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Rey's Note Connected to SEC Investigation? I think so

After doing a lot of research on Porter the SEC investigation and newsletters from Porter.
I believe I understand what Rey was saying in the note.
First off I think he made it so that Allison or his family wouldn’t have any idea what he was talking about. He wanted to protect them. I do think he also made it in a way that Allison would know it wasn’t a suicide note. Which in UM she said she didn’t
Read the newsletter emails that got Porter in trouble with the SEC. Which Porter wrote using a pseudonym Jay McDaniel. The weird thing about that to me is that Jay McDaniel was one of Porter’s employees that wrote news letters. It’s strange too Porter references himself in the newsletter and I mean tells lie after lie after lie.
So why use a co workers name to write a newsletter?
I was able to speak with an accountant about this. I asked them if they could think of any reason someone would do this. They said “well if it was a fraudulent tip it would be better to not have your name on it. “
I’m going to do a more in depth post on the SEC investigation after this. When I stopped looking at the Belvedere and started asking myself. Why was Porter trying to get Rey to Baltimore to work for him. Things really started making sense. Many people that knew Rey said that was weird.
If you get more familiar with the newsletters that these companies put out. The format on Rey’s note isn’t so strange. He was trying to make it look like a newsletter.
Brothers and sisters, < I believe that he was trying to make it look like a greeting.
Right now, around the world volcanos are erupting. What an awesome sight. < This is in reference to the USEC company with nuclear warheads. If you read Porters newsletter in the
Line from the newsletter from Porter - the number of nuclear warheads around the world by around 10,000. This is a major company that sells a critically important commodity all over the world.
Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit, "Whom virtue unites, death will not seperate." < I think Rey was getting into the Freemasons because he thought it might help him convince some people that he was committed to doing what they wanted him to do.
That was a well-played game. Congratulations to all who participated. I hope you enjoyed it, but it was time to wake up. So here I am. < I think Rey is referring to the “game” as whatever Porter was referring to the game in the newsletter from the USEC. I think in this whole note he’s trying to convince some people that he’s all for what they did and he’s happy about the money but he doesn’t want to be a part of it any more. I believe that’s what the “time to wake up” means.
Line from newsletter - You know how the game works. The important work is done in advance, so that when the cameras are rolling, everything comes off without a hitch.
I'd like to welcome those who accepted our invitations for membership during the game. We couldn't have done it without you. < Here he’s talking about all the companies that worked together I think. After Porter sent out that “super insider tip” He told the subscribers to buy on May 22 he said he could guarantee that the Bush-Putin treaty would be signed and the company would go public. Which would make the stock rise. In the SEC investigation they talk about how much activity there was on that stock up until May 14 or 19. So the people who purchased that stock(which Porter encouraged them to invest their whole portfolio or whatever they could) already had to pay a higher price for it by the time May 22 came. Then it dropped. A lot of people lost money.
I took on this endeavor to find the truth. But, not for its own sake. In accepting this quest for the truth, I hoped to make myself, with the help of others, into a man worthy and ready to receive it. < Here he is trying to convince someone that he’s not going to talk about whatever information he has.
I stand before you a man that understands the purpose and value of our secrets. That's why I cherish them as secrets. < He’s saying that he understands why he can’t talk and he’ll keep the information to himself.
And one secret that has been restored, my brothers, is the necessary role of our sisters in this community.
< I think here he is saying that he hasn’t told any women about this(think he was trying to keep Allison safe) so I bet that there’s no women in this group. The whole “Brothers and Sisters” thing is just so it looks like a greeting and putting “Brothers” would be too obvious. I think he was scared not only for his life but for Allison’s and his family. I think the fact that this note gave us all so much headache to try and figure out. Actually shows how much Rey loved Allison and his family.
Members of the council, please note that I will lend careful concentration to the traditional responsibilities. In light of these proceedings, and I will satisfy the standard request of this council in two months time.
< Here he is saying he will do whatever they want him to do.
Again, well done to all who participated. I expect the council has invited all the players who gave their lives to this pursuit back so they may join us here: Thom Hickling, Rayburn, Batchelder, Joan Tellini, Stanley Kubrick, Donna, Christopher Reeves, Portria Rosado < Here he is talking about Anne Rayburn and Thom Hickling. I think they knew too much and because of the SEC investigation. I think the companies involved with the SEC investigation didn’t want anyone knowing some information. Especially if they were leaving the company(like Rey)
Anne Rayburn( The Oxford Club’s George Rayburn’s sister )- died(suicide)- I can’t find any info about it, just the obit. - Dec. 7, 2005 - age 22
Anne Rayburn
RAYBURN, Anne E. Suddenly on December 2, 2005, ANNE ELIZABETH RAYBURN, beloved daughter of A. Kent and Barbara A. Rayburn; dear sister of Linda R. Riina, Eric Ashley Rayburn, Scott Rayburn, and George Rayburn. She is also survived by many loving nieces and nephews.
Thom HIckling(Rey’s friend and agora employee. Rey thought his death was suspicious. He told his mom I think about it.) - Dec. 27, 2005 - age 51
With his pony tail and gift for spoofing goofy elements of evangelical subculture, Thom Hickling was not a stereotypical evangelical media personality. But Mr. Hickling, who died Tuesday in a car crash in Zambia, shaped Pittsburgh's evangelical culture in the 1980s and 1990s through his family's radio station, a singing ministry, a newspaper and two television shows.
Mr. Hickling, his daughter, and another worker from the refugee camp were on a two-lane highway when they were struck head-on by another vehicle.
The first news his family heard of it was when his former wife, Cathy, received a phone call from a passer-by who said he had found "a dead white man in a car registered to Holly Hickling."
The U.S. State Department helped them confirm that the dead man was Mr. Hickling, and to locate Holly in a hospital, Cathy Hickling said.
What agora employee was with him? They just left him in the car while they went to the hospital?
I think Thom told his daughter “It’s okay” because he too was trying to keep her safe.
Before I continue with my instructions for the council and claim my prize for my service, I'd like to allow Porter Stansberry to claim his prize. Now Porter, don't waste these words by claiming something I'd just take back. < I think this could be referring to the confidence game. Which you could bet someones life instead of yours.
Now that the game is finished, I expect the council to recuperate those who have given time and talent to this venture. Along with myself, those players should be made 5 years younger by the council.
Maria (Removed), Allison (Removed) (Miss), Elena (Removed), Angel (Removed)(my dad), Angel (Removed)(my brother), Brad (Removed), Andrew (Removed), Dan (Removed), Jim (Removed), Michelle ? , Willard (Removed), Billy (Removed), Steve (Removed), Anne (Removed), Tiffany (Removed), Colleen (Removed), Mike (Removed), Mladen (Removed), Michael (Removed), Jennifer (Removed), Tom (Removed), Kathleen (Removed), Scott (Removed), Chris (Removed), Juliana (Removed), Michael (Removed), Courtnay (Removed), John (Removed), Cynthia (Removed), Ted (Removed), George (Removed), Bill (Removed), Pat (Removed), Steve (Removed), Liz (Removed), Frank (Removed), Pat
(Removed), Darnell, Gill (Removed), Gladys (Removed), Frank (Removed), Lynn (Removed),Claude (Removed), Arlene (Removed), Karen, Annie (Removed), Belkis (Removed), Scott (Removed), Joyce (Removed), Wayne (Removed), Eric (Removed), Mike (Removed),Mike (Removed), Dan (Removed), Juan (Removed), Linda (Removed), Dave (Removed), Steve (Removed), George (Removed), Tom (Removed), Thom (Removed), Leonard (Removed), Trudy (Removed), Norm (Removed), Nancy (Removed), Soundis (Removed), Zonya, Chiarra (Removed), Josh (Removed), Lizzy...., Leslie (Removed), Frank (Removed)(her dad), Michael (Removed), Helen (Removed), Larry (Removed), David (Removed), Madeline (Removed), Marni (Removed), Jeff (Removed), Jason (Removed), Ben (Removed), Bonnie (Removed), Jennifer (Removed), French, Carla (Removed), Cheryl (Removed), Daniel (Removed), Dan (Removed), Derryll (Removed), Ed (Removed) Sr., Ed (Removed)Jr., Dora (Removed), Eva (Removed), Husband (Removed), Greg (Removed), Jay (Removed), Gary (Removed), Doug (Removed), Mark (Removed), Phil, Jack (Removed), George (Removed), Hedi (Removed), Jack (Removed), Rhoades (Removed), Jeff (Removed), Jim (Removed), Joe (Removed), Kai (Removed), Kristy (Removed), Claudia, Lynn (Removed), Mark (Removed), Rochelle (Removed), Matt (Removed), Maureen (Removed), Michelle (Removed), Sherrie (Removed), Sean (Removed), Sue (Removed), Susan (Removed), Tedder (Removed), Will (Removed), Will (Removed), Wilson (Removed), Addison (Removed), Bill (Removed), Chuck (Removed), Andrea, Yolanda (Removed), Lisa (Removed), Father (Removed), Miguel, (his wife), Maria (Removed), Eric, Sarah
Porter Stansberry [if he didn't do it himself]
< Here Rey is referring to before the SEC Investigation. I think Rey was trying to keep his family safe.
I think the rest of the note is in code. To whoever this note was intended for. I think the check numbers that was wrapped around it or 5 7 could be clues to how to break the code. I think that there are intentionally random things in this note. Because I think Rey intentionally was trying to make sure that Allison didn’t understand it. I think he was trying to hide all of this from her.
Why is the SEC Investigation so important to Rey’s case. Well if you read it. It seems like Porter might have been involved in insider trading. The Agora, Pirate Investor(Stansberry & Associates, Stansberry Investment) Frank Porter Stansberry, and the USEC(company from newsletter that Porter wrote that led to the investigation) originally all had charges filed against them.
Then because Porter was directly responsible and they could not prove insider trading only charges were brought against Porter. However if someone had proof of insider trading it would mean that the other companies involved could face charges.
Insider trading in the US is a crime that is punishable by monetary penalties and incarceration, with a maximum prison sentence for an insider trading violation of 20 years and a maximum criminal fine for individuals of $5 million.
SEC whistleblower - if you send a tip into the SEC as a whistleblower if the tip results in more than a sum of a million dollars you get some kind of award. There are a few ways you can send a tip in. You can send a tip in anonymously. I looked over the forms and etc. on their website. It talks about how they can or might reach out to you.
So since Porter was already involved in a SEC investigation(since 2002) I think that means that the SEC could contact people inside the company to help with the investigation. So that would make sense to me why Thom Hickling's death and Rey's death were connected even if they worked for different subs under agora. It's because all the companies involved I imagine would want to cover their own asses.
I looked up how easy it would be too have a switchboard phone incoming outgoing calls to be transferred to someones cell phone or land line. It turns out it's pretty easy. Especially if you were the boss or an admin.
So I think Rey knew something was definitely up. I think he might've written the note on 05/07 if that's what those numbers are that he was referring to. That was the Sunday that Rey called Porter saying "he figured it all out" which you can actually have phone calls recorded or talk while on voicemail with a switchboard phone based off what I read.
Hours later Rey's house is attempted to be broken into. Police say it was squirrels. I was able to speak with a police officer. First I asked them what the typical process is like for a police officer in that situation. Then I asked if they ever thought a squirrel could've set off an alarm. They said well it would depend on the alarm system but typically in order for the alarm to be set off contact would've had to be made to the inside. For example opening a window.
So that lead me to trying to get in touch with someone who works on alarm systems. They kept asking me why the cops thought the alarm could've gone off by squirrels. I said I don't know. I knew when I watched the UM episode that squirrels were nocturnal. They told me some of the similar things that the cop told me. About how alarms systems are set up and what sets them off. They ended with saying it was absolutely ridiculous that someone said a squrriell would set off the alarm.
I then told them about the case, what happended. I intentionally didn't say anything about this case to them before I asked my previous questions. Their first question was "were there cameras?" I laughed and told them the story. They said "oh someone was in cahoots with hotel security." They said it like it was fact. Like they had no doubt.
I'll end with I was researching the crisis management team(mentioned in that Baltmore Sun article - Baltimore Sun is connected to Porter) that Porter hired. I saw a quote from the owner that said "If you don't tell your story, someone will tell if for you." I can see why Porter hired them and I looked at their services and they do have a few different web social media services. If you look at all the different places you could find Stansberry reviews it looks exactly the same as these Rey Rivera subs. So I think there was a narrative in this case that isn't true. I'll post more of my research soon.
submitted by realdiscodetective to JusticeForReyRivera [link] [comments]

American travelers: every country you cannot fly to directly and some possible airline routes you can use to get there

There are several countries you cannot fly to directly from an American airport. Due to how connected America is to the rest of the world, however, many countries you cannot fly to directly are just one connection away.
This is my attempt to try and discover some routes you can use to get to certain "unreachable" countries. Please feel free to suggest a different route if you see fit, but do note that I'm going to favor connections that are one-stop, utilize the same airline, and utilize a major airline just to make things simple (there could be an endless number of possibilities otherwise). Also, I'm going to assume that you have an endless supply of cash; I don't want to analyze cost, airline miles benefits, codeshare agreements, etc. since it complicates things too much for the purposes of this post (it's going to be different on an individual level too). I'm also going to assume that you already have a visa and other required materials to visit these countries (if needed). Finally, I acknowledge that with a certain, well, circumstance going on around the world, some of these flights may be suspended for the time being. I try to acknowledge that where it is the case but I can't possibly cover every case.
Afghanistan: Dubai and Istanbul will be popular stopover locations for many unreachable destinations in the Middle East thanks to Emirates and Turkish Airlines respectively. Both Dubai and Istanbul have direct flights to Kabul, the largest airport in Afghanistan. Some passengers could also utilize Delhi via Air India and even Kuwait Airways via Kuwait City, though the latter only applies if you live in the New York region.
Albania: Europe is generally an easy case as several American airports offer services to London (Heathrow and Gatwick), Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, Rome, etc. which each cover Europe quite extensively. In Albania's case, Tirana is no exception to this trend. You can connect at various European hubs using various major European airlines.
Algeria: several options exist. Europe offers various connect points to Algiers via major airlines. However, an option also exists to connect in Montreal. I realize that certain circumstances may make it difficult to do now, but this applies under normal circumstances. Montreal offers seasonal services to Algiers via Air Canada, and Air Canada flies from the Quebecois city to several American destinations. If you're feeling more unconventional, Air Algérie also offers direct flights from Montreal to Algiers.
Andorra: sadly, as of today, you cannot fly to Andorra. Note that this means no one can fly directly to Andorra as it does not have an airport that services commercial flights within its borders.
Angola: a few options exist, though perhaps Air France, KLM, and Lufthansa are the most intuitive options for many American travelers (France, and specifically Paris, will be a very popular connection spot for several unreachable African destinations). You could also connect via Brussels Airlines and even Royal Air Maroc for some American travelers. Other perhaps less efficient options would be Emirates, Ethiopian Airlines, and in a few months, Qatar Airways as well.
Armenia: when it comes to major airlines, your best bets may be Air France or possibly Qatar Airways although you could also possibly utilize Aeroflot, Austrian, Brussels, or LOT depending on your circumstances.
Bahrain: in addition to Emirates and Turkish Airlines, Bahrain is well connected to many European destinations and thus it there are plenty of options (ex. British Airways, KLM, Lufthansa) which you can use to transit into Bahrain.
Bangladesh: the most intuitive options are Emirates and Singapore Airlines. It is also possible to connect in London, but you will not be flying the same airline into and out of Heathrow. Only Biman Bangladesh Airlines flies to Dhaka from London.
Belarus: the easiest options for most American travelers would be to connect at Frankfurt or Istanbul using Lufthansa or Turkish Airlines. If you're feeling more adventurous, you can also connect in London or Paris and fly Belavia to Minsk.
Benin: probably the easiest option is to connect in Paris via Air France. Some American travelers may also have Brussels Airlines or even Royal Air Maroc as options.
Bhutan: technically, Bhutan is only one stop away. Options exist to connect directly from Delhi or Singapore and in a few months even Dubai and Tokyo. However, you will not be flying a major airline into Bhutan. Only Bhutan Airlines and Druk Air currently offter services into Paro International Airport.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: unfortunately, as of today, a lot of services to Sarajevo are suspended. Options do exist via Turkish Airlines and Qatar Airways but those are perhaps not the most efficient. Under normal circumstances, the most intuitive option would probably be a connection in Munich via Lufthansa or a Norwegian connection in a Scandinavian airport. Some American travelers might also have been able to utilize Austrian Airlines.
Botswana: the only one-stop possibility to Gaborone is through Johannesburg, and unfortunately, you will not be able to fly the same airline out of Johannesburg as South African has suspended services to the Botswanan capital. You'd have to fly Air Botswana or Airlink. Two-stop options exist via Ethiopian and Qatar Airways, however, those obviously are far less efficient options.
Brunei: the most intuitive option for some American travelers would be Singapore Airlines. Options also exist to connect in other popular Asian airports such as Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, and Tokyo and it's even possible to connect via London and Melbourne. However, you will have to utilize Royal Brunei Airlines on your flight into Bandar Seri Begawan in those cases.
Bulgaria: Sofia is well taken care of by several major European airlines such as British Airways and Lufthansa so most American travelers shouldn't find it that hard to find a one-stop flight here.
Burkina Faso: perhaps the easiest option would be an Air France or, for some travelers, Brussels Airlines connection. Other options are far less efficient though they do exist (ex. Turkish Airlines).
Burundi: the only one-stop options that exist from America are Brussels Airlines and Ethiopian Airlines. ICMYI Bujumbura is no longer the capital of Burundi, it was changed to Gitega recently.
Cambodia: several major Asian airlines (ex. Asiana, China Airlines, Korean Air) that service a good number of American airports have direct flights into Phnom Penh and/or Siem Reap from their respective base of operations so it won't be hard to find a flight.
Cameroon: one-stop options on Air France, Brussels Airlines, and Royal Air Maroc exist to both Yaoundé and Douala. Other options exist (ex. Ethiopian) but are far less efficient.
Central African Republic: the option available to most Americans is Air France, though for some and for those who wish, Royal Air Maroc is also available.
Chad: a few options exist, though for maximum efficiency and availability, Air France is the best bet for most.
Comoros: at this point, I realized that I completely forgot that Kenya Airways now flies to JFK. So yes, for people in the New York region, you can connect at Nairobi to Moroni. Two-stop options also exist on Ethiopian and Turkish, the latter of which may be more readily available.
Cote d'Ivoire: the combination of Air France, Brussels Airlines, and Royal Air Maroc are most American's best bets for one-stop connections into Abidjan. Connecting in Lisbon via TAP is also a possibility.
Croatia: as with many other European destinations, several major European airlines service Zagreb so you won't have a huge problem finding a connecting flight. BTW, you may have wondered why I haven't mentioned any regional low-cost European carriers (ex. Ryanair, Wizz Air, etc.) as options. The main reason is that they don't exist in America, so according to the preferences as outlined at the beginning of this section they won't be listed unless there really isn't any other option.
Cyprus: this popular destination has no shortage of major European airlines that service it. American travelers from major and even mid-major airports should have no trouble finding a one-stop flight here.
Democratic Republic of the Congo: the most intuitive options are again Air France and Brussels Airlines to Kinshasa, the former being more readily available. Other options do exist, though.
Djibouti: for most American travelers, Air France or Turkish Airlines are probably their best bets for one-stop connections. It is also possible to connect here via Ethiopian, Kenya Airways, or Qatar Airways, though some of these options aren't as readily available.
Equatorial Guinea: the easiest options are probably through Air France, Lufthansa, and possibly Royal Air Maroc. Less-efficient options on Ethiopian and Turkish also exist.
Eritrea: the most readily available option would be to connect in Istanbul via Turkish Airlines. Some travelers may be able to utilize EgyptAir or Ethiopian Airlines as well.
Estonia: options on Finnair, LOT, Lufthansa, Norwegian, SAS, and Turkish exist, though some options are obviously more available than others.
eSwatini: ICYMI this is what Swaziland is now. While a one-stop option exists in Johannesburg, getting there non-stop by itself is not a readily available option to most American travelers. Additionally, you will have to fly Eswatini Airlink into King Mswati III Airport as its the only one that services international flights and this is the only airline currently offering flights from the airport.
Gabon: a few options exist, but the most intuitive is probably through Air France. Some travelers could also utilize Royal Air Maroc as well.
Gambia: from Europe, you can connect via Brussels Airlines or TAP, and from Africa, Royal Air Maroc.
Georgia: this airport is unfortunately not served by British Airways, but you can fly in via Air France (seasonally), Lufthansa, Qatar Airways, or Turkish, to name a few.
Guinea: we find once again Air France, Brussels Airlines, and Royal Air Maroc being intuitive options for one-stop connections, this time into Conakry. Additionally, some travelers may be able to utilize TAP.
Guinea-Bissau: the only one-stop options you have on the same airline are Royal Air Maroc and TAP.
Indonesia: Jakarta is served by several major Asian airlines that are readily available at several American airports, so you shouldn't have a problem finding a one-stop flight here. Additionally, Garuda Indonesia services many Asian airports with direct connections to the US. If you want to fly that airline, the option is very much available for you to do so out of your airport connection.
Iran: as of today, basically every major flight out of Tehran has been suspended. Normally, you would've been able to find connecting flights on Lufthansa, Qatar Airways, and Turkish Airlines, to name a few. You could've also flown Iran Air out of several European cities such as London.
Iraq: several Middle Eastern airlines such as Emirates, Qatar Airways, and even Royal Jordanian offer connections into Baghdad. Additionally, don't forget about Turkish Airlines (which basically flies to every place in the world). If you must connect in Europe, Iraqi Airways does fly out of some European destinations with direct flights to the US.
Kazakhstan: prior to the suspensions, a good number of options existed to Nur-Sultan (NOT Astana anymore!) and to a lesser degree Almaty. Your best bet for the moment is probably through Turkish Airlines or a Middle Eastern carrier such as Etihad or Qatar Airways. Air Astana still operates to some European destinations such as Frankfurt and London though don't expect that to last for very long.
Kiribati: thankfully, Fiji Airways has direct flights to some West Coast destinations such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, so Tarawa is just one stop away.
Kosovo: virtually all services to Podgorica have been suspended for the time being. However, you can still get in via Turkish Airlines. Another sneakier option exists if you live in New York: Air Serbia offers a one-stop connection option from JFK.
Kyrgyzstan: the only one-stop options on the same carrier available are in Moscow via Aeroflot, Isbantul via Turkish, or, if you live in the New York region, Tashkent via Uzbekistan Airways at JFK.
Laos: the most readily available option is probably a China Southern connection via Guangzhou. However, if you live in the Bay Area, a China Eastern connection from San Francisco via Kunming also exists.
Latvia: from Europe, the most readily available option is probably Lufthansa, though Finnair and LOT also exist if they'e available from your airport. You could also connect in Istanbul via Turkish as well (I just realized that Istanbul Airport is on the European side, sorry guys!).
Lebanon: several connecting points from Europe and the Middle East exist so I'm not going to list them all. It shouldn't normally be hard to find a connecting flight here.
Lesotho: as with eSwatini, a one-stop connection does exist in Johannesburg but you won't be flying the same airline. Only Airlink flies into and out of Maseru.
Liberia: as of today, the most efficient connection options are via Brussels Airlines and Royal Air Maroc. Air France is (supposedly) starting operations there next month, but even if the current situation dies down before then, I'm not sure if that flight will be direct.
Libya: currently, there are no connecting options using the same airline into Tripoli. The most intuitive point of connection is through Istanbul, where a few airlines fly into Tripoli.
Liechtenstein: currently, no airport in Liechtenstein offers commercial service.
Lithuania: essentially all operations out of Vilnius have been suspended. Normally, you would've been able to fly in on various European carriers such as Lufthansa. It is still possible to fly in via Turkish according to Wikipedia, however. And Ryanair does offer a few services out of London. However, these may be Wikipedia typos.
Luxembourg: British Airways, KLM, and TAP are all intuitive options you can use to fly in. Less efficient options include Alitalia, Lufthansa, and LOT.
Madagascar: the one-stop options available to Americans (at varying levels of availability) are via Air France, Ethiopian, Kenya Airways, or Turkish.
Malawi: one-stop one-airline options include Ethiopian, Kenya Airways, and South African.
Malaysia: I am NOT counting Singapore as Malaysia because, well, it's not Malaysia. However, a ton of options via Asia and even Europe and Africa exist as Kuala Lumpur is a major Asian airport. You'll find a ton of options from airlines such as Air China, ANA, Emirates, Etihad, and Singapore Airlines just to name a few.
Maldives: some European carriers such as British Airways and Lufthansa serve Malé seasonally, but for year-round service, look to carriers such as Etihad and Qatar Airways.
Mali: for maximum efficiency, Air France and Royal Air Maroc are probably the best one-stop options for American travelers.
Malta: all services to Malta will be suspended soon. Normally, most of the major European airlines would offer flights into this popular tourist destination, though some such as Swiss would have only done so seasonally.
Mauritania: as with many West African nations, Air France and Royal Air Maroc are probably the best options available.
Mauritius: many European, Middle Eastern, and African airlines offer one-stop connections from the US to this amazing island including British Airways, Emirates, and South African.
Moldova: Aeroflot, Austrian, LOT, Lufthansa, Turkish, and Ukraine International all offer one-stop flights from the US to Chisinau at varying levels of availability.
Monaco: Monaco does not have an airport that provides commercial service.
Mongolia: in addition to the popular Turkish Airlines, Asian airlines such as Air China, Asiana, and Korean Air offer one-stop services from certain American locales, as well as Aeroflot. If you're feeling especially adventurous, it is possible to connect in Berlin and sometimes Frankfurt, but you'll have to fly MIAT out of those airports to Ulaanbaatar.
Montenegro: many airlines have suspended their services to Podgorica. Normally, you could've utilized Alitalia or Austrian among the major European carriers, and in a few months (given the situation dies down before then), British Airways will also offer service. It is, however, still possible to fly in via Istanbul via Turkish.
Mozambique: TAP is the only major European airline that offers one-stop service to Maputo from the US. Depending on your location, other carrier options for one-stop service include Ethiopian, Kenya Airways, Qatar Airways, and South African.
Myanmar: you would have to utilize a major Asian airline such as Air China, Air India, Korean Air, or Singapore Airlines to provide one-stop service from the US as even Turkish Airlines doesn't fly to Yangon.
Namibia: lots of flights have been suspended to Windhoek. Normally, Condor and Qatar Airways would've been potential options. As of today, the only possible option it seems is South African, and even that only services a few American airports.
Nauru: the only airline servicing this airport is Nauru Airlines, so you will not be able to fly the same airline into and out of your connect point. You also have to be flying out of an airport that services either Brisbane or Nadi to do so (unless you live in Hawaii, in which case, you could also connect in Majuro).
Nepal: some carriers have suspended some or all flights to Nepal for various reasons. Normally, there would be a plethora of Asian airlines to offer flights into Kathmandu. Etihad, Qatar Airways, and Turkish Airlines are a few options apparently still available to Americans for one-stop travel purposes.
Niger: our West African friends Air France and Royal Air Maroc once again make for the most intuitive and efficient one-stop options.
North Korea: admittedly, I'm not sure what extra restrictions are imposed upon flyers into North Korea. All I know is that Air China does offer a flight into Pyongyang as well as to several US-based airports. However, it may be one of those flights that you need extra clearance to get into. Air Koryo also flies out of Beijing and Shanghai, each of which are well-connected to the US. The stories of that airline...are fascinating. I suggest you check them out.
North Macedonia: ICYMI Macedonia had to add "North" in front of their name due to a conflict with Greece. The borders of this nation are closing soon meaning air travel will be suspended for the time being. Normally, you would be able to utilize a few European carriers such as Austrian as well as Turkish Airlines and Qatar Airways for connections.
Oman: you can utilize one of many European, Asian, and even African carriers as one-stop flight options into Muscat.
Pakistan: airlines such as Air China, Emirates, and Turkish Airlines all offer one-stop options from the United States. If you must connect in Europe, look into a British Airways flight from London to Islamabad as your second leg. You're limited to PIA if you must fly to Karachi or Lahore and must use Europe as a connect point.
Papua New Guinea: if your airport has Philippine Airlines, Qantas, or Virgin Australia, then you don't have to worry about more than one stopover or changing airlines. Of course, if you're willing to fly Air Niugini on your second leg, more options do become available.
Paraguay: the most intuitive option is probably a connection in Bogotá via Avianca or in Panama City via Copa Airlines, both of which service quite a few major American airports. You could also try Aerolíneas Argentinas or LATAM if you wish, but I think those connections may be far less efficient in terms of airborne time.
Republic of the Congo: Air France and Royal Air Maroc once again. Just in case you're surprised why Air France services so many African nations, remember that many African nations speak French and that France maintained a strong colonial presence in Africa at one point.
Romania: there are plenty of options to choose from among airline carriers, most from Europe. I do want to take this time to mention a new carrier: El Al. You could also utilize that to fly into Bucharest from Tel Aviv if you really feel like it.
Rwanda: Brussels Airlines, KLM, and Turkish Airlines are your only options if you must connect in Europe. EgyptAir, Ethiopian, and Qatar Airways are your other options.
San Marino: no commercial airport located here. Sorry!
São Tomé and Príncipe: your only option would be TAP from Lisbon. Even then, I'm not sure if it's one stop.
Seychelles: if you must connect in Europe, then you have Air France, British Airways, Condor, and Turkish Airlines open to you. Otherwise, feel free to check out options on Emirates, Ethiopian, Etihad, Kenya Airways, or Qatar Airways.
Sierra Leone: the only one I'm close to certain of that offers a one-stop service is Royal Air Maroc. Wikipedia also says Air France and Brussels Airlines fly in from their respective airports, but I'm not sure if there's a hidden connection somewhere.
Slovakia: all flights are currently suspended due to the current situation. Normally, options would've existed on Austrian and LOT to fly, not into Bratislava, but Košice. Unfortunately, it looks like you'd be stuck flying a low-cost airline into Bratislava, meaning you wouldn't be able to stick to the same airline on both legs. That being said, several European cities to serve Bratislava, so you're only one stop away.
Slovenia: all flights have basically been suspended. Normally, you'd have a nice selection of airlines to choose from including British Airways, Iberia, and Lufthansa.
Solomon Islands: the most intuitive option would probably be a Fiji Airways connection at Nadi but unfortunately that airline doesn't service most American airports. Los Angeles travelers have the additional option of a Virgin Australia connection in Brisbane.
Somalia: you have three options: Air France, Royal Air Maroc, or Turkish Airlines as single-connection flights, although I'm not so certain about Air France.
South Sudan: there's not a large selection to choose from, but check out the one-stop options available on EgyptAir, Ethiopian, or Kenya Airways (availability pending on your location).
Sri Lanka: this busy airport is serviced by virtually all major Asian carriers that also service the US, so there's no shortage of one-stop options available. Turkish Airlines also makes another appearance, surprise surprise? If you must connect in London, your only option to get to Colombo is SriLankan Airlines meaning you'll have to switch carriers.
Sudan: airport service is currently suspended here. Normally, you'd have plenty of African and Middle Eastern options to choose from for one-stop services to Khartoum.
Syria: this nation isn't really well-served by any major airlines, though connecting options to exist in Amman, Kuwait, or Moscow if your airport services those cities. However, you will be flying, among other relatively unknown options, Syrian Air into Damascus.
Tajikistan: the most available option is once again a Turkish Airlines connection in Istanbul, although for New York travelers, Uzbekistan Airways is also an option.
Tanzania: in addition to Turkish Airlines, several options in Africa and the Middle East exist as one-stop connection options to Dar es Salaam.
Thailand: there are so many options you can use as one-stop connection options throughout the world to Suvarnabhumi. It'll be easy to find one.
Timor-Leste: the only option you have to Dili is a connection via Singapore, and even then, you're limited to flying Air Timor on your second leg.
Togo: Air France, Brussels Airlines, Royal Air Maroc, and TAP are once again your go to options for intuitive one-stop flights to Lomé
Tonga: if your airport serves Air New Zealand, Fiji Airways, or Virgin Australia, then you have a one-stop option to fly into Nuku'Alofa, though Fiji Airways is definitely the easiest and most intuitive option.
Tunis: Tunis can be reached with one stop using Air Europa, Air France, Alitalia, or Lufthansa from Europe and Royal Air Maroc from Morocco.
Turkmenistan: the only option for American travelers for a one-airline one-stop trip to Ashgabat is Turkish Airlines. However, if you want to fly Turkmenistan Airlines, feel free to use Beijing, Frankfurt, or Moscow among other cities as a connection.
Tuvalu: there is no way you can reach Funafuti in just one stop from the mainland US. Your best bet is if you utilize the one-stop option into Tarawa, and then you're limited to flying Air Kiribati into Tuvalu.
Uganda: your best bets are Turkish Airlines or a handful of African and Middle Eastern carriers with flights into Entebbe, including Ethiopian and Emirates.
Vanuatu: if you're in Los Angeles, you can connect in Brisbane via Virgin Australia. Otherwise, you'd most likely have to utilize Fiji Airways into Nadi and then use a different airline to fly into Port Vila.
Vatican City: this city is basically surrounded by Rome, which flies to several American cities. Understandably, you cannot fly directly into the Vatican.
Venezuela: the most intuitive option would probably be a connection in Port-of-Spain via Caribbean Airlines, but that option is open to only a very limited number of travelers.
Vietnam: both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are very well covered by a plethora of Asian airlines, so you won't find any shortage of one-stop services to either city.
Yemen: due to conflict, there are no flights into Yemen at this time.
Zambia: Emirates, Ethiopian, Kenya Airways, South African, and Turkish are all options you could consider.
Zimbabwe: South African is the only airline I'm close to certain offers one-stop services to Harare from the US. Wikipedia says Emirates and Kenya Airways also fly here, but I'm not sure if there's a stopover included on those flights.
BONUS: territories, dependencies, disputed territories, and nations with limited recognition:
Abkhazia: from my research, there are no commercial flights into Abkhazia.
Åland Islands: your only option, and thankfully one that's available to a good number of Americans, is a Finnair connection in Helsinki to Mariehamn.
Artsakh (aka Nagorno-Karabakh): I don't believe any commercial flights exist to Artsakh.
Christmas Island: there are, unfortunately, no one-stop options from the US. You would have to connect via Perth via Virgin Australia Regional Airlines, and sadly, no direct flights from the US exist to Perth. You can only stick to Virgin Australia the whole way if you're flying from Los Angeles. Speaking of which...
Cocos (Keeling) Islands: the same situation exists as above.
Cook Islands: you can purchase a ticket to Rarotonga from Los Angeles via Air New Zealand, but it includes at least one stopover. That's the only option I can see, and I'm not sure how many stops it actually includes.
Falkland Islands: there are no commercial services into the Falkland Islands from my research.
Faroe Islands: among major airlines, your only option is a SAS connection in Copenhagen, but thankfully SAS flies to the Danish capital from a handful of American airports. If you must connect elsewhere in Europe, other seasonal options exist via Atlantic Airways.
French Guiana: it is possible to buy an Air France ticket from Miami to Cayenne but it includes at least one stopover, and I'm not sure how many specifically.
Gibraltar: thankfully British Airways services a ton of US airports because one of only two one-stop options on major airlines involves a connection in London Heathrow. Royal Air Maroc also offers a connection in Casablanca for some passengers.
Greenland: a one-stop connection exists at Keflavik but it's only seasonal and it involves a transfer to Air Greenland (you might remember it as the airline Walter Mitty flew).
Guernsey: you'd have to hope your airport services Birmingham (UK), Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London Gatwick, or Manchester for a shot at a one-stop service into this island. Even then, you'll be transferring to a different airline.
Isle of Man: two options exist on major airlines. The more available one is if you're flying through Dublin on Aer Lingus. New York travelers can also utilize a British Airways connection at London City. In the latter, the return flight will include a stopover at Shannon.
Jersey: the only continuous one-stop one-airline service from the US involves a British Airways transfer at Gatwick. Seasonal service also exists from Aer Lingus via Dublin, and if you don't mind the extra mileage, Lufthansa via Munich as well.
Macau: this airport is served by several major Chinese airlines including Air China, China Eastern, and China Souther, so you have your options open if you insist on a one-stop one-airline flight.
Mayotte: this applies only to New York travelers who can utilize a one-stop connection at Nairobi using Kenya Airways.
Montserrat: non-charter services only exist from Antigua, which thankfully is served by several American destinations. However, you will have to fly either ABM Air or FlyMontserrat into the volcanic island.
New Caledonia: if your airport serves Air New Zealand and/or Qantas, you can make a one-stop connection at Auckland, Sydney, or Brisbane.
Niue: this airport serves only one destination, and thankfully it's Auckland and served by Air New Zealand. A handful of American passengers can utilize Auckland as a connection into this island.
Norfolk Island: if you insist on a one-stop connection, you'd have to switch to Air Chathams from Auckland to fly into the island. Otherwise, you'd have to put up with a multi-stop connection on Air New Zealand from Auckland to either Brisbane or Sydney and then to the island.
Northern Cyprus: Turkish Airlines is the most viable option for most Americans as you can make a connection in Istanbul to this nation recognized only by, you guessed it, Turkey.
Pitcairn Islands: there is no air service to the Pitcairn Islands. The easiest way for some American travelers to get there is a two-stop connection on Air Tahiti Nui Papeete first, then Air Tahiti to Totegegie. From there, take a boat to these remote islands.
Reunion: if your airport serves Paris Orly either via Air France or French Bee, you can make a one-stop connection there to Reunion. Other one-stop options exist at CDG and Johannesburg to name a few, but you'd have to switch to Air Austral to fly into this island.
Saba: the only non-charter services into Saba are available via Winair. Thankfully, Winair has a direct link to Sint Maarten from Saba, an airport which is served by a good number of American airports.
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha: flying into St. Helena on a year-round basis is only possible via Airlink from Johannesburg which some American airports do serve. You can only fly charter from Johannesburg into Ascension, also via Airlink. Tristan da Cunha, sadly, has no airport.
Saint Martin: most passengers would probably prefer just flying into Sint Maarten and accessing Saint Martin while on the Dutch/French dependent territory. If you absolutely must fly into Saint Martin, one-stop options exist via Guadeloupe and Martinique, but you won't be flying the same airline on the second leg.
Saint Pierre and Miquelon: you have to be ready to transfer to Air Saint-Pierre on the second leg. Thankfully, it flies out of Halifax and Montreal which are both connected to several American airports directly.
Somaliland: if you must go here, you can connect via Ethiopian at Addis Ababa to Hargeisa, the capital. A connection also exists at Dubai, but you'd have to transfer to flydubai on the second leg.
South Ossetia: I don't believe there's any commercial service into here.
Svalbard and Jan Mayen: your two options for one-stop connections into Svalbard from the US are Norwegian and SAS. As Jan Mayen is uninhabited, there is no commercial air service into there.
Tokelau: there are no airports on this island. Get ready to brave the ocean on boat.
Transnistria: there is no commercial service into this nation with limited recognition.
Wallis and Futuna: Aircalin is the only airline that serves this dependent territory. I'm not sure if it flies directly from Nadi to Wallis, but if it does, that's your one-stop option available to some American travelers (specifically, those that can fly Fiji Airways out of their home airport). If you want to get to Futuna, then you'd have to get to Wallis first and then Aircalin will hop you over there as well.
Western Sahara: Royal Air Maroc serves two airports in Western Sahara from Casablanca, though I'm unsure if there are additional connect points. If you insist on a one-stop connection in Europe, one actually exists in Paris CDG, but you'd have to transfer to Transavia on the second leg (and it's seasonal too...).
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Betting Sites › Best Online Betting Sites in India (Feb 2020)

Internet wagering is at present legitimate in practically all over India. These wagering destinations offer an assortment of sports to draw in players of India to exploit a few extraordinary offers and great returns. Wagering is progressively respected in India. With an ever increasing number of internet wagering destinations hoping to take advantage of the gainful Indian market, it very well may be trying to pick between them. We should investigate how to locate the best wagering destinations.
Betway is one of the most well known destinations. Betway is offering a thorough and monstrous scope of sports and markets. Additionally, their advancements and prizes for existing client continue moving week to week. They don't stop here. Betway incorporates probably the most exciting gambling club games, and they offer top quality rewards and store strategies which suits you.
The guts site is reasonable for live wagering. Guts begin working in 2013, and it was at first planned towards gambling club and gaming. In any case, inside a year they propelled their online sportsbook for clients. Guts sportsbook was fundamentally about football. Yet, presently they are offering a lot of significant games like football, tennis and cricket. You can guarantee their welcome reward by experiencing the prize area, and you can likewise recover your cash a sportsbook reward.
Ladbrokes is one of the notable high road name from British wagering history. They began their tasks in 18 century and their organizer Harry Ogden is perceived at the UK's first expert bookmaker. They began their web based wagering in 2000. You can get extraordinary North America sports inclusion alongside everything from Aussies Rules to Chess, Golf, MMA, Volleyball and pretty much everything in the middle of, just as pony dashing.
Moplay is an online bookmaker which is concentrating on the portable parts of betting. Moplay started working in 2018. Pre-organize markets were in abundance additionally in examining around at different games like football, tennis and cricket. They do offer moment money out on sure decisions.
Boylesports is one of the solid free bookmaker brand subsidized in 1989 in Ireland. They have a major web business just as web based wagering administration. The edge is to some degree higher on soccer, around 6% yet the rest of the sportsbook is trading with a great deal of lower betting edge, particularly tennis which is essentially roughly 3.1%.
Sportingbet started working in 1998. They have presented their administrations across 26 nations around the world. Sportingbet is clear in working since they are offering straight forward wagering administration for their clients.
It is an online bookmaker that underpins client showcase from India. This bookmaker permits secure route framework for better client experience for its clients. This site is an enrolled one, so it is ok for bettors to play their chances helpfully. They offer an assortment of choices like live wagering, club games betting and chances wagering. In any case, the new clients are given with 100% reward on making their first store.
8-William Hill
It is a notable brand far and wide. William slope was established in 1934. They have a fabulous inclusion of live football matches and different games. Their bet slip is splendid as well, allowing you full usefulness in controlling your wagering alternatives. You can make installment and withdrawal through various techniques.
Betvictor began its capacities during the 1940s. Through quality organizations, they have grown an enormous nearness in the online business. Betvictor isn't constrained to sports wagering, and they are likewise running some non-sports markets. They have entirely broad sportsbook which incorporates rugby, snooker, volleyball, cricket and darts.
22bet was set up in2017. Their sportsbook is an incredible fascination towards clients. Football, cricket, golf and tennis are the principle zones to take a gander at. 22bet is exceptionally liberal when discussing welcome rewards. Their clients must be 18+ to enroll themselves.
11-Paddy Power
Paddy Power is one of the most famous brands which is perceived all around the globe. They began their administrations in 1988 when three Irish bookmakers met up. There is a gigantic mean acknowledge in the Paddy Power sportsbook.
Unibet is one of the well known brands in Europe and India. It was established in 1997. Their sportsbook spread tennis, football, b-ball just as chess, futsal, floor ball, bandy and surfing. They likewise offer a cash back reward for new clients. They offer a gigantic scope of wagering markets.
Unibet is probably the most seasoned game bookmaker around the world, set up in 1997, serving a large number of web based wagering account holders. It is notable all over Europe for its superb games wagering, online gambling club and poker stages.
Betfred is a British bookmaker. They offer their administrations for India also. Betting power licenses them. The Betfred Empire starts working in 1967. They are offering a noteworthy edge on football wagering. You can either utilize their versatile application or site to make the most of their administrations.
It is an European based wagering stage which acknowledges the clients of India also. It is one of the perceived brands in odd markets. They are covering numerous games like rugby, soccer, cricket, tennis, horse dashing golf, boxing cycling and numerous others. You can make the most of their liberal invite offers.
When discussing Indian bookmakers, Coral is among the primary names you can consider. Coral was established during the 1920s, and it is one of the most well known brands when talking about excellent items and offers. They show top European nearby soccer with stunning highlights. Numerous different games have been presented, including football classes.
16-Royal Panda
Illustrious Panda is a worldwide stage which is offering their administrations all around India. They are advancing on the web gambling clubs, not the sportsbook. You can utilize their versatile application and site to make the most of their inventive rewards. It is one of the strictest betting locales. They are offering a wide scope of wagering markets. They are covering circuitous 40 games and a lot of classes.
Smarkets is an online stage which was established by a little gathering of speculator. They are acclaimed for their propelled exchanging stage and 25th quickest developed organization in Europe. Smarkets is exceptionally simple to utilize. They are sans offering wagers for their new clients and welcome rewards. Their essential center is noteworthy games like football tennis, golf, baseball and cricket.
It gives a gigantic portable wagering experience. Leovegas assumes an indispensable job in Indian wagering site. As we enter the landing page of Leovegas India, the primary thing we see slider is a slider in the focal point of the screen, publicizing for the most well known games and advancements here on Leovegas. Leovegas offers a clean and userfriendly stage.
As an ever increasing number of wagering locales are beginning to focus on the imperative Indian market, it is turning into somewhat hard for players to choose which spot is most appropriate for them. One of the most common issues is by all accounts how to get to these sites
Bet365 is celebrated for being one of the greatest and best-wagering locales on the planet. Be that as it may, what makes Bet365 great? That response to this inquiry is that Bet365 has taken the internet wagering industry to an uncommon new level. They give the best betting involvement with all territories. They have the most gigantic assortment of gambling club games and sports wagering. They offer the best portable wagering experience, the best reward on wagering and simply the most amazing live betting experience generally.
Be that as it may, the point which makes Bet365 the world's greatest wagering site is the notoriety for unwavering quality that they have worked for themselves in years. Bet365 is a wagering site you can trust. They generally pay what they owe, and they put incredible significance on their notoriety is the thing that makes Bet365 a genuinely extraordinary bookmaker.
Sportsbet.io is a worldwide games wagering organization that was established by individuals with an energy for sports. When you enter the site of Sportsbet.io, you get the inclination that this whole site is committed to sports wagering. It doesn't have the equivalent lavish impression that you jump on an old wagering site like Unibet or Betway. It's more Spartan and old school.
Then again, this isn't really an awful thing. They don't attempt to push ads or advancements at all of you an opportunity to achieve client's consideration. It's an entirely reliable spot for individuals who simply need to put down wagers and not need to stress over something over the top.
Bodog is an old wagering bookmaker really among the most seasoned on the planet which has as of late opened up and began tolerating Indians players.
They have set up the procedure of the wagering site principally to serve bettors from India, where they endeavor an assortment of live cricket wagering alternatives, give helpful choices of storing cash and permit Indian money.
On the off chance that you appreciate sports wagering and club games or poker sitting, at that point you will in all likelihood appreciate Bodog India.
Bodog begins from Europe, yet it has an Indian site that is customized to suit the flavor of Indian players. Consequently it is of nothing unexpected to discover that the Bodog India Sports wagering is wealthy in cricket wagering.
The sportsbook incorporates all the noteworthy universal cricket competitions and arrangement, just as the well known classes like the Indian Premier League and the huge slam group Australia.
1XBET Bookmaker is a youthful and quickly developing wagering site. Established in 2007, earlier it worked distinctly in the region, with more than 1,000 wagering bookmakers in Russia, and later started the experience in the online market. 1XBET is viewed as the main global bookmaker, in India the genuine speculators know it for quite a while in light of the fact that he underpins Indian rupee (INR) and has a Hindi language Version.
1XBET is mainstream for Indian expert punters, yet before long will be known in each edge of India, for the straightforward reasons that its installments segment is adjustable. So you can pick INDIA (from the rundown of nations) and see the techniques for stores and pulls back are accessible, obviously, don't missing Neteller and skrill all simple and clear.
On the off chance that you are searching for a bookmaker that gives the best chances on the most famous games, the Betwinner might be the wagering site you are searching for.
Wager victor is a moderately new wagering site, however they have just become famous as the spot to be with regards to finding the best chances.
Wager victor is a moderately ongoing theorist that start its tasks in 2016 in the wake of accomplishing an administration permit from (Curaçao eGaming) for working on the web. Betb2b.com fabricated this site, and it is a similar program that is adding to 1xBET (acclaimed administrator of Russia) since 2007.
Regardless of whether it is their online club activity or their games extend, COMEON India perseveres freely from others, through their broad inclusion and activities. They spread 29 classes of sports and offer a few other elective markets. This sportsbook underpins practically all standard installment designs and gives an incredible reward to new clients.
When you join as a part, you get an invite reward, and you can pick the alternative for the prize that you like. You can store cash once you sign in to your record by essentially tapping on the decision of store. ComeOn India offers the accompanying choices to store your cash
Visa Card
Paysafe Card
MuchBetter and the sky is the limit from there
This is something we appreciate prescribe when you are simply beginning on another game. Start by playing for no particular reason, and once you've seen that you can bring in cash at this game, at that point toss in some genuine and unique rupees.
Genuine wagering is a zenith with brilliant highlights and extraordinary advancements
At Pinnacle, we know about definitely what Indian players search for in an amazing on the web gambling club. That is the reason we've accumulated a breathtaking mix of the most reliable online gambling club clubs around. Additionally, determinations of incredible table games don't stop there and make your life agreeable and simple we likewise offer a colossal assortment of store strategies for Indians gambling club players.
Our consideration is currently redirected to the focal point of the screen where we see an advancement slider. It is where Unibet features all the present advancements that they are running. They are very brave advancements going on, which we will investigate later. One thing we notice is that all the costs are named in euros.
Beside the live wagering segment, we notice a catch named "supertoto'", and we choose to look at it. It ends up being another uncommon capacity, which is truly remarkable when contrasted with Unibet. Supertoto is a basic method to put down a wager on sports. The objective is to wagered on the result of whatever number matches as could be expected under the circumstances. You can wager on a success, lose or draw.
Matchbook offers a total sportsbook with in excess of 40 distinct games classifications to bet on, including cricket, football, tennis, horse dashing and practically all the famous games, just as e-sports, expert wrestling and different less normal games. You have a decision of live wagering on each live match that is occurring right now, and numerous competitions can even be live-spilled with liberated from cost office. The main standard is that you include put down a wager inside the most recent 24 hours. That gives you full access to the live spilling capacity.
Betfair is one of the world's biggest global online games wagering specialist co-ops. Betfair has more than 2,000 utilizes around the world. Betfair holds betting permit in Malta, Gibraltar Italy, Tasmania and the United States. Betfair is promising in conveying exclusive expectations of respectability and has ensured more than 40 Memoranda of Understanding with the administering groups of sports.
Betfair is the most significant wagering bookmaker on the planet, offering a wide scope of wagering items including exotics wagering markets and extraordinary games, huge poker networks, arcade games and a gambling club.
Something that make Dafabet one of a kind is that they were made to serve the Asian market. All things considered, we can see that they are doing a great deal to interest Asian players, and particularly Indian players. For instance, we realize that they acknowledge Indian cash stores. They additionally offer loads of well known Indian games, for example, cricket, tennis and kabaddi. As an Indian player, it is pleasant to feel like you are esteemed as a client. There is likewise a lot of European games and well known Asian games and gambling club games accessible.
It is an energizing and one of a kind internet betting webpage having a place with the European island naming Malta. The site is special it might be said that it depends on a superhuman topic which is an uncommon thing we have seen on some other wagering site previously. This current bookmaker's appeal is a hero naming Captain Rizk, and his topic can be discovered everywhere throughout the site.
32-Meridian BET
Meridian Bet is a main worldwide supplier of on the web and land-based games wagering arrangements with 700+ wagering shops in 35 nations around four landmasses? Their most noteworthy accomplishment is the steady income development pace of 20% over the most recent three years. They likewise offer an every minute of every day client assistance by means of live talk, telephone, email or informal community.
Inside an incredibly solemn methodology towards security and visitor administration, SBOBET is a main web based gaming brand. They have won the Asian Operator of the year grant for 2009-10. SBOBET offers you a quick and secure player condition with prompt winning outcomes, fast installments and simple access to nonstop web based wagering.
This webpage is among the world's biggest online poker rooms and sports wagering destinations offering phenomenal chances to its players. Its immense number of enlisted genuine cash players has surpassed 3,000,000. This site gives dependable gaming instruments to make poker protected and a good time for the players.
This site is known to be the highest quality level in internet gaming. It offers on the web and via telephone wagers for open parlays. Owning the business for over 15 years adds to unwavering quality. This site gives the player's cashback rewards, diminished juice wagers, free play remunerates and significantly more.
Situated in Georgia, this organization is the main site in the nation. Players can play gambling club games on the web or entertain themselves with sports wagering at this bookmaker website.
Planetwin365 is Europe's quickest developing wagering and gaming administrators. This site is working with a large number of subsidiary accomplices over the world. More than one million wagers are handled day by day, and it additionally supplies in excess of 1300 retail outlets. The brand planetwin 365 is claimed by the SKS365 gathering of organizations which holds online licenses alongside land-based licenses from seven nations in Europe.
38-Red Sport
Red game is a worldwide games betting organization. It started to include in sports sponsorship in 2010. This organization is among the first non-US online games wagering organizations working in the United States. It is additionally an individual from ESSA, which is the European wagering uprightness body.
39-Cloud wager
Cloud wager directs the wagering business through a chain of authorized shops that are situated in Ireland and the UK. It offers online games wagering, online club and poker, online bingo and numerous other web based games.
Once in the past known as Party Bets, is presently possessed by one of the biggest poker locales on the net, Party Poker. Authorized from both Gibraltar and UK, the site offers a wide scope of sports and great client care. To stall out in, the site gives a broad scope of games. Customers are very much provided food for, and every single significant game occasions are secured. Football is the most mainstream and secured sport by a wide margin, as the site is an European confronting bookmaker.
Sportspesa, a games news innovation, was established in 2014, offering web based games and lotteries. It is a games news innovation with around 500 workers and has put resources into the advancement of the nearby games groups and competitions in Tanzania and Kenya. It works in relationship with TGP in the UK.
Claimed by Logflex MT constrained, NOVIBET.com is a completely enlisted web based betting site. Playing with Novibet isn't simply fun however is sheltered and secure on the grounds that it holds licenses from MGA, which make the site obliged to keep all customers assets in trust accounts. The site offers a dependable gaming strategy and is focused on limiting the unfavorable impacts of issue betting and is resolved to advance positive betting practices.
Offering different sorts of bettings on numerous games from over the world, BETPAWA is the most present day and quick wagering site in Zambia. This site is a creative bookmaker that offers the most reduced value wagers. It leads a wide assortment of pre-coordinate and in-play wagers on football alongside different games like b-ball, tennis and so on. You can choose from an immense scope of wagers on the site and can likewise decide on live wagering.
As a piece of Fold gadgets gaming and distributing, MISLI was established in 2009. This site is situated in Istanbul. MISLI is a participation based site which offers online games wagering and lotteries. This site offers wagers on an assortment of games, particularly supporting soccer. It likewise gives the clients to play the national lottery. This site as of now utilizes 36 innovations. MISLI.com has been positioned 12,027 among the worldwide sites dependent on the huge number of its month to month guests surpassing 4,115,485.
45-Sky BET
Sky wagering and gaming, a British based Canadian organization, has offered a wagering division as Sky Bet. It possesses 1,628 representatives and is evaluated sixth among the ten highest contenders. This organization is the world's driving internet gaming and wagering organization which has the most noteworthy number of clients than any other person. Lion's share of the tasks of Sky Bet are led from Leeds. They offer to wager through their site, phone or portable applications and so forth. AGCC licenses the organization. Sky Bet likewise had a TV channel on Sky Channel 864 which quit working on February 2012.
46-Bet SAFE
With regards to online club and wagering, and Bet Safe is a rumored name. This website is a bookmaker and online gambling club which was established in 2006 and is possessed by a notable Swedish organization. 400 fifty thousand clients profit the ideas from 100 distinct nations around the globe. The dependability and unwavering quality of the site are apparent by the tremendous number of clients it possesses. Wager Safe is an easy to understand site offering an enormous assortment of games and items. It gives an astounding client assistance program and its simple to store and pull back cash. This site gives its clients the best web based gaming experience.
This site offer betting stage for Bitcoin and digital money was established in 2016. Wagers are offered day by day more than 1000 games. Live online club games and in excess of 3000 openings are likewise accessible. A selective element is that it gives its games too. All client accounts bolster numerous monetary forms, and it empowers the players to wager utilizing in excess of ten cryptographic forms of money. Clients are additionally offered an assortment of rewards. A 100% first store reward is the most extreme preferred position. A bug assists with multiplying and right away pull back the main store reserves. Client's perspectives recommend that their client care is dependable and accommodating. It is being seen as the best reserving site for crypto. It offers high chances to the players when contrasted with comparable sportsbooks.
48-Mozzart BET
Since 2000, Mozzart has been a specific piece of the gaming business. This organization offers around 10,000 chances day by day for around 500 games. As of late, Mozzart has led its ground activity with more than 900 retailer shops and has seen a high development rate in its online administrations. One ought to be over 18 to wager on the site Mozzartbet.com. BCLB has given the permit to the site. Live wagering on games is offered including football, ball, tennis and other critical occasions. You can observe live spilling of your preferred round and put down online wagers.
49-Boyle SPORT
Ireland biggest and free bookmaker is known as BoyleSports. They contribute in the online space by adding the top of the line applications to the google play store which offer web based wagering, club, gaming, wagering and lottery administrations. By 2004, they had 77 shops, and in 2006 they opened their 100th store.
In 2019, BetChris declared to enter the United Kingdom retail advertise with the popular bookmaker Gilbert. The organization's activity was extended in Northern Ireland which made the nation Ireland's biggest retail bookmaker.
submitted by BetBarter to u/BetBarter [link] [comments]

Trip Report: South Africa and Victoria Falls

My wife and I have been looking forward to an Africa trip for a while. One of my dreams for the last ten years is to see Victoria Falls, so it made the most sense for us to also go to South Africa. After a lot of research, we settled on Cape Town, Pilanesburg (a national park outside of Johannesburg), and Livingstone (Zambia side of Victoria Falls). Given that we’re also planning to have kids soon, we decided that this was going to be a once in a life time trip for us so we would splurge more than we had in the past.
We started looking for business class flights back in October of 2017, but did not find any availability to South Africa until February 2018 when QR flights opened up to JNB via DOH. We really wanted to go to Cape Town first, but knew it was better to book what we could while we could.
At first, there was no J availability home on AA or UA partners. However, Ethiopian started a direct flight to ORD from ADD, and released space a few days later. Although direct, the flight actually stopped in DUB for fuel but did not let passengers on or off, so it wasnt horrible. We booked JNB-ADD-ORD-DFW using UA miles.
Unfortunately, a couple months later, Ethiopian decided to cancel their ADD-ORD flight. UA re-booked us a day later in economy including a 24 hour layover in ADD. Of course we weren’t happy with this so we started researching other options. This is when we really realized how little availability there is to Africa on Star Alliance. UA was willing to open up any of their flights, but we had to get to a city that UA had a flight to first. We ended up keeping our original JNB-ADD flight and then taking ADD-LHR-IAH-DFW. Definitely not an ideal situation but the best we could do at the time. I kept doing my research and realized our best bet to get home more direct would be to wait until T-14 and hope for Swiss, South African, or Lufthansa availability to open up.
In May, flights from DOH-CPT opened up on QR, so we changed our outbound flights to DFW-DOH-CPT and ended up getting an extra day in Cape Town, plus a nice 8 hours layover in Doha which allowed us to go out and see the city. Additionally, we had already booked our BA flights from JNB-CPT, CPT-LVI and LVI-JNB for cash on one reservation, so when we changed our QR flight we had to rebook this. It ended up being cheaper and we were able to upgrade to Club class (domestic J), so I consider it a win-win.
Lufthansa JNB-FRA-DFW finally opened up at T-3. The JNB-FRA flight was in first class, which was an amazing experience. We had our own escort through the JNB airport to the South African first class lounge. The lounge showers only had cold water, which was disappointing. We were also escorted to our flight, and were blown away by the service, food and hard product on board the 747. Once we arrived, we immediately went to the first class terminal, got some great food, a hot shower and waited anxiously for our car ride to the 757. Unfortunately, FRA-DFW was in J and was actually the worst business class experience I’ve had from both a hard and soft product (excluding the first class terminal). The BA flights had better meals than this flight, the entertainment was lackluster, the amenity kits were in a disposable plastic bag, and the seats weren’t anything to write home about.
Flight costs:
DFW-DOH-CPT on QR J: 75k AA miles/person + $16 tax/person after AA Platinum rebate. 9.5 hour layover in Qatar.
CPT-LVI(stop)-JNB on BA J: $750/person (was $600/person for economy, so we splurged). We stayed in Livingstone for 3 days before continuing on to JNB.
JNB-FRA-DFW on LH F/J: 130k UA miles/person + $84 tax/person. Only JNB to FRA was in first class, but we were able to experience first class terminal in Frankfurt and get driven to our plane in a Porsche.
In Cape Town, we settled on Protea Hotel North Wharf based on a review from a coworker and I’m very glad we did. Great location. Huge room. Parking was $5/day. No complaints at all.
In Livingstone, we originally were going to stay at a resort at a cost of $350+/night. However, once we decided to splurge on Pillanesburg (more on that later) we decided to go with the Protea Hotel which was a great choice and great value. You can tell the craftsmanship at this hotel was a lower quality than you would get in most major cities, but overall it was great, it saved us a ton of money, and at 7500 points a night it is a great redemption.
Once back in Johannesburg, we spent the night in Hartsbeesport which is a resort town half way between JNB and Pillanesburg. We stayed at a “guest house” for cash. The room was huge and we were comfortable.
In Pilanesburg, we stayed at Tshukudu Bush Lodge which is a luxury lodge, which has a max of 24 guests, on top of a rocky mountain in an isolated part of the park. Each night stay includes two game drives, 5 course dinner, huge breakfast after the morning drive, “high tea” before the evening drive, mini-bar and open bar all day. A family of lions lives right outside the entrance to the lodge. Our guide listened to what we wanted to see, and made sure we saw everything on our list. One night we were the only people at the lodge, so we got a private candle lit dinner and our own private game drives as well. Overall, this place was absolutely amazing and I would go back in a heartbeat. We’re glad we splurged on it and it was an great way to end our trip.
Unfortunately, when we got to Pilanesburg I had caught a cold, so I couldn’t enjoy the open bar as much as I would have licked, but I’m sure my liver is thankful :).
Hotel costs:
Cape Town Protea Hotel North Wharf (4 nights): 85k Marriott points. Three nights were booked at a discounted rate of 20k/night, but then we added a night for 25k points later. Either way, it is a good value compared to most US redemptions, and this hotel was $190/night cash(exluding tax) and our room was huge.
Livingstone Protea Hotel (3 nights): 22.5k Marriott points. 7.5k/night was an absolute steal when compared to paying cash in Livingstone or Victoria Falls at one of the resorts. This hotel was not nearly as big as Cape Town, but a nice property and normally $150/night (Excluding tax)
Hartsbeesport Cocomo Guesthouse & Spa (1 night): $85 after tax for the presidential suite. We stayed here because it was half way to Pilanesburg from the JNB airport.
Tshukudu Bush Lodge at Pilanesburg (3 nights): $2350. I know most people here would think this is insane but it was all inclusive, a luxury lodge, and the only hotel we paid for during the whole trip other than in Hartsbeesport, so we splurged.
I wanted to mention a few amazing things we did that I would recommend everyone do:
  1. Penguins in Simon’s town – you can get within a few inches of penguins if you’re lucky
  2. Ziplining tandem into Victoria Falls canyon. Terrifying, but not as much as the gorge swing or a bungee jump.
  3. Livingstone Island tour with Angel’s Pool swim. You get to swim at the edge of Victoria falls. Absolutely surreal and breathtaking experience!
Other costs:
Side note: You need to take USD to Zimbabwe and Zambia. Even if you have Euros, you’re better off getting USD in advance. Zambia has its own currency, but when we got to the airport the only option was to pay USD since we didn’t have any Kwacha (no ATM before Immigration) and the credit card wasn’t available in our line (which was an hour long).
submitted by ctr2010 to awardtravel [link] [comments]

USPS International Loop of Shame

First, I want to state that I have been a long time supporter of the USPS. I think the USPS First Class and Priority Mail services have been beyond reproach for years. I probably ship out a few thousand packages by USPS a year. About 12% of those packages have been to international customers but I fear that may change for the worse.
Here is my predicament. Since this past summer I have encountered a new problem with shipping First Class International packages. What has been happening is that the country code for certain packages has been getting confused with US zip codes. This results in packages intended for Zambia winding up in a crazy loop between Jamaica, Queens (USPS International Distribution right outside Kennedy Airport in NYC) and a postal zip code in NYC or a package destined for Jakarta, Indonesia winding up in Medusa, NY. In the end, my customer receives nothing, I am unable to put a trace on the package to see if it is still in the US and in the end am out the cost of the item as well as shipping.
The latest issue with Jakarta, Indonesia being confused with Medusa, NY has happened not once but twice. I sent a package, in late October to my customer. I generated a shipping label from the eBay website using Pitney Bowes software and came away with the standard USPS First Class International Shipping Label. Nothing was askance. I dropped the package off at my local post office and thought that was the end of it. In the middle of December my customer contacted me through eBay saying he never received the package. I went and pulled up the tracking information and it showed a loop had occurred between the Jamaica Distribution Center and the post office in Medusa, NY. At the suggestion of my local postmaster I called the postmaster in Medusa. This is obviously a very small post office as it is only open about five hours a day. I was able to speak with the postmaster who told me that she receives over a dozen packages and letters intended for international customers every week! She also said in one instance she received a package three times, each time, with a different color pen, highlighting the fact that this was an international shipment before forwarding the package to the Albany distribution center.
With that information I returned to my local post office and spoke with my postmaster. It seemed the package was lost somewhere in the bowels of either the Albany or Jamaica distribution centers. The last scan on the package was November 1st and the package was in transit again to Medusa.
So, I had another item identical to the one now lost by the USPS. I packed it up and gave it to my postmaster who scanned it into the system and then installed the barcode label in a way he thought would force the package to be hand scanned. He also put a variety of labels, airmail, international, ect on the package in the hopes it would prevent the fate of the first package. That package was accepted into the USPS system on December 20th.
Today, just for the hell of it I checked tracking on the package only to find the last scan was on the 26th. Any bets on where it was scanned? On the way to Medusa, NY. It was too late to call the Medusa post office but that will be the first thing I do in the morning.
I can't help but feel another package is about to disappear into the bowls of a dysfunctional post office. This is the third customer and the fourth shipment since late August that has screwed by the USPS.
WTF is wrong with the USPS?
I know that I am not able to track packages once they leave the US. However, in each of these four instances the USPS has offered no proof whatsoever that the packages ever left the US. The last scans for these three transactions always indicated they were in transit to a US location. Then, all movement ceased followed a month or so later with contact from the buyer asking where their package was. I am at a loss.
I even went to far as contacting eBay today. I tried to argue that since I had bought the label through their site and it was unable to be delivered because of some mixup in the barcode, that eBay should be interested in getting this issue sorted with the USPS and Pitney Bowes. Needless to say, the rep couldn't have cared less.
Here I am, having to stop my international business because I have no reason to believe any of my packages will get to where they are addresses.
Please don't tell me I should have used Priority International or something similar. In a world where everything is "free" shipping no one is willing to pay a penny more than they absolutely have to. If I were to charge for Priority International shipping the cost would be more than the cost of the item in the box. I'd have to stop selling internationally.
It's really simple, all I want is for the USPS to actually deliver the item to the address on the label in a reasonable amount of time. I am aware that after the package leaves the US it is really out of their hands BUT they have not, in any of these four instances, provided any proof the package has actually left the US.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Inkfrogsucks to USPS [link] [comments]

General info and list of exchanges for SwissRealCoin

SEARCH Hacked: Hacking Finance Hacked: Hacking Finance SUCCESS STORIES TREND SIGNALS RECOMMENDATIONS ICO RATINGS TRADING 101 ABOUT US CONTACT JOIN LOGIN ICOICO Analysis: SwissRealCoinPublished 1 month ago on May 14, 2018 By Gerelyn Terzo
The Money Makers Club now has 13 of 15 available seats. Learn more here! Tokenized real estate is a rising trend around the globe. While each project is unique, whether by regional focus or the composition of the token, one common feature they share is the likelihood of appearing on the regulatory radar. As a result, it’s common to see blockchain-fueled real estate projects register tokens as securities in their respective jurisdictions.
// -- Discuss and ask questions in our community on Workplace. While Switzerland has been dubbed Crypto Valley, there hasn’t been a flood of real estate ICOs in the country, or really any — till now. SwissRealCoin, which is behind the ERC20 SRC token, dubs itself “Switzerland’s first real estate crypto token.” They’re looking to capitalize on the stability in the Swiss commercial real estate market and disrupt real estate management in the process.
Token SwissRealCoin is registering SRC as an asset-backed security token and the company has applied for a letter of non-action by FINMA, Switzerland’s financial market supervision authority.
One of the key issues/risks with real estate investments is a lack of liquidity, considering the time and costs involved with divesting assets, a process that SwissRealCoin describes as “cumbersome”. SwissRealCoin (SRC) is built on the Ethereum blockchain, and it is designed to bring data transparency (rental and occupancy rates, etc. so you can track the asset manager performance) and “full liquidity” to the table.
// -- Become a yearly Platinum Member and save 69 USD. Click here to change your current membership -- // SRC is backed by Swiss real estate, which the startup describes as “one of the most stable asset classes in the world.” Each token reflects a fraction of the investment portfolio, and the securitized nature of SRT is designed to bring stability to the price.
Should the price of the token surpass that of the real estate investments amid robust demand, SwissRealCoin will issue additional tokens at the market rate. The new tokens are then invested in more commercial properties, growing the value of the portfolio and accelerating it nearer to the market price, which is a hedging mechanism to mitigate volatility. Token holders are entitled to vote on the direction of the investment portfolio.
Source: SwissRealCoinThere’s a potential 25% bonus reserved for ICO participants who pre-register.
Team Yauhen Yakimovich is the co-founder and CTO is a tech entrepreneur and seasoned software developer with nearly two decades of experience. Yakimovich is the former CTO of PriceHubble and has served in various engineering capacities and research including data mining and data analysis at the University of Zurich.
Brigitte Luginbuehl is the CEO and head of real estate. She is a real estate veteran, having spent more than a decade with Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd Switzerland across real estate-fueled corporate finance and M&A.
You can view an interview with Luginbuehl via the below YouTube link –
Verdict The SwissRealCoin token sale is backed by a professional management team with experience both in the real estate and software development markets, both of which are a boon for the ICO. The asset-backed nature of the SRC token is another positive, giving investors the ability to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio with exposure to commercial properties that are collecting rents, etc.
But as with any ICO there are risks, and in the case of SRC the glaring one appears to be tied to the startup having only recently emerged from the conceptual stage. Meanwhile, the composition of the real estate portfolio is dependent on token holder votes, and SwissRealCoin doesn’t even enter into the sourcing and acquiring real estate phases of its roadmap until next month. So you are placing a bet that they will be able to deliver on what they are promising without any real evidence that they already have, at least not as SwissRealCoin.
Risks SwissRealCoin is a startup in the true sense of the word, with the project only having been launched in Q2 2017 when cryptocurrency prices were thrust into the spotlight. That doesn’t mean SRC won’t reach all of its lofty goals, including a global expansion that begins with broader Europe and Asia, the Middle East, South America and North America. But it’s one of those projects without the wind of historic performance at its back. -2.5 Real estate market risk. Switzerland weathered the housing crisis intact, but SRC’s expansion plans include developing Latin American economies like Brazil and Venezuela, the latter of which is battling hyper-inflation currently. -1.5 Growth Opportunity SwissRealCoin has volunteered to be objectively rated by Swiss ICO and blockchain asset-rating agency Alethena. Alethena plans to present its findings on SwissRealCoin as a use case on May 22, a day before the public crowdsale begins. The fact that SRC is willing to cooperate and proactively seek out a market rating suggests they have nothing to hide and are confident about the viability of the project. +1 SwissRealCoin has plans for the SRC to trade on some popular exchanges once the ICO is complete and considering they at least reach their hard cap (details below). They identify Binance and EtherDelta as a couple of the trading platforms they’re targeting. +2.5 Professional management team with experience valuing the real estate market and making deals. +4 SwissRealCoin is registering SRC as an asset-backed security token and has applied for a letter of non-action by FINMA. +3.5 Disposition SwissRealCoin displays great promise for returns, and it boasts many of the features that you want in a coin and a project. But it’s early days for the commercial real estate portfolio, and while they may have already identified attractive assets to purchase, there’s not yet a precedent for what they’re doing. So for that reason, we’ll rate SwissRealCoin a 7 out of 10 for now but will keep our eyes on this project and the token once it’s launched on cryptocurrency exchanges for sure!
Investment Details Token Type: Security Platform: Ethereum ERC20 Symbol: SRC Pre-Reservations: Open since February 2018 for shareholders, friends and family, partners and early community members. Public Crowdsale: May 23, 2018 Token Supply: 150,000,000 + a maximum of 7% more tokens issued Tokens Available for Sale: 150,000,000 Price: CHF 1 Soft Cap: CHF 30 million Hard Cap: 160,500,000 SRC Payment Methods: BTC, ETH or fiat currency Jurisdictions Banned: “United States (including its territories and dependencies, any state of the United States and the District of Columbia), Canada, Japan, Australia, North Korea, Iran, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Angola, Aruba, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Bosnia, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central Africa republic, Chad, Comorros, Congo, Congo Democratic republic, Cuba, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos People’s Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Areas, Papua New Guinea, Reunion, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Georgia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Syria, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Timor, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe,” as per the company’s disclaimer. Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Important: Never invest (trade with) money you can't afford to comfortably lose. Always do your own research and due diligence before placing a trade. Read our Terms & Conditions here. Trade recommendations and analysis are written by our analysts which might have different opinions. Read my 6 Golden Steps to Financial Freedom here. Best regards, Jonas Borchgrevink.
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Gerelyn Terzo 4.5 stars on average, based on 15 rated posts Gerelyn has been covering ICOs and the cryptocurrency market since mid-2017. She's also reported on fintech more broadly in addition to asset management, having previously specialized in institutional investing. She owns some BTC and ETH.
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CLICK TO COMMENT ICOICO Analysis: AIRBLOCPublished 2 days ago on June 14, 2018 By VlaSem The Money Makers Club now has 13 of 15 available seats. Learn more here! AIRBLOC is a platform for the analysis and trade of personal data, uniting buyers and companies wishing to obtain information about their customers.
// -- Discuss and ask questions in our community on Workplace. As a decentralized platform for the exchange of personal data for both people and applications, AIRBLOC is planning to expand the data market to a level where individuals and small applications can participate, which will improve the quality and quantity of data transferred so that all market participants eventually benefit from this exchange.
Users will be able to monetize their own data, while monitoring and controlling transactions. Through the DAuth protocol on AIRBLOC, applications can receive permission from users and sell data on their behalf. In addition, advertisers can easily acquire and access a small amount of data and optimize their marketing campaigns using effective micro-targeting based on a high-quality and diverse set of user data.
// -- Become a yearly Platinum Member and save 69 USD. Click here to change your current membership -- // Data Providers are end users, and fully control the use and dissemination of data.
Gatekeepers are a network node; they keep the network from fraudulent activities by checking data and detecting user violations.
Data Collectors are applications that collect data and monetize them on behalf of users. They can collect indirect data using DAuth or collect direct data from users.
Data Refineries analyze data collected from Data Providers and processes them into user-level attributes. The processed data is then added to the user profile so that Data Consumers can filter them according to the specified attributes when creating a new segment.
Data Consumers are advertisers who purchase data for targeted ads using ABL tokens.
The protocol layers are described below:
Application Layer: Consists of third-party DApps that use Airbloc, including Airbloc Client, Airbloc DMP, and SDK. API Layer: an interface provided for communication with Airbloc Network and third-party DApps. Service Layer: Airbloc Contract, which includes all the functions of Airbloc Network. Core Layer: This layer is based on the Ethereum platform. It uses the internal subchain network to verify the data and uses the interchain network to link the two block libraries.
The data in the AIRBLOC system go through the seven stages of data processing, involving all five types of stakeholders. User-created data is collected and stored after Gatekeeper checks them. The refinery will refine these data in commercially available Ad data and sell it to consumers.
AIRBLOC has many competitors, including Wibson, Datum, Bitsabout.me, Insights Network, Opiria, Metame and BitClave. However, the whitepaper explains how AIRBLOC differs from these companies.
Token The total token supply is set at 400 million ABL. The tokens will be mined based on the annual inflation rate of 2.5% with the depreciation rate of -10.9%. The mined tokens will be stored on the AIR rewards pool. Such accumulated rewards will be given to Users and Gatekeepers as rewards. The block reward has a half-life of six years. As a result, more rewards will be given to early stage Network participants.
Nodes need ABL tokens in order to validate the date, and be rewarded in ABL as per usual POS
The token sale metrics are provided below:
In terms of token economics, AIRBLOC offers two types of tokens. One is the AIRBLOC (ABL), and the other is AIRBLOC Reward (AIR). ABL is a transferable ERC20 token and AIR is a non-transferrable token belonging to Users but can later be converted into ABL at a ratio of one-to-one.
While AIR cannot be transferred to others, it could be converted to ABL. However, it is impossible to convert ABL back to AIR.
The ABL token utility is spelled out below:
[DATA SOURCE] Data Providers who provide data will be rewarded with ABL tokens. [DATA CLEANSING+VALIDATION] Data Validators are rewarded in ABL tokens for validating and cleansing data (removing unnecessary segments of the data) before the data is registered on-chain. [STORAGE] Data Storage nodes are rewarded in ABL tokens for storing data. [DATA REFINING] Data Refineries analyze data and refine them into insights. [MARKETPLACE] Interactions and transactions on the AIRBLOC Data Marketplace would require the ABL token. AIR is a reward token for Users that complete productive activities in AIRBLOC, such as:
Provide data or contribute to the data reliability mining process. When Gatekeepers maintain AeroNetwork node. Refiners process raw data into valuable data. Inflation Actually, I was bothered by the inflation concept, so I dug into inflation and AIR issuance.
inflation will work in two ways:
1) ABL mined by nodes through a POS which requires ABL and is set at 2.5% per annum with 10.9% decrease in yield. 2) Through conversion of AIR, which is also given to user as per their contribution and amount of AIR they have.
To get ABL tokens, you must:
Buy at the exchange Receive reward from node Convert from AIR In this sense, the procedure of AIR issuance is rather important. And for this AIRBLOC introduces a concept of AIR pool.
AIR pool will be a dynamic account, from which rewards will be given as per process described above. What is important is to understand how it is filled in the first place:
10% of total supply of ABL goes to AIR pool to ensure liquidity. It is filled with trading fees, data usage rights fees paid by refineries and penalties for misbehavior. Thus we see that issue of AIR is an ongoing process. But in order to hinder potential price dumps by AIR holders, conversion of AIR to ABL per hour is limited to 0.1% of AIR generated by the network.
Roi Nam is the CEO and co-founder. He also served as CEO of ab180 (parent company) for two years. He was engaged in web development for 1.5 years, as well as CSO for 1 year.
Wonkyung Lyu is the Dev Team Lead and co-founder. He is also co-founder in ab180.
Hunjae Jung serves as the project’s Back-end Part Lead and co-founder and was also part of the founding team at ab180. Naeun Kim, Design Team Leader, rounds out the founding team at AIRBLOC.
The broader team is filled with developers and business professionals that are associated with ab180.
The advisory team includes JH Kim, who is also part of the ICON Foundation. He has almost 20 years of experience in the field of security, has experience in developing patented applications, such as the FCI protocol, has the CISA qualification, and is currently the director of Theloop.
Jason Han, who serves General Director of Kakao Blockchain, is also on the advisory team. He has served co-chairman and technical director of FuturePlay Tech VC.
Serial entrepreneur Sungjae Hwang is also an adviser to the project. He is a partner of Futureplay, the initial high-speed accelerator in South Korea and the CEO of FoundationX. Prior to these companies, he founded several start-ups. He worked as the chief product officer in Fluenty Inc. and AI chatbot startup, which was acquired by Samsung Electronics in 2017.
Louis Jinhwa Kim, who previously served as Director of the Tide Institute Institute of Finance and Delegate of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (2012), is also on the team.
Partners include:
GS SHOP, a leading online retail platform in Korea. Allbit, a new type of crypto exchange gateway. . FoundationX, one of the growing funds and accelerators of venture capital in Korea. VEAT, which is one of the leading law firms in Korea specializing in startup advisory services. ORANGEFARM, which is focused on incubating promising startups in Korea. ab180, the parent company AIRBLOC, was incubated in ORANGEFARM as early as 2017. SENTIENCE, one of the leading Korean research companies,. Deblock, an accelerator in Korea which is jointly invested by ICON Foundation & Ad4th Insight, a specialized block-chain company. Battle Entertainment, a leading comic platform in Korea, serving more than a million customers. Humanscape, a the leading medical platform for customer relationship management in Korea, which helps hospitals monitor the condition of patients after surgery and provide follow-up services to patients. Rainist, a leading Korean software company which provides recommendations for financial products based on lifestyle patterns. Fysical, the world’s first full-fledged, fully functional, decentralized market for location data. Indorse, a decentralized social network for professionals. Verdict A large team with extensive experience in the sector looks solid. The guys were able to attract consultants in areas where there are obvious gaps, as well as partners represented by ICON.
Risks Based on token sale ROI statistic, marketplaces and advertising related projects do not have a good performance in the short term. -1 Customer attraction could face challenges. However, to offset this, the platform has developed a proprietary AirBloc Protocol SDK (software development kit) that has already been stress tested by 60 million devices in Korea. The SDK Protocol functions like a layer that can be easily implemented on top of apps, allowing acquisition of customers. -0.5 Platform implementation and scaling could face difficulties, as Ethereum is not suitable for this. Therefore, AIRBLOC uses the hybrid-chain architecture that uses Ethereum and ICON. Data validation and the process will be done through Aero Network, which will use ICON. Such a combination seems promising; however, without a working MVP (planned to be in Q3 2018) it is hard to judge on its performance. -1 There are ptential regulatory barriers in relation to private data protection laws, although the team looks prepared to handle it. -0.5 I do not like the fact that private sale participants get 45%, even though 30% of 45% will be locked for 3 months as their overall part in the token distribution is rather high. -2 The project involves a complex inflation model, which involves two tokens. -1 Growth Potential Mother company ab108 is already successful in advertising market analysis in Korea. +2 Whitepaper and documentation are pretty good. +1 The team is above average with many strong developers. +2 A lot of strong partnerships like ICON and GS shop, Coinplug as well as several VCs. +2 Token metrics and distribution are in a good range with a hard cap of 20,000 ETH (around $12 million). +2 Strong token use case. +1 A good growth strategy for user attraction. +1 Hype is there (Telegram has 10,000+ members and lots of people are on the whitelist). +2 Disposition This is definitely a project to look for. The team has all the necessary experience and knowledge for a successful execution. They leverage on their mother company ab108 and numerous partnerships. They have some obstacles in their way, but they have a clear plan how to overcome them. AIRBLOC receives 7 of 10.
Investment Details Type: ERC20 – Utility Symbol: ABL Platform: Hybrid chain structure: Ethereum and ICON Crowdsale: June Minimum Investment: 0.2 ETH Price: 1 ETH = 10,000 ABL Hard Cap: 20,000 ETH Payments Accepted: ETH Restrictions Barred from Participating: USA and China General details :
Website : https://airbloc.org/#main
Whitepaper : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JFpgTbp3W76Q45HmefSpLBraZ_XeTHmdtWheYMU0czQ/edit
Telegram : https://t.me/airbloc
Github : https://github.com/airbloc
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VlaSem 4.9 stars on average, based on 6 rated posts Vladislav Semjonov has a legal and financial background. He has been involved in crypto space since early 2017 in both ICO advising positions in several ICO consultancy firms, and as an ICO analyst for VC. He began contributing for Hacked.com in April 2017.
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