.
submitted by dlhyvlas to poker [link] [comments]

Anyone here play the time's up bounty at commerce?

Commerce Casino 6:00pm $150 NL Holdem - 6 Hours and Time's Up Double Green Chip Bounty
I'm thinking of entering tonight, was just wondering if anyone here has any experience with this tournament? It's basically a 6hr tournament and the prize pool is divided up by how many ever players are left at the end. Any tips other than last until the end? It feels like patience is key.
submitted by flimsyfresh to poker [link] [comments]

Another short Perk TV study: Duration of app trailers--this time for Android Devices!

A few days after posting a short study on the duration of app trailers for Apple devices, I'm happy to post this: a short study on the duration of app trailers--for Android devices!
Device: ZTE Concord II (these results may vary depending on the Android device you use, so keep that in mind.)
Note: I noticed that a couple of new app trailers have been added and/or moved around since I wrote everything down, so the number of app trailers is now at 108. However, the change is minimal enough that these estimates, I believe, are still accurate. Besides, I really don't feel like doing this all over again!
Number App Name Duration(in seconds)
1 Retailmenot 0:23
2 War of Nations 0:38
3 Royal Revolt 2 0:38
4 Transport Empire 1:05
5 DoubleDown Casino 0:33
6 Asian Date 1:46
7 Summoners War 0:48
8 Farmville 2 0:53
9 Monster Legends 1:31
10 Eternal Fury 0:35
11 Evolution Battle 1:45
12 Family Farm Seaside 0:42
13 Anastasia Date 0:46
14 CSR Classics 0:59
15 Perk Tips 1:57
16 Perk Screen Demo 1:12
17 Perk Screen 0:29
18 Perk Tokens Explained 0:54
19 Game of War 1:16
20 Poshmark 2:41
21 Perk TV 0:29
22 Skout 0:38
23 Perk Sends Rewards 0:36
24 Empire: Four Kingdoms 0:38
25 What People Are Saying 0:30
26 Perk Browser 0:52
27 Slots-House of Fun 1:10
28 iTriage Health 1:39
29 Slots by Jackpotjoy 0:23
30 Clean Master 1:02
31 Christian Mingle 1:32
32 Grepolis 0:35
33 SourceTone Radio 0:25
34 Mosaic Photo Books 0:49
35 Dragons World 1:41
36 Papa Pear Saga 0:28
37 Dragon City 1:47
38 Hellfire: The Summoning 0:30
39 Westbound 0:53
40 Megapolis 1:16
41 Dragons of Atlantis 1:07
42 Star Wars Force Collections 0:49
43 Stubhub 0:39
44 Tyrant Unleashed 0:29
45 Steel Avengers 0:38
46 Gametwist Slotsgame 0:23
47 0:38
48 myVegas Slots 0:23
49 Zoosk 0:38
50 Pirate Legends TD 1:17
51 Heroes of Camelot 1:23
52 Slots-Pharoah's Way 0:23
53 Live Holdem Poker Pro 1:17
54 Eredan Arena 0:39
55 CSR Racing 0:22
56 Panda Pop 0:38
57 Cookie Jam 0:23
58 Milk Music 0:33
59 Galaxy Legend 0:26
60 Big Fish Casino 0:37
61 Jungle Heat 0:36
62 King's Empire 0:31
63 Spartan Wars 1:04
64 Amazon Mobile 0:39
65 Slot City Casino 1:27
66 Immortalis 0:53
67 Open Table 1:25
68 Hit It Rich! 0:23
69 Gladiators 1:02
70 GSN Casino 0:23
71 Battle Nations 1:27
72 Brave Frontier 1:28
73 Forest Mania 0:23
74 Transformers 0:55
75 Castle Clash 0:23
76 Spot on Time 1:16
77 1:09
78 Slots-Journey of Magic 0:46
79 Onavo Count 1:12
80 theScore Mobile 1:22
81 Hipmunk Hotels & Flights 1:02
82 Ayakashi: Ghost Guild 0:57
83 Slotomanis 0:33
84 Golfshot 0:54
85 Township 0:34
86 TripTogether 0:40
87 Manilla 1:38
88 War 2 Victory 1:15
89 Zillow Real Estate & Rentals 0:38
90 Fantasica 0:39
91 Tribez & Castles 1:04
92 Dark Summoner 1:18
93 Deer Hunter 2014 0:39
94 DU Speed Booster 0:56
95 Cloud Raiders 1:07
96 Clash of Clans 0:31
97 Paramon 1:34
98 Greed for Glory 0:23
99 LifeLock 1:09
100 Pet Rescue Saga 0:28
101 Candy Crush Saga 0:34
102 Farm Heroes Saga 0:38
103 MeetMe 0:23
104 DU Battery Saver 1:02
105 Heroes of Dragon Age 1:07
Total Sum: 1 hour, 33 minutes and 33 seconds
Here we go.
Let's multiply 8 seconds between the videos times the 104 times this occurs, which gives us 13 minutes and 52 seconds.
There are advertisements before the app trailers which are usually 15 or 30 seconds long, so we'll multiply their average, 22.5 seconds, times the 105 times they show up. This equals 39 minutes and 22.5 seconds.
Now let's multiply the time it takes the advertisements to load, which for me was about 9 seconds, times 105, which equals 15 minutes and 45 seconds.
After the advertisement finishes, it takes about 2 seconds for my phone to load the app trailer itself. So let's multiply 2 seconds times the 105 times this happens. Here we get 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
Finally let's add it all up!
01:33:33 + 00:13:52 + 00:39:22.5 + 00:15:45 + 00:03:30 = 2 hours, 46 minutes, and 2.5 seconds
- -
Estimated Total Time 2 hours, 46 minutes, and 2.5 seconds or about 165 minutes
This estimate suggests that an Android devices will last more than twice as long on app trailers than an Apple device, which I calculated to be about 80 minutes in my previous post. This is a major advantage and helpful information for those wondering which OS Perk TV will run bettelongefaster on.
I'm pleased that I was able to pass this info along to y'all and I hope these numbers are accurate for you. If you find anything on here that is incorrect or is missing, please let me know and I'll rectify it promptly.
Thanks for reading and keep on Perking!
submitted by Contronyms to perktv [link] [comments]

Sejarah Permainan Poker Online Di Dunia

Sejarah Permainan Poker Online Di Dunia

Presiden QQ – Di bawah ini merupakan Histori Permainan Poker Online Di Semua Dunia. Di zaman saat ini, permainan kartu poker Online ini memang tengah booming, tidak cuma di kelompok penduduk Indonesia saja, tapi permainan ini dapat memang mendunia. Dan tidak cuma di kelompok orang dewasa saja, permainan ini sangat banyak disukai serta jadi hobby buat beberapa remaja yang berada di Indonesia ataupun di semua dunia. Bermula dari negara China serta sebelum 969 Masehi, waktu itu ada pada zaman kekaisaran Mu Tsung. Kaisar Mu Tsung bermain permainan yang semacam dengan poker tapi masih tetap memakai kartu domino dengan istrinya ketika malam tahun baru saat itu. Akan tetapi, kartu domino yang dipakai sang kaisar masih tetap terbuat dari suatu kayu yang begitu mahal serta waktu itu dibuat setipis kertas.
Ada pula yang memiliki pendapat jika histori permainan poker ini datang dari Mesir, persisnya pada era ke-12 serta ke-13. serta memakai medianya serupa dengan bentuk kartu yang sekarang ini dipakai. Saran lainnya juga menyampaikan jika permainan poker ini lahir di negara Persia pada era ke-16, yang diberi nama dengan Ganjifa atau Treasure Card. Di Persia sendiri, dek Ganjifa terbagi dalam 96 kartu. Kartu itu terbuat dari kayu yang mahal serta tipis seperti kertas. Di Persia bukan sekedar permainan Ganjifa saja yang ada, akan tetapi permainan NAS juga ada dengan memakai 25 kartu. putarannya juga di tetapkan sama dengan arah tangan taruhan serta menjadi pemenangnya diambil dari rangking yang paling tinggi.
Saran yang lainnya juga menyampaikan jika permainan poker ini telah lahir semenjak awal era ke-18 di sejumlah daerah yang berada di Eropa. Diantaranya merupakan di negara Jerman. Di Jerman sendiri, permainan ini dimaksud dengan juga Pochen. Serta di Inggris permainan ini dimaksud dengan Brag, sedang di Prancis sendiri permainan ini dimaksud dengan juga Poque. Pada zaman itu, di mana waktu perdagangan antar negara tinggi didunia, permainan Pochen ini dapat dikenalkan oleh pedagang Prancis yang waktu itu dimaksud dengan juga poker di Kanada-Amerika. Ketika itu suatu grup menyebut diri mereka menjadi Hardy Kanada yang berdiri di New Orleans serta berkembang ke negara sisi Louisiana, pelabuhan Mississippi.
Jonathan H.Green
Jonathan H. Green merupakan orang pertama yang tuliskan ketentuan bermain dari permainan poker. Dia membuat suatu buku rujukan tercatat mengenai media buku. Jonathan sendiri mengatakan jika poker merupakan permainan curang. Oleh karenanya beberapa orang yang ada di pelabuhan Mississippi yang mainkan permainan ini. Setelah itu The Cheating Game menggantikkan posisi Card Sharp yang waktu itu begitu popular menjadi type permainan kartu 3-Mother di circuit perjudian kartu poker.
Dari salah satunya sumber media sastra di Inggris mengatakan jika permainan poker ini sendiri lahir pertama-tama pada tahun 1829 di kota yang bernama New Orleans, Amerika. Salah satunya yang membuat permainan ini menyebar secara cepat merupakan pedagang Spanyol yang bermigrasi ke beberapa negara lainnya pada era ke-16 serta permainan ini dimaksud dengan juga Primero. Permainan Primero ini cuma memakai tiga buah kartu agar bisa memainkannya. Dari sinilah beberapa jenis taktik serta trik-trik mulai banyak muncul.
Jonathan nyatanya lebih tertarik pada permainan poker, lalu membuat buku lainnya yang berjudul “Cheatting Game”, serta suatu paparan dari seni, dan kesengsaraan perjudian. Jonathan jugalah yang pertama-tama memberi nama permainan curang serta akan memutus ganti namanya itu jadi Poker seperti yang kita kenal saat ini. Serta beberapa pemain juga terasa lebih ditantang dengan permainan baru dan akan memutus geser permainan, karena mereka terasa jika permainan ini lebih jujur dalam berjudi dibanding mainkan 3-Mother Card.
Salah Satu Taktik Pertama Kali Yang Muncul Waktu Bermain Poker
Taktik menggertak, merupakan diantaranya yakni berlaku seakan-akan kartu yang dipunyai merupakan kartu yang bagus atau paling tinggi, walau sebenarnya sebenarnya merupakan kartu itu merupakan kartu rendah dibanding dengan kartu yang dipunyai oleh lawan merupakan integral dari permainan ini. Bahkan juga, Primero sendiri dimaksud oleh beberapa orang pada tahun 1526 menjadi Mother Card (Poker Ibu). Poker ini adalah vs pertama yang di konfirmasi langsung oleh beberapa pemainnya serta terkait dengan juga poker moderen yang ada saat ini.
Pemicu Penyebaran Permainan Poker
Tidak hanya penyebarannya di pelabuhan Missippi, pemicu lainnya yang membuat permainan poker makin populer merupakan diadakannya kompetisi poker yang banyak menarik beberapa peminat beberapa orang untuk masuk di World Series Of Poker (WSOP) serta World Poker Tur (WPT), dan aktif di negara Indonesia pada tahun 1970.
Kompetisi poker awalannya diselenggarakan oleh casino yang ada di Amerika dan yang pertama-tama keluarkan saran, masukan, pendapat serta tips-trik bermain poker. Lalu orang Amerika itu keluarkan buku mengenai poker merupakan Doyle Bruson dengan bukunya yang berjudul “Poker Online Super Sistem” serta Mike Caro dengan bukunya yang berjudul “The Book Of Poker Online Story”. Bahkan juga ada seseorang masyarakat negara Indonesia yang sukses memenangi turnament itu pada tahun 1999 yang ada pada posisi ke-9. Lalu orang itu memenangi turnament itu terus-terusan sekitar 5 kali kemenangan.
Sebetulnya permainan poker mulai memakai beberapa jenis perhiasan atau harta yang lain untuk jadikan alat taruhan alternatif uang, akan tetapi tentu saja mempunyai nilai yang berlainan. Bahkan juga beberapa perhiasan yang berharga mahal saja dapat dihargai begitu murah karena nilai taruhan dinilai oleh sang bandar dengan sesuka hati. Jauh sebelum poker masuk ke Sin City Las Vegas, poker telah memakai uang menjadi alat taruhan yang lalu digantikan dengan koin chips ketika tahun 1940an. Permainan kartu poker ini yang semakin hari semakin popular dikalangan penjudi pada akhirnya masuk pada dunia maya. Poker Online sendiri mempunyai bermacam langkah bermain yakni diantaranya merupakan Texas Holdem Poker. Akan tetapi pada tahun 1988, Texas Holdem Poker Online dinyatakan dengan hukum berlainan dengan stud-horse di Tibbetts v. Van De Kamp, 271 Cal. Rptr. 792 (1990). Kamar permainan kartu di semua negara dibagian ditawari Texas Holdem (sering dipandang jika Texas Holdem Poker Online merupakan permainan ketrampilan, akan tetapi ketidaksamaan pada ketrampilan serta peluang itu tidak pernah masuk ke yurisprudensi California mengenai poker. Sesudah perjalanan ke Las Vegas, petaruh Terry Rogers serta Liam Flood mengenalkan permainan ke permainan kartu Eropa pada awal tahun 1980.
Beberapa penduduk awampun seperti beberapa remaja mulai kenal permainan semacam ini lewat media media massa, tv, serta website jaringan internet. Serta selanjutnya awalilah banyak muncul blog-blog judi poker Online. Permainan judi poker Online sendiri sebetulnya telah lama populer serta tambah lebih di sukai oleh beberapa penjundi dibanding dengan permainan yang lain karena permainan judi poker Online lebih menyenangkan serta praktis untuk dimainkan dan keuntungan yang dapat anda temukan sangat mengundang selera bergantung serta sama dengan jumlahnya taruhan yang anda ikuti. Itu peran dari mass media serta media elektronik yang lahir didunia.
submitted by Vermaline to u/Vermaline [link] [comments]

How can I lose the fear of playing 1/2 NL live?

I've played poker since 2003. Mostly small stakes and low buy in tournaments. I do ok. I've read and studied a few books, SSHE by Ed Miller, Internet Texas Holdem by Matthew Hilger, TOP.
I usually reserve no limit for tournaments. When I go to our local casino I usually play 2/4 - 3/6 LHE. I hear these stories about 1/2 NL players sitting with $100-$200 and walking away with huge profits.
Now, $100 is usually what I sit with at LHE and maybe that's enough for 1/2NL, $200 would probably be better, but I can't afford that.
The thing that keeps me away from sitting at 1/2 NL, is the thought of losing it all in one hand. With LHE, I can play for hours on the $100 I use. A few players have told me that I play the tight kind of style pre-flop that would do good in a NL game. I just can't make myself try it.
Any tips?
submitted by VaccusMonastica to poker [link] [comments]

I'm going to a casino for the first time, planning on playing some low stakes holdem. Any advice? Etiquette I should know about? Stuff you wished you knew when you started playing?

I've been playing holdem in a casual setting for years. As far as that setting is concerned, I feel pretty confident. I usually end up doing pretty well when I play with my buddies.
That said, I know it doesn't mean much and I will be a fish once I head out to a casino. But you have to start somewhere.
I've never been to a casino before. My plan is to find the lowest stakes table I can find (1/3 seems to be the lowest at the one I am heading to, according to the internet) and just get my feet wet. Drink a beer or two and try to have a good time losing my money (well, hopefully winning, but, I'm not going to get my hopes up).
But I'm a bit nervous. The biggest event I have ever been in was a 15 player tournament ($10 buy in) with friends from college. Hardly comparable to what I assume will be a semi serious setting.
So yeah... What should someone new to the casino scene know?
edit: one specific question I have - Tipping? Do I tip a buck or two every time I win a decent sized hand, or give the dealer (will I even have a dealer) some money as I am leaving the table?
submitted by efischerSC2 to poker [link] [comments]

Live holdem - first time

I have been watching a lot of jcarver and doing a lot of reading on holdem. I have always enjoyed it, but never played it for money or really gave it serious thought. But i'm thinking about going to a local casino and hopping in to my first live poker table some time soon. It's a 10 player max, $50 min buy in, $1/$2 blinds, no ante, no limit. With that being said and with never have gone before (so i don't know what the other players are like). If I go there with $50 just to try it out and have some fun, how fast do you think i'm going to get bullied out of the table? Any tips or suggestions you guys would have?
submitted by owntsk to poker [link] [comments]

Recommended Poker Books?

Hi Guys, I'm not exactly new to the game, but recently of age and fairly new to the casinos and online play. I've had some profit at the 3/6 limit tables at the casino and low stakes tournament play online. Haven't played 1/2 nolimit due to the lack of bankroll, but I plan to in the near future. I'm currently reading Winning Low Limit Holdem (Lee Jones) and Mike Caro's book. I plan to read Super System (possibly outdated?) and Ace on The River as well. I haven't yet and don't expect to find anything extremely profound through reading, but just want increase my overall knowledge of the game and whatnot, which should help me be more profitable in the long haul. Are there any books that you would highly recommend to me? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Thanks for all the tips and recommendations, I will likely read Harrington on Holdem or Slanksy's theory book next, sit and go strategy looks very appealing since I play a lot of online sit and gos, I am already placing in about 35-40% though I'm sure it could help.
submitted by kiDKhera to poker [link] [comments]

casino holdem tips video

Texas Holdem common mistakes - YouTube Basic Poker Strategy  Gambling Tips - YouTube The Five Best Tips To Win at Video Poker! - YouTube WH Casino Holdem Poker with Santa - YouTube How To Play Poker Like A Pro 🤑 The ULTIMATE Poker Strategy ... How to Play Limit Hold'em - YouTube 10 Tips to help you win at slot machines. - YouTube Basic Rules of Texas Hold 'em  Gambling Tips - YouTube 7 Beginner Poker Tips - Avoid the Common Mistakes - YouTube How to Play Poker - Texas Holdem Rules Made Easy - YouTube

Casino Tips. Ultimate Texas Hold'em Hole-Card Play: One Dealer Card, One Flop Card. When an AP finds a dealer on Ultimate Texas Hold'em (UTH) who is vulnerable to hole-carding, it is not unusual for her to expose the bottom card of every packet of cards she delivers (see this post for an introduction to UTH). This includes exposing one of her two hole-cards as well as one of the common cards Texas Holdem Tips Video Source & Information: Me playing poker and discussing my strategy, part 2 coming soon. I win $55 in this 10 part series of one of my sessions. CASINO HOLD'EM STRATEGY CALCULATOR . Select two player cards and three community cards. You can make the card selections by clicking on the deck of small cards or by entering the cards manually using the text boxes. The text box entry is in the form 2D = 2 of diamonds, TS = ten of spades, KH = king of hearts, etc. Click on the corresponding small or large card to clear the selection for that Casino Holdem um Echtgeld spielen. Bereits Casino Hold’em gratis zu spielen hat schon einen besonderen Reiz. Dabei kann man nicht nur das Spiel besser kennenlernen, sondern sich zugleich mit den Regeln und dem Ablauf vertraut machen. Fühlt man sich dann bereit, um Echtgeld zu spielen, muss man nur noch ein geeignetes, vertrauenswürdiges und Casino Holdem Tips land a jackpot win of millions. Besides exciting slot action, players can also look forward to table games, on PC or via the mobile online casino, like blackjack and roulette, as well as live casino games, like Lightning Roulette and Dream Casino Holdem Tips Catcher – and with some video poker and casual games available, there will always be something to enjoy at Casino Holdem für Anfänger: Tipps für den Einstieg. Der Einstieg beim Casino Holdem ist auch für Anfänger in meinen Augen problemlos möglich. Dadurch, dass hier nur gegen den Dealer gespielt wird, sind alle im Spiel befindlichen Karten recht schnell ersichtlich. Komplizierte Berechnungen, wie sie zum Beispiel beim Black Jack durchgeführt werden, entfallen. Viel kommt hier auf Deine Die besten deutschen Live Dealer Online Hold’em Casinos! Gewinnen Sie Echtgeld in Top Live Dealer Hold’em Casinos mit Live Croupier und Casino Bonus! Poker texas holdem tipps konto eröffnen → Casino Test [TOP 12] sämtliche Poker texas holdem tipps konto eröffnen auf dieser Vergleich. Die Qualität stellt aus sicherer Quelle stammend, dass keine Grund mehr hast andere Vergleichsseiten über Glücksspiele zu häufig besuchen. um zu dich als Zocker hat diese Zuverlässigkeit Vorteile kaufmännisches Und wird von uns belohnt. Poker gilt als eines der beliebtesten Kartenspiele der Welt und die Poker Regeln sind grundsätzlich einfach zu erlernen. Leider verstehen es viele Webseiten und Poker Guides aber nicht, die Regeln anfängerfreundlich für Spieler zu erklären, die mit den Fachbegriffen des Spiels nicht viel anfangen können und bislang keine Erfahrung beim Pokern sammeln konnten. Casino Holdem Poker is a casino gambling game, a poker variation that was licensed in 2007 in the UK. It is also known as the Caribbean Holdem Poker. The game has since grown to be played in online casinos, mobile casinos, and live casinos. The game has been influenced by the old-fashioned multiplayer Texas Holdem Poker.

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Texas Holdem common mistakes - YouTube

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