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[Mega Thread] Origen de palabras y frases argentinas

Estimados rediturros, en base al post del usuario que hoy descubrió la etimología de Michi (gato), vengo a hacerles entrega del thread que se merecen aquellas personas curiosas.
Seguramente faltan varias palabras pero dejo las que fui recolectando. ----
Alude al 11 de noviembre, día de San Martín de Tours, patrono de Buenos Aires, que se celebra comiendo lechón. Significa que a todos les llega en algún momento la compensación por sus buenos o malos actos.
Viene de Jaén, España, donde los delincuentes eran recluídos en el Castillo de Segura de la Sierra. Originalmente se decía `a (la prisión de) Segura se lo llevaron preso`, que advertía de no robar, para no terminar en Segura. Hoy significa que nadie está libre de alguna contingencia.
Con la expresión `al tun tún`, los paremiólogos no se ponen de acuerdo: para unos deviene de `ad vultum tuum`, que en latín vulgar significa `al bulto`, y para otros, es una voz creada para sugerir una acción ejecutada de golpe. De cualquier forma, hoy `al tun tun` indica algo hecho sin análisis ni discriminación.
Es una fruta nativa de América del Sur, deliciosa, decorativa y habitualmente asociada con los climas tropicales. El vocablo ananá proviene de nana, que en guaraní significa perfumado. Y fueron los colonizadores portugueses quienes adaptaron esta voz original guaraní para acercarla al modo en que hoy la usamos en la Argentina. Otra de sus nominaciones, piña, se debe a Cristóbal Colón, quien al verla por primera vez (en 1493, en la isla de Guadalupe) pensó erróneamente que había encontrado un tipo de piñón de pino.
Lo de `atorrantes` viene de principios del siglo pasado, cuando colocaron unos grandes caños de desagüe en la costanera, frente a la actual Casa de Gobierno, en lo que hoy es Puerto Madero. Éstos tenían la leyenda `A. Torrant et Cie.` (nombre del fabricante francés) bien grande a lo largo de cada segmento de caño, y estuvieron casi más de un año hasta que, por fin, los enterraron. Mientras tanto `se fueron a vivir a los caños` cuanto vago, linyera y sujetos de avería rondaban por la zona y así surgió este dicho. Cuando la gente se refería a las personas que vivían en esos caños, los llamaban "A-Torran-tes". Más adelante se llamó así a toda persona vaga o de mal comportamiento.
Aunque casi ya no se emplea, podemos escuchar esta palabra en muchísimos tangos de comienzos del siglo XX. “Mina que de puro esquillo con otro bacán se fue”, dice la letra de Ivette, compuesta por Pascual Contursi. “Hoy sos toda una bacana, la vida te ríe y canta”, reza Mano a mano, el clásico de Celedonio Flores. Del genovés baccan (jefe de familia o patrón), el término alude a una persona adinerada, elegante, amante del buen vivir y acompañó un fenómeno social: el surgimiento de la clase media y la figura del hombre capaz de darse ciertos lujos y exhibirlos.
Con frases como “Yo te banco” o “No te banco más”, bancar es uno de los verbos que más usamos los argentinos para expresar si aguantamos, toleramos o apoyamos a algo o alguien. El origen del término es bastante discutido. Algunas opiniones señalan que alude al banco en el que nos sentamos, en el sentido de que este soporta nuestro cuerpo. Sin embargo, otros argumentan que se trata de una expresión popularizada gracias a los juegos de azar. Es que “bancame” era la súplica que hacían los apostadores a los responsables de la banca en los casinos.
Esta voz comenzó a utilizarse en la década del 80 y se propagó rápidamente, incluso con su verbo derivado: bardear. Se aplica para indicar la ocurrencia de problemas, líos, desorden o embrollos. Para algunos es una especie de “lunfardo del lunfardo” porque se trata de una simplificación del término balurdo, otra locución coloquial que tomamos del italiano (balordo: necio o tonto). Así que están avisados: la próxima vez que digan que algo “es un bardo”, sepan que del otro lado del océano pueden interpretar que se refieren simplemente a una tontería.
Una obsesión, un capricho, una esperanza acariciada sin fundamento racional… eso es un berretín. De origen genovés, donde beretín alude a una especie de gorro o sombrero, la creatividad popular nombró así a los deseos intensos que llevamos en la cabeza. El tango supo recoger esta palabra. Por ejemplo, Niño bien arranca: “Niño bien, pretencioso y engrupido, que tenés el berretín de figurar”. Esta voz, hoy casi en desuso, también llegó al cine. En 1933 se rodó Los tres berretines, la segunda película argentina de cine sonoro que narraba tres pasiones porteñas: fútbol, tango y cine.
Sin lugar a dudas, boludo es una de las palabras que identifican a los argentinos y que más transformó su sentido a lo largo de las últimas décadas. De ser agresiva e insultante, se convirtió en una expresión inocente y típica empleada para llamar la atención del otro. En la provincia de Córdoba evolucionó de tal modo que terminó teniendo una sonoridad totalmente diferente: boló. Y la frase “¿Qué hacé’ boló?” podría ser perfectamente el saludo entre dos cordobeses que se tienen la más alta estima.
BOLUDO [Mención especial].
Convertida en un verdadero clásico argentino, boludo (y sus derivados, boludez, boludeo, boludear) fue mutando su significado a través del tiempo.
En el siglo XIX, los gauchos peleaban contra un ejército de lo que en aquella época era una nación desarrolla como la española.
Luchaban contra hombres disciplinados en las mejores academias militares provistos de armas de fuego, artillería, corazas, caballería y el mejor acero toledano, mientras que los criollos (montoneros), de calzoncillo cribado y botas de potro con los dedos al aire, sólo tenían para oponerles pelotas, piedras grandes con un surco por donde ataban un tiento, bolas (las boleadoras) y facones, que algunos amarraban a una caña tacuara y hacían una lanza precaria. Pocos tenían armas de fuego: algún trabuco naranjero o arma larga desactualizada.
Entonces, ¿cuál era la técnica para oponerse a semejante maquinaria bélica como la que traían los realistas? Los gauchos se formaban en tres filas: la primera era la de los "pelotudos", que portaban las pelotas de piedras grandes amarradas con un tiento. La segunda era la de los "lanceros", con facón y tacuara, y, la tercera, la integraban los "boludos" con sus boleadoras o bolas. Cuando los españoles cargaban con su caballería, los pelotudos, haciendo gala de una admirable valentía, los esperaban a pie firme y les pegaban a los caballos en el pecho. De esta forma, rodaban y desmontaban al jinete y provocaban la caída de los que venían atrás. Los lanceros aprovechaban esta circunstancia y pinchaban a los caídos.
En 1890, un diputado de la Nación aludió a lo que hoy llamaríamos "perejiles", diciendo que "no había que ser pelotudo", en referencia a que no había que ir al frente y hacerse matar. En la actualidad, resemantizada, funciona como muletilla e implica un tono amistoso, de confianza. El alcance del término es tan grande que, en el VI Congreso de la Lengua Española, realizado en 2013, el escritor argentino Juan Gelman la eligió como la palabra que mejor nos representa.
A fines del siglo XIX, los pasajes de tranvía en Brasil llevaban escrita la palabra bond (bono en inglés). Por eso, las clases populares comenzaron a referirse al tranvía como bonde (en portugués la “e” suena como nuestra “i”). A partir de entonces, el recorrido del vocablo fue directo: la trajeron los italianos que llegaban desde Brasil y, cuando el tranvía dejó de funcionar en Buenos Aires, se convirtió en sinónimo popular de colectivo.
Es el título del emblemático tango escrito por Enrique Santos Discépolo en 1935. Pero, ¿sabés qué significa exactamente esta palabra? Originalmente deriva del verbo cambiar y en nuestro país se utilizó para nombrar a las antiguas tiendas de compraventa de objetos usados. Este es el sentido que se le da en el tango cuando dice: “Igual que en la vidriera irrespetuosa de los cambalaches se ha mezclao la vida, y herida por un sable sin remache, vi llorar la Biblia junto al calefón”. Por eso, el significado se transformó en sinónimo de desorden o mezcla confusa de objetos.
Existen diferentes versiones para explicar cómo surgió este vocablo que en lunfardo significa unívocamente policía. Una dice que proviene de la abreviatura de canario, que se empleaba en España para designar a los delatores. Aunque la historia más extendida lo ubica en el idioma francés, del término canne, y alude al bastón que portaban los agentes del orden. Como sea, cana pasó a nombrar a la policía y, más tarde, se empleó como sinónimo de cárcel (“ir en cana”). Hoy también se utiliza la expresión “mandar en cana” para decir, con picardía, que dejamos a alguien en evidencia.
Apasionados por el deporte, los argentinos repetimos frases que ya forman parte de nuestra genética. “El domingo vamos a la cancha” es una de ellas. Como es sabido, cancha es el espacio que se destina a eventos deportivos y, en ocasiones, a algunos espectáculos artísticos. Pero lo que pocos conocen es que esta palabra proviene del quechua, lengua originaria en la que kancha significa lugar plano. La acepción que en la actualidad le damos a esta expresión llegó con la práctica de la lidia de toros y pronto se expandió a todos los deportes.
El origen de esta palabra es literalmente literario. La voz se toma de Canillita, una pieza teatral escrita por Florencio Sánchez en los primeros años del siglo XX. El protagonista es un muchacho de 15 años que trabaja en la calle vendiendo periódicos para mantener a su familia. Como sus piernas son muy flaquitas y lleva unos pantalones que le quedaron cortos por los que asoman sus canillas, lo llaman Canillita. Desde 1947, el 7 de noviembre se celebra el Día del Canillita en homenaje a la muerte del gran escritor uruguayo, autor de otra obra emblemática M’hijo el dotor.
Puede que, a menudo, muchos de los que utilizan esta palabra para referirse socarronamente a las personas torpes o propensas a los pequeños accidentes no tengan cabal idea de su significado literal. Sucede que esta expresión se establece como síntesis de la frase “Cagada tras cagada”. En la Argentina, se hizo popular en 1977 a partir de la película El gordo catástrofe, protagonizada por Jorge Porcel, quien personificaba un hombre que vivía de accidente en accidente y al que todos llamaban Catrasca.
Desde el tango El firulete, de Rodolfo Taboada, que dice “Vos dejá nomás que algún chabón chamuye al cuete y sacudile tu firulete…”, hasta After chabón, el último disco de la banda de rock Sumo, esta voz del lunfardo se instaló en la cultura argentina como sinónimo de muchacho, tipo o pibe. El término deriva de chavó (del idioma caló, usado por el pueblo gitano), que significa joven, muchachuelo. De allí provienen, también, algunas variantes como chavo y chaval, empleadas en diferentes países de habla hispana.
La palabra chamamé proviene del guaraní chaá-maì-mé (“estoy bajo la lluvia” o “bajo la sombra estoy”). Según Antonio Sepp, musicólogo jesuita, los nativos se reunían bajo un enorme árbol y, en forma de ronda, hablaban y cantaban ordenadamente a lo largo de la noche; respetaban así la sabiduría de los años, sin negarles un lugar a los más jóvenes. Muchas veces terminaban danzando y desplazándose como en un rito de adoración o gratitud. Es en esos espacios de encuentro donde se cree que nació el chamamé, esa marca de identidad musical de la Mesopotamia.
La oralidad reunió che y amigo en un solo término para dar origen a una tercera palabra: chamigo. En este caso, el vocablo che proviene del guaraní, y no del mapuche ni del valenciano, donde tiene otros significados. En guaraní, che es el pronombre posesivo mi, y por eso chamigo quiere decir mi amigo o amigo mío. Esta voz se emplea en Chaco, Corrientes, Misiones y Entre Ríos, provincias donde la cultura guaranítica tiene mayor peso. “El chamigo es algo más que lo común de un amigo, es esa mano que estrecha con impulso repentino”, canta el chamamecero Antonio Tarragó Ros.
En el noroeste se usa la palabra chango, o su diminutivo changuito, como sinónimo de niño o muchacho. El término deriva de una voz quechua que significa pequeño. Una zamba dice “Cántale, chango, a mi tierra, con todita tu alma, con toda tu voz, con tu tonadita bien catamarqueña; cántale, changuito, lo mismo que yo”. Nieto, Farías Gómez y Spasiuk son solo tres de los Changos que ha dado el folklore argentino y que llevan este vocablo como apodo, indisolublemente unido a su apellido.
Se trata de la abreviatura de la voz genovesa ciantapuffi, que significa planta clavos; es decir, persona que no paga sus deudas o que no hace bien su trabajo. Pero en nuestro país, cuando le decimos chanta a alguien, nos referimos a que no es confiable o creíble, que es irresponsable o no se compromete. Aunque también se asocia a la picardía si se emplea para nombrar a aquel que finge y presume cualidades positivas. En otras palabras, un chanta sería un charlatán, un chamuyero. En cambio, “tirarse a chanta” es abandonar las obligaciones o, como se dice en la actualidad, “hacer la plancha”.
Se estima que esta frase nació en nuestro campo y se la usa para referirse a algo de poco beneficio económico o ínfimo valor. El palito alude al de la yerba que flota en el mate mal cebado: aquello que no sirve, que está pero molesta. En el caso de chaucha refuerza el sentido: para el gaucho, básicamente carnívoro, la chaucha era un vegetal sin importancia, barato, del que prefería prescindir. Además, en tiempos de la colonia, chaucha se denominaba una moneda de poco valor. Como decir “poco y nada”, pero referido unívocamente al valor monetario.
Es una de las palabras que más nos identifica en el mundo. Casi como una seña personal. La usamos para llamar la atención del otro, para quejarnos o simplemente como interjección. La historia más difundida sostiene que es una voz mapuche que significa gente. Sin embargo, otra teoría señala que proviene de Valencia (España), donde le dan usos similares a los nuestros. Ernesto Guevara, ya que de Che hablamos, debe su apodo a la recurrencia con que empleaba la muletilla en su discurso coloquial.
A mediados del siglo XIX, los gauchos que habitaban las zonas rurales del Río de la Plata dieron origen a una de las minutas que más caracteriza los domingos de los argentinos: el choripán. El término, que es un acrónimo de chorizo y pan, nació en los tradicionales asados gauchescos cuando comer una achura entre dos trozos de pan empezó a ser costumbre. Hoy, a esta denominación que ya es un símbolo identitario de nuestro vocabulario, se le acoplaron dos sándwiches más: vaciopán y morcipán.
Colifa es un término muy popular que empleamos para expresar, con cierta ternura, que alguien está loco, piantado o rayado. Aunque el sentido común nos lleva a pensar que proviene del término colifato, los estudiosos explican que coli deriva del vocablo italiano coló (que significa, justamente, chiflado). A su vez, colo es loco al vesre ()al revés en lunfardo). Entonces, colifato, y su apócope colifa, aparecen como transformaciones de ese término original que en el habla de la calle sumó sílabas con fines únicamente creativos.
La expresión `Croto` se remonta a la década del `20, cuando el entonces Ministro de Obras Públicas y Transporte, Crotto, implementó una especie de certificado de pobreza y cuyo portador podía viajar gratis en los tranvías y trenes. Hoy en día se denomina con este nombre a toda persona mal vestida que con su apariencia denota su estado de indigencia.
En cualquier lugar del mundo se denomina cuarteto a un conjunto de cuatro integrantes, pero para los argentinos se trata, además, de un género musical con influencias de la tarantela y el pasodoble. Este ritmo tropical, que comenzó a bailarse en las zonas rurales de la provincia de Córdoba durante la década del 40 y se popularizó en todo el país en los 90, es una creación cien por ciento argentina. Sus dos exponentes más emblemáticos, Carlos “La Mona” Jiménez y Rodrigo Bueno, convirtieron a este género en una alegre y festiva marca de identidad.
Se trata de una expresión muy antigua y, decirlo así, puede parecer redundante. Porque ñaupa es una voz quechua que significa viejo o antiguo. En general, se emplea para aludir a un acontecimiento que data de tiempo atrás. La creencia popular considera que Ñaupa fue una persona que tuvo una existencia asombrosamente prolongada. Muy utilizado en la década del 30, suele asociarse al lunfardo, en especial cuando se dice que un tango es “del año del ñaupa”. Su equivalente en España es “del tiempo de Maricastaña”. La versión moderna sería "del año del orto"
Muchas veces, los medios de comunicación masiva logran instalar expresiones en el habla cotidiana gracias a memorables personajes de ficción y, también, a los guiones de algunas publicidades. Es el caso de despiplume, una voz que nació en la década del 70 en un spot de la famosa marca de coñac Tres plumas protagonizado por Susana Giménez. A través de un juego de palabras, la idea fue asociar el término despiole al producto. Sin dudas, lo lograron, pues si bien hoy la expresión casi no se usa, cualquiera sabe qué queremos decir cuando afirmamos que “esto es un despiplume”.
“Más argentino que el dulce de leche”, dice la expresión popular. Sin embargo, son varios los países que se atribuyen su creación. Nuestra versión cuenta que esta delicia nacional nace de una casualidad. En 1829, Juan Manuel de Rosas esperaba a Juan Lavalle, su enemigo político, en una estancia. La criada hervía leche con azúcar para cebar el mate y olvidó la preparación por largo tiempo en el fuego. Aún así, Rosas quiso probar la sustancia espesa y amarronada que se había formado en la olla. Para sorpresa de la criada, le encantó y decidió bautizarla dulce criollo.
Quedarse sin un peso, agotar los recursos, tener que vender la casa… Cualquiera de estas circunstancias puede expresarse con el mismo dicho: “Me quedé en Pampa y la vía”. ¿Alguna vez escuchaste de dónde viene este dicho? Tiene una ubicación geográfica muy precisa porque la calle La Pampa se cruza con la vía del tren muy cerca del hipódromo de Buenos Aires. Cuenta la leyenda que los jugadores que apostaban a los caballos, cuando tenían un día de mala racha y lo perdían todo, se iban del barrio en un ómnibus que salía del cruce de Pampa y la vía.
La historia de esta palabra –que todos asociamos a la pereza y desgano– se origina en el habla de los almaceneros de barrio procedentes de Italia. En genovés, fiacún alude al cansancio provocado por la falta de alimentación adecuada. Y fueron estos comerciantes quienes diseminaron el término que, con el uso coloquial, se transformó en fiaca. Como habrá sido que se instaló, que una de las famosas Aguafuertes porteñas de Roberto Arlt se refiere al tema: “No hay porteño, desde la Boca a Núñez, y desde Núñez a Corrales, que no haya dicho alguna vez: ‘Hoy estoy con fiaca”.
Proviene de gamba, que en italiano significa pierna, y es un término que usamos en diferentes contextos. Por ejemplo, “hacer la gamba” es ayudar a otra persona. Claro que, si las cosas no salen bien, decimos que lo que hicimos fue “meter la gamba”. Puntualmente, gambeta refiere a un movimiento de danza que consiste en cruzar las piernas en el aire. Pero en el Río de la Plata funciona como metáfora de otro arte, el fútbol: porque en el campo de juego, gambeta es el movimiento que hace el jugador para evitar que el contrario le arrebate la pelota. Por eso, en el uso cotidiano, cuando sorteamos obstáculos decimos que gambeteamos.
En nuestro lenguaje cotidiano, hacer una gauchada es ayudar a alguien sin esperar nada a cambio. La gauchada era una actitud típica de los gauchos, un gesto completo de solidaridad. Es que estos hombres cumplieron un rol clave en la guerra de la Independencia por su valentía, habilidad para cabalgar y gran conocimiento del territorio. Por el contrario, hacer una guachada es cometer una traición, aunque detrás de esta expresión haya un sentido más trágico que desleal. Y es que guacho refiere a la cría animal que perdió a su madre, y por extensión, a los niños huérfanos.
A la hora de dirigirse a alguien en forma peyorativa, gil es una de las expresiones preferidas por los argentinos. Asociada a la ingenuidad o a la falta de experiencia, algunos sostienen que proviene de perejil, otra voz coloquial que en una de sus acepciones puede emplearse con un significado parecido, puesto que hasta hace unos años era una hortaliza tan barata que los verduleros directamente la regalaban. Sin embargo, gil proviene del caló, una antigua lengua gitana en la que gilí quiere decir inexperto.
En el campo se denomina como guacho al ternero que queda huérfano.
Es lamentable, pero algunas palabras que usamos cotidianamente provienen de situaciones históricas de discriminación y exclusión. Es el caso de guarango, que si bien en la actualidad se emplea como sinónimo de grosero, maleducado o malhablado, fue instalada por los españoles de la conquista como referencia despectiva y racista hacia los nativos que hablaban en guaraní. Decirle guarango a la persona que emplea un vocabulario soez es ofensivo pero no por la adjetivación que pretende, sino porque su origen alude a una descalificación arbitraria.
La frecuencia con que se emplea el término guaso en Córdoba lo convierte en un cordobesismo. Pero ser guaso en esta provincia tiene por lo menos dos niveles. Cuando alude a un hombre: “El guaso estaba tomando algo en el bar”, la palabra solo sirve para definirlo como individuo masculino (en este caso, guaso funciona como sinónimo de tipo, chabón, etc.). Pero también se emplea para hacer referencia a alguien grosero o de poca educación: “No seai guaso vo’”. Y es tal la dinámica del vocablo que permite hiperbolizarlo, de manera que algo guaso pueda crecer hasta ser guasaso.
En lunfardo, el dinero tiene infinidad de sinónimos: mango, viyuya, morlaco, vento, mosca, tarasca. También existe un lenguaje propio para hablar de su valor: luca es mil, gamba es cien y palo es millón. Sin embargo, el origen del término guita es difícil de rastrear. Una de las versiones más difundidas sostiene que proviene del alemán, específicamente del germano antiguo, de la voz witta, usada para denominar algo fundamental sin lo cual no se puede vivir. A su vez, witta también proviene del latín vita que significa vida.
¿Alguna vez te dijeron gurí o gurisa? Seguramente fue cuando todavía eras un chico. Porque el término proviene de la voz guaraní ngiri y significa muchacho, niño. Es una palabra que podemos escuchar en Corrientes, Misiones y Entre Ríos, y por supuesto también en la República Oriental del Uruguay. “¡Tu recuerdo ya no es una postal, Posadas! Ni tu yerbatal, ni tu tierra colorada. Con un sapukay siento que tu voz me llama porque tengo en mí, alma de gurí”, dice la letra del chamamé Alma de gurí.
La humita es mucho más que un gusto de empanada. Pero son pocos los que saben que la palabra proviene de la voz quechua jumint’a, un alimento que preparaban los antiguos pueblos indígenas del continente (incas, mayas y aztecas). Hecho a base de choclo triturado, la preparación incorpora cebolla, tomate y ají molido, se sirve envuelto en las mismas hojas de la planta del maíz. Este delicioso y nutritivo plato es típico de Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú y el norte argentino.
“Se me vino al humo” es una imagen cotidiana en el habla de los argentinos. El dicho alude al modo en que los indígenas convocaban a los malones y figura en el Martín Fierro, de José Hernández: “Su señal es un humito que se eleva muy arriba / De todas partes se vienen / a engrosar la comitiva”. Pero también la registra Lucio V. Mansilla en Una excursión a los indios Ranqueles: “El fuego y el humo traicionan al hombre de las pampas”, escribe dando a entender que una fogata mal apagada o la pólvora que quemaban los fusiles bastaban para que lanzas y boleadoras acudiesen a la humareda.
Laburar surge naturalmente del verbo lavorare (trabajar en italiano), que a su vez deriva de labor en latín, cuyo significado es fatiga, esfuerzo. La connotación negativa se encuentra también en los orígenes del término en español ya que trabajar proviene del vocablo latín tripalium, traducido como tres palos: un instrumento de castigo físico que se usaba contra los esclavos. De modo que si bien el laburo dignifica y es salud; el origen de su locución nos remonta a situaciones que poco tienen que ver con esos significados.
La propuesta es natural en cualquier parte: “¿Y si nos tomamos unos mates?”. Esta infusión, la más amada por los argentinos, toma su nombre, como muchas otras palabras, de la lengua quechua. Porque mati es la voz que empleaban los pueblos originarios para referirse a cualquier utensilio para beber. Y es que mate tiene la particularidad de aludir al contenido, pero también al continente. Un término que para los rioplatenses significa mucho más que una bebida. Porque la mateada es un ritual, un espacio de encuentro y celebración.
Proviene de la palabra italiana morfa que significa boca. Con el tiempo y el uso, la expresión adquirió nuevos sentidos: padecer, sobrellevar, sufrir: “Me morfé cuatro horas de cola”. En el ámbito del deporte, especialmente en el terreno futbolístico, suele emplearse el giro “morfarse la pelota”, algo así como jugar solo sin pasar el balón a los otros jugadores. Pero tan instalado estaba el término en la década del 30, que el historietista Guillermo Divito creó un personaje para la revista Rico Tipo que se llamaba Pochita Morfoni, una señora a la que le gustaba mucho comer.
Quizás los más jóvenes asocian el término a la famosa canción de Memphis La Blusera, Moscato, pizza y fainá. Sin embargo, el tradicional vino dulce, llamado así porque está hecho con uva moscatel, perdura más allá del blues local y sigue siendo un clásico de los bodegones y pizzerías de todo el país. El hábito llegó con los inmigrantes italianos a fines del siglo XIX, pero la costumbre de servirlo cuando se come una buena porción de muzzarella es propia de nuestro país y comenzó a establecerse allá por 1930.
Lola era el nombre de una galleta sin aditivos que a principios del siglo XX integraba la dieta de hospital. Por eso, cuando alguien moría, se decía: `Este no quiere más Lola`. Y, desde entonces, se aplica a quien no quiere seguir intentando lo imposible.
De norte a sur y hasta la provincia de Río Negro, el ñandú es una de las aves que más se destaca en los paisajes de la Argentina. Este fabuloso animal de gran porte, que puede llegar a medir hasta 1,80 m de altura, toma su nombre de la lengua guaraní, en la que ñandú significa araña. La explicación alude a las semejanzas entre los elementos de la naturaleza. Los pueblos originarios veían un notorio parecido entre el plumaje del avestruz americano -y las figuras que se forman en él- y los arácnidos que habitan las regiones subtropicales.
Para ser tajantes, a veces decimos que no haremos algo "Ni en pedo", "Ni mamado", o “Ni ebrios ni dormidos”. Algunos sostienen que la expresión nació cuando Manuel Belgrano encontró a un centinela borracho y dormido. Enseguida, habría establecido una norma por la que “ningún vigía podía estar ebrio o dormido en su puesto”. Otra versión dice que, tras el triunfo en Suipacha, alguien alcoholizado propuso un brindis “por el primer Rey y Emperador de América, Don Cornelio Saavedra”. Mariano Moreno se enteró y lo desterró diciendo que nadie “ni ebrio ni dormido debe tener expresiones contra la libertad de su país”.
Cuando no queremos más complicaciones, nos cansamos de participar en algo, o necesitamos cesar alguna actividad, decimos: “No quiero más lola”. En la Buenos Aires de 1930 se fabricaban las galletitas Lola. Elaboradas con ingredientes saludables, eran indicadas en las dietas de los hospitales. En ese contexto, cuando un enfermo podía empezar a ingerir otro tipo de alimentos, se decía que “No quería más lola”. Otro uso, más oscuro: cuando fallecía un paciente internado, obviamente, dejaba de comer. De ahí el dicho popular: “Este no quiere más lola”.
Los mendocinos emplean muchos términos propios que pueden escucharse en su territorio y también, debido a la cercanía, en Chile (y viceversa). Una de las voces más representativas de este intercambio lingüístico es guón, apócope del huevón chileno. Existen algunas otras, pero menos conocidas. Por ejemplo, pandito. ¿Pero qué significa? Proviene de pando y quiere decir llano o poco profundo. “Me quedo en lo pandito de la pileta” o “Donde topa lo pandito”, que alude a donde termina el llano y comienza la montaña.
El lunfardo, la creatividad de la calle y el tango se ocupan de piropear y resaltar la belleza de la mujer. Quizá, una de las palabras que mejor lo hace sea papusa, empleada para referirse a una chica bonita, atractiva o espléndida. Este término, que también funciona como sinónimo de papirusa, se puede encontrar en clásicos del tango rioplatense como El ciruja, de Alfredo Marino, o ¡Che, papusa, oí!, de Enrique Cadícamo, que inmortalizó los versos “Che papusa, oí los acordes melodiosos que modula el bandoneón”.
Llamamos patovicas a quienes se ocupan de la seguridad de los locales bailables. Pero esta expresión nació lejos de las discotecas y cerca de los corrales avícolas. Allá por 1900, Víctor Casterán fundó en Ingeniero Maschwitz un criadero de patos y lo llamó Viccas, como las primeras letras de su nombre y su apellido. Alimentados con leche y cereales, los patos Viccas eran fornidos y sin grasa. La semejanza entre estos animales y los musculosos de los gimnasios surgió enseguida. Que los hercúleos custodios de los boliches terminaran cargando con ese mote, fue cuestión de sentarse a esperar.
Los rioplatenses suelen utilizar la expresión pibe como sinónimo de niño o joven. Existen diferentes versiones sobre su origen. La más difundida señala que proviene del italiano, algunos creen que del lombardo pivello (aprendiz, novato) y otros que se tomó del vocablo genovés pive (muchacho de los mandados). Pero la explicación española aporta el toque de humor. La palabra pibe, del catalán pevet (pebete), denominaba una suerte de sahumerio que gracias a la ironía popular y la subversión del sentido pasó a nombrar a los adolescentes, propensos a los olores fuertes.
Este argentinismo se usa para decir que algo es espléndido o sofisticado. La divertida leyenda cuenta que se popularizó en la década del 70 cuando Carlos Monzón llegó a París para pelear con el francés Jean-Claude Bouttier. Antes del combate, el argentino recibió la llave de la ciudad y, al tomar el micrófono para agradecer el honor, se dispuso a repetir el discurso que había ensayado largamente. La carcajada de la platea se desató cuando Monzón, en lugar de decir “merci beaucoup” (muchas gracias en francés) tal como lo había practicado, expresó algo nervioso: “pipí cucú”.
Pirarse es piantarse. Es decir, “irse, tomarse el buque”. Y literalmente así nace este verbo. El piróscafo era un barco a vapor que, en los primeros años del siglo XX, constituía la forma más rápida de viajar de un continente al otro. Por eso, la expresión “tomarse el piro” empezó a usarse para decir que alguien se marchaba de un lugar de manera apresurada. Sin embargo, el tiempo le otorgó otro significado: el que se iba, podía hacerlo alejándose de la realidad: “Está pirado”, “No le digas así que se pira”. Entonces, pirarse pasó a ser sinónimo de enloquecer.
El poncho es una prenda sudamericana típica por definición que forma parte de la tradición criolla. Por simpleza, comodidad y capacidad de abrigo, es utilizado hasta el día de hoy en la Argentina, Chile, Ecuador y Bolivia. El origen de la palabra que lo denomina tiene muchísimas variantes, pero una de las más difundidas explica que proviene del quechua, punchu, con el mismo significado. Otra versión la relaciona con punchaw (día en quechua), como una analogía entre el amanecer de un nuevo día y la acción de emerger la cabeza a través del tajo del poncho.
Si algo destaca al maíz y a sus distintas preparaciones en todo el mundo, especialmente en Latinoamérica, es la gran cantidad de voces que lo nombran. Lo que en Buenos Aires se conoce como pochoclo y en otros países son rosetas de maíz; en Misiones, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Chaco, Formosa y Santa Fe se le llama pororó. Esta palabra encuentra su origen en el guaraní. Es que los nativos le decían pororó a todo aquello que generaba un sonido estruendoso y, como es sabido, la preparación de este alimento, provoca la idea de pequeñas explosiones.
El tango es uno de nuestros géneros musicales y de danza más tradicionales. Sin embargo, la etimología de su nombre es objeto de fuertes controversias. Hay quienes dicen que el término proviene de tangomao, un africanismo con el que se definía a los traficantes de esclavos en la época colonial. De este modo, en América se llamó tango a los sitios donde se reunían los africanos para bailar y cantar. Otra teoría señala que el mismo vocablo entró en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, desde Cuba y Andalucía, para denominar un género musical que en el Río de la Plata adquirió su propia idiosincrasia.
“Vos tenés la vaca atada”, le decimos a quien disfruta de un garantizado bienestar económico. El dicho nace en el siglo XIX, cuando en la Argentina se impuso el modelo agroexportador y muchos estancieros se enriquecieron gracias a la vasta cantidad de hectáreas que podían explotar. En aquellos tiempos, era común que los nuevos ricos viajaran a Europa con sus familias. Era costumbre que también llevaran a su personal de servicio y una vaca para obtener la leche para sus hijos durante el viaje. El animal tenía que viajar sujeto en un rincón de la bodega del barco. Esa es la famosa vaca atada.
Hay palabras que, como si se tratara de una moda, aparecen y desaparecen del uso cotidiano según el contexto histórico. Es el caso de tilingo, la expresión popularizada por Arturo Jauretche, quien la instaló en el habla de los argentinos como un adjetivo para calificar a las personas que se preocupan por cosas insignificantes y ambicionan pertenecer a una clase social más alta. Además, este pensador emblemático del siglo XX actualizó el empleo de cipayo e introdujo los términos vendepatria y medio pelo.
Seguramente más de una vez le habrás dicho a alguien: “Dejá de tirar manteca al techo”. El giro busca expresar la idea de un gasto ostentoso e innecesario y su origen se ubica en la Buenos Aires de 1920. Por entonces, los jóvenes adinerados se divertían en los restaurantes de moda arrojando rulitos de manteca con el tenedor. Le apuntaban al techo y el objetivo era competir para ver quién era capaz de dejar pegados más trozos al cielo raso, o cuál de todos se mantenía adherido por más tiempo. Una práctica absurda de la que, afortunadamente, solo nos queda la expresión cotidiana.
Tomado del Martín Fierro, el libro de José Hernández icono de la literatura gauchesca, este refrán se basa en la idea de que cualquier animal se presta para ser asado y comido. Sabido es que en la Argentina amamos los asados y todo el ritual que los envuelve. Pero, además, con el tiempo el dicho “Todo bicho que camina va a parar al asador” evolucionó sumando otros significados. Durante las décadas del 40 y 50, la frase fue utilizada también para hacer alusión a las cosas o personas cuyas acciones tienen un final previsible.
Desde hace algunas décadas es un término de uso ineludible en nuestro lenguaje cotidiano. Para los argentinos, las cosas falsas, tramposas o de mala calidad son truchas. Y dentro de esa categoría entran también las personas fraudulentas. Deriva de la palabra truchimán, muy común en el español antiguo y que refiere a personas sin escrúpulos. El empleo de trucho se hizo popular en 1986 cuando, a raíz de la crisis ecológica causada por algunas empresas en el río Paraná, el periodista Lalo Mir comentó en su programa radial que los funcionarios debían dar la trucha (cara) porque si no eran unos truchos.
Córdoba tiene su propia tonada, su propia forma de hablar y, claro, su modo particular para usar las palabras. En cualquier otra región, el término vago hace referencia a alguien perezoso, a un holgazán que nunca tiene ganas de hacer nada. Pero en esta provincia, vago puede ser cualquiera. Es que la palabra se utiliza para dirigirse a otra persona en forma totalmente desenfadada. Así, una frase como “El vago ese quiere trabajar todo el día” no encierra ninguna contradicción si es pronunciada dentro de los límites del territorio cordobés.
Contra lo que pudiese creerse, `viva la Pepa` no es el grito de alegría de un buscador de oro, sino el que usaban los liberales españoles en adhesión a la Constitución de Cádiz, promulgada el 19 de marzo de 1812, en la festividad de San José Obrero. Como a los José se los apoda Pepe, en vez de decir `viva la Constitución` -lo que conllevaba llegar a ser reprimidos- los liberales gritaban `viva la Pepa`. Hoy, en Argentina, su significado se ha desvirtuado y se parece a `piedra libre`.
Significa mala suerte y se cree que deriva de las palabras napolitanas jettatura (mal de ojos) y jettatore (hombre maléfico que con su presencia produce daño a los demás). En 1904 se estrenó la obra ¡Jettatore!, de Gregorio de Laferrere, sobre un hombre con un aura funesta, y, desde entonces, los supersticiosos mantienen viva la palabra yeta. Por ejemplo, se emplea la expresión “¡Qué yeta!” en lugar de “¡Qué mala suerte!” ante una situación desafortunada. También se dice que alguien es yeta cuando se sospecha que trae mala suerte o que está enyetado cuando todo le sale mal.
No hay que confundir zamba, género folklórico argentino, con samba, música popular brasileña. Porque el simple cambio de una letra nos puede hacer viajar de una cultura a otra. La historia cuenta que durante la conquista española se denominaba zambo al hijo varón de un negro con una indígena. Por extensión, la música y la danza de esta comunidad pasó a llamarse zamba, ya que las coplas que se cantaban iban dirigidas a las mujeres. Esta danza proviene de la zamacueca peruana que, al llegar a la Argentina, incorporó el pañuelo como elemento característico.
submitted by Pepe-Argento to argentina [link] [comments]

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Are you ready to take a closer look at Spin Casino?

And it’s not just you — the name reminds us of another casino too — Spin Palace. The crazy thing is that it’s not just a coincidence. Spin Casino is owned and operated by the same company that owns and operates Spin Palace.
The name isn’t the only thing these two casinos have in common, though. They also have a similar, if not identical, casino. The games, graphics, and stakes are alike.
If playing at identical casinos isn’t your cup of tea, we totally understand. There are tons of unique places to play online. You can browse our review section and find dozens of them.
However, if this doesn’t bother you, then the upside is that you know that you can expect a high-quality and enjoyable experience at Spin Casino.
That said, we aren’t about to rest on our laurels just because Spin Casino is similar to its sister casinos. This is why we still reviewed Spin Casino with the same scrutiny we do when we review other casinos.
This means our review below includes both the good and the bad information that we found. It means we didn’t take money for a fluffy review or inflated rating. And it also means that we’re going to tell you exactly what you need to hear so that you can decide whether Spin Casino is the right site for you to join.
If that sounds like a review that you want to read, then we have good news for you — it starts in the next section
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Spin Casino Basic Information

Spin Casino has a license with the Malta Gaming Authority and Kahnawake Gaming Commission. They’re licensed under the names Bayton Ltd and Baytree Ltd.
Bayton Ltd and Baytree Ltd are both managed by The Palace Group. There’s a good chance that you’ve heard of The Palace Group, or at least heard of or played at one of their brands. Some of the other brands they operate include Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune, and Mummy’s Gold.
The Palace Group has been in business a long time, too — since 2001. This means that they’re getting close to their 20th anniversary online, which is light years compared to other casinos.
Between their time in business and their gaming licenses, you can feel comfortable playing at any of their brands. This includes Spin Casino.

Restricted Countries – Who Can’t Play

Players from the following countries cannot play at Spin Casino.
  • Australia
  • Andorra
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • France and Outlying Territories
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Iran
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Myanmar
  • North Korea
  • Philippines
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • USA and Outlying Territories
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • Hungary
  • United Kingdom
Keep in mind that this list can change at any time. For that reason, we recommend you periodically check Spin Casino’s terms and conditions to see if your country has been added to the list of prohibited countries.
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The Casino

In the following sections, we’re going to look at Spin Casino’s games. That way, you can get an idea of the games they offer so that you can decide if they’ll be a good fit for you.
Unlike most casinos nowadays, Spin Casino uses only Microgaming software for its animated casino games. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s just that you won’t have the game or graphics variety that you will have at casinos that work with multiple software providers.
Trust us, though; this casino is plenty good enough. Spin Casino offers a little bit of everything here including slots, video poker, and table games.
They have a live dealer casino, too. Their live games come from Evolution and Ezugi, who are heavy hitters in the live gaming space. The result is a robust selection of live games. We’ll look at these later.
The one confusing aspect of their casino is that there are three sections — a casino, live casino, and Vegas (casino). We’re going to list some of their games below, but we’re only going to make a distinction between their animated and live dealer games.
We also noticed that their Vegas casino section doesn’t have any filters. You can’t select the type of games (slots, table games, video poker, etc.) that you want to see. This can make it tough to find the type of game you’re looking for unless you already know what it’s called.
The good news is that most, if not all, of their Vegas games, are also available in their main casino. This means there’s a chance you won’t need to visit the Vegas section at all.
Anyway, that covers the basics. Let’s now jump into each section and look at some specific examples of casino games you can play at Spin Casino.

Table Games

We’re going to start with Spin Casino’s table games. The following is a list of card and poker games that we found during our review.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Baccarat
  • Roulette
  • 3 Card Poker
  • Card Climber
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Craps
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • European Blackjack
  • European Roulette
  • Flip Card
  • High-Speed Poker
  • Hold’em High
  • Vegas Downtown Blackjack
  • Multi Wheel Roulette
  • Red Dog
  • Super Fun 21
  • Vegas Strip Blackjack
  • Spanish Blackjack
  • Triple Pocket Hold’em Poker
  • Cyberstud
  • And more!
There are both pluses and minuses to Spin Casino’s table game section. We’ll start with the downsides.
The most frustrating thing about their table games is that there’s no way to filter for specific games in the Vegas section. This can make it incredibly tough to find the games you want to play unless you already know what they’re called.
Another thing we were sort of unimpressed with is the lack of non-blackjack and roulette games. There are not enough games to offset all the blackjack and roulette options.
However, that brings us to one of the good things about their table game selection. They have lots of blackjack and roulette games.
In fact, you’ll find more than 30 blackjack games and more than 10 roulette games. Some of these are merely high-stakes variants or duplicate titles with improved graphics. Even discounting those, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better selection elsewhere.
Another thing we’re fans of is some of the unique games that you’ll find at Spin Casino that aren’t readily available elsewhere. For example, we can’t think of another casino that offers Triple Pocket Hold’em, Hold’em High, or Card Climber.
That’s always a good thing.
Table Game Testing, Graphics, and Stakes
Once we were done browsing their games, we opened a few of them up to make sure they worked well and to see what their graphics and stakes are like.
The graphics for the games we tested are pretty good. They’re not glossy, overly polished, or even realistic. They look more like animated games. There’s nothing wrong with that, though.
They don’t make it clear the stakes you can play for. We had to manually decrease and increase our bets to figure out the limits. The stakes we found varied from $2/hand or round to as much as $1,000. But keep in mind that this may vary depending on the game you play.
These aren’t bad limits — they’re higher than what many casinos offer. No t only that, but we also anticipated their live dealer casino offering even higher stakes. This means that we’re less concerned about how high the stakes are in this section of their casino.
We’ll look at their live dealer section in a few minutes.

Video Poker

The next section we checked out was Spin Casino’s video poker games. Here are the games we found during our review.
  • Aces & Eights Poker
  • Aces and Faces
  • All Aces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better Poker
  • All American
  • Bonus Poker
  • Deuces & Joker Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker
This is an okay selection. On top of this, you’ll find “power,” “multi-hand,” and “Gold Series” variants that you can also choose from. We counted nearly 25 poker games in their main casino.
There are video poker machines in the Vegas section too, but we didn’t find anything different than what’s listed above.
Testing Their Games, Graphics, and Stakes
We tested a couple of their poker games during our review.
The games we played had average graphics, but that’s to be expected with video poker machines. They’re not meant to be fancy. They worked great, though. We experienced no lagging or bugs.
Some of them had neat features, too. For example, the machines we played offered the chance to double your winnings. When you make a winning hand, you can click the “double” button to play a mini-game to see if you can double up. Keep in mind that if you lose this game, you lose everything.
The best feature, though, had to be the automatic hold. Many video poker machines will tell you when you made a winning hand so that you don’t forget to hold those cards. However, one of the machines we played automatically held the best cards according to the common video poker strategy.
Now, we don’t know what strategy these machines are using or how optimal that strategy is. However, they did hold the cards we would have had this feature not existed. This is a neat option if you’re new to video poker and aren’t sure how to play optimally.
As far as stakes go, we found machines that let us play for as little as $0.25 per coin to as much as $50 per round. We recommend you bet the max number of coins, though, which means your minimum bet will be $1.25. This will vary from machine to machine, though.
Overall, we liked Spin Casino’s video poker section. We’d like to see more unique titles to choose from, but our opinion is that this lineup will work for most people reading this.


Next up is Spin Casino’s slot selection. They have far too many slot machines to list here, but here is a small sample to give you an idea of what you’ll be able to play.
  • 5 Reel Drive
  • Snow & Sable
  • Amazing Aztecs
  • Book of Oz
  • Cashville
  • Cash of Kingdoms
  • Diamond Empire
  • Dolphin Coast
  • Fruit vs Candy
  • Halloween
  • Girls with Guns
  • Game of Thrones
  • Highlander
  • Jurassic World
  • Lady in Red
  • Kings of Cash
  • Hitman
  • Lost Vegas
  • Lucky Koi
  • Oink Country Love
  • Pretty Kitty
  • Moby Dick
  • Monster Wheels
  • Robin of Sherwood
  • Silver Fang
  • So Much Sushi
  • The Great Albini
  • The Phantom of the Opera
  • Tomb Raider
  • Win Sum Dim Sum
  • Fat Lady Sings
  • Jekyll & Hyde
  • Jurassic Park
  • The Legend of Olympus
  • Throne of Egypt
  • Steam Punk Heroes
  • Winning Wizards
  • Untamed Bengal Tiger
  • Old King Cole
  • And more!
You’ll find all these slots in the main casino. There are plenty more where this comes from too. You’ll also find more slots — including unique titles not found in the main casino — inside the Vegas section.
That said, their selection of slots is much smaller than we expected considering that they work with Microgaming. We still can’t complain, though, especially after seeing some of the titles that you can play here.
For example, the slots that stood out to us are the licensed/branded slots. Licensed slots are machines that revolve around IP that other companies own. This includes movies (Jurassic Park), video games (Hitman), TV shows (Game of Thrones), and more.
These are fun to play because it’s highly likely that you’re going to be a fan of whatever the slot machine is about. For example, we like Jurassic Park. This means we get to kill two birds with one stone — play slots about a theme we really like.
Not only that, but you can play many of these slot machines in brick-and-mortar casinos. We’ve played Game of Thrones countless times during our trips to Las Vegas.
And this is just the licensed slots. You still have all the other slots that Spin Casino has to offer. This includes slots with bonus rounds, 3 and 5 reels, progressive jackpots, and features such as free spins, wilds, scatters, and more.
As for stakes, they vary so much that it’s hard to give concrete numbers. That said, we found machines that allowed us to play for as little as $0.10/spin to as much as $200. Most of the machines we looked at maxed out at $30 or less, though. This means that you might have to do some digging to find the machines with higher limits.
Overall, while Spin Casino’s slot section can definitely be bigger given that they’re powered by Microgaming, what they do have will be more than enough for most people.
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Live Dealer Games

Last up is Spin Casino’s live dealer section. Here are the games we found during our review.
  • Dragon Tiger
  • Private Blackjack
  • Shangri La Roulette
  • Dream Catcher
  • Casino Hold’em
  • Baccarat
  • Football Studio
  • Roulette
  • Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Lightning Roulette
  • Infinite Blackjack
  • Baccarat Super 6
  • Evolution Party Table
This is a solid selection of live games, especially when compared to other online casinos. But that’s not a surprise since some of these games come from Evolution Gaming, who’s a heavy hitter in the live gaming space.
Once you click on one of these games, you’ll be redirected to a section where you’ll find several tables to choose from (depending on the game). You’ll also find a navigation bar at the top with several filters to help you quickly find the game you want to play.
The lowest stakes we found for these games is $5 for blackjack. This is sort of a bummer since some live blackjack games can be played for as little as $1. However, $5 is pretty standard for a live game, so it’s not something we can hold against them.
You can play some of their other games, like baccarat or roulette, for $0.10-$1 per round.
The highest stakes we found were $5,000 for blackjack, $2,000 for roulette, and as much as $5,000 for everything else. These aren’t th highest stakes online, but they should work for most people.
One of the most impressive things about their games is the camera work. The different angles they use and the close-ups make it look like you’re watching a movie. Depending on the game, you can also change the camera option. For example, the roulette game lets you choose from 3D, immersive, or classic camera angles
The streams were very good considering how good the camera work was. We noticed a few lags, but they didn’t take away from the game much. The resolution was pretty good regardless.
Other features include the option to chat with your tablemates and the dealer, adjust the sound and camera angles, bet behind, and set up automatic actions. You can even multi-table several games at once.
Overall, we’re impressed with the live dealer casino at Spin Casino. You’ll have plenty of games to choose from, stakes, features, and men and women dealers that speak different languages.
We recommend you check it out.
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The Sportsbook

Spin Casino is unique from some of the other casinos under The Palace Group brand in that they also have a sportsbook. It’s called Spin Sports.
Here’s what you can expect to find if you choose to bet here.

Sports, Market, and Betting Options

Spin Sports has an excellent selection of sports that you can bet on. Here’s what we found during our review.
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Ice Hockey
  • American Football
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Esports
  • Specials
  • Virtual Sports
  • Boxing
  • Gold
  • Badminton
  • Winter Sports
  • MMA
  • Darts
  • Snooker and Pool
  • Baseball
  • Cycling
  • Motor Racing
  • Speedway
  • Floorball
  • Table Tennis
  • Bandy
  • Aussie Rules
  • Surfing
  • Netball
  • Gaelic Football
  • Gaelic Hurling
  • Super Spin Specials
Many of these options have dropdown menus, too.
For example, click on the soccer option, and a dropdown menu containing options such as England, Europe, Spain, Italy, and Germany will appear. This goes for many of the other options, too — you’ll find countries as subcategories. You’ll need to click on these to find the different leagues that play in those countries.
Your betting options will obviously depend on the sport you bet on. We found plenty of choices, though. For example, you can bet outrights or money lines for Europa basketball. You’ll find spread betting, more money lines, oveunder, and outrights for NBA games.
Click on a match, and you’ll find additional markets. For example, we checked out an NBA game and found options to bet on different quarters, total points, team points per quarter or half, overtime, and more.
There are plenty of betting options here, which was a surprise, honestly, considering who’s running this sportsbook.

Live Betting

Spin Sports also offers live sports betting.
When we were there, you could bet on soccer, basketball, tennis, ice hockey, and cricket. We wouldn’t be surprised if they covered more matches than this (when those games are available).
In fact, we know that’s the case since we looked at their Event View and Live Schedule tabs. This is where you’ll see all the sports you can bet on, all the matches, and the number of betting opportunities available for each one.
And that’s about it for their live sportsbook. The one thing we’d really like to see added in the future is the option to watch live streams. It’d make sense to add a racebook too.
Here’s hoping that Spin Sports has both items on their to-do list.
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Final Thoughts

Spin Sports is a much better sportsbook than we expected. It’s hard to expect something this impressive from a company that has been running only casinos for more than a decade.
We’re fans, though. There are plenty of sports and markets to bet on. You also have your standard options for betting in American, fractional, or decimal odds, as well as using the sportsbook in different languages.
That said, there is room for improvement. They could add a racebook, live streaming, and additional features and build out their esports section.
But we think they’ve done a good job so far, and it’ll be more than enough for your typical casino player or recreational bettor.

Banking Options

Something we noticed during our review is that there’s the option to deposit inside both the casino and the sportsbook. As far as we can tell, it looks like you’ll want to deposit to the section you plan to spend your time in.
In other words, if you want to bet sports, you’ll want to deposit to your sportsbook account. If you want to play blackjack or slots, you’ll want to make your deposit to the casino.
The good news is that it looks like the same banking options are accepted in both sections. Find an option that works for you, and you can use it in both places.
When we reviewed Spin Casino, we didn’t find any evidence that suggests they charge fees on their deposits. This is great news. However, it’s not clear whether they charge fees on withdrawals.
As for limits, you can cash out as much as €4,000 per week if the amount you’re trying to cash out is more than 5x the amount that you’ve deposited over the life of your account. Otherwise, it looks like you can cash out as much as £10,000 in a 24-hour period.
This will depend on the banking option you use, of course.
Progressive jackpots are exempt from these rules, which is great to see. It’s no surprise, though, considering that they work with Microgaming.
That wraps up their banking details. The following two sections will list the banking methods you can use to fund and cash out your account.


  • Visa
  • Visa Electron
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • Neteller
  • iDebit
  • Trustly
  • Skrill
  • Echeck
  • MuchBetter
  • Paysafecard
  • Instant Banking
  • Neosurf
  • ecoPayz
  • Flexepin
  • Direct Bank Transfer


  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • PayPal
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Paysafecard
  • ecoCard
  • Citadel
  • Instadebit
  • Direct Bank Transfer
  • Echeck
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Bonus Promotions

You can claim a few promotions as a customer of Spin Casino and Spin Sports. The following sections summarize the offers you can claim and the terms you need to fulfill if you do.

Spin Casino Promotions

The following are offers that you’ll find under the promotions tab on the casino side of things.

New Player Bonus

This is an offer available to first-time customers. Spin Casino is offering a 100% match bonus of up to $1,000. It’s spread out over your first three deposits like this.
  • First Deposit – 100% match up to $400
  • Second Deposit – 100% match up to $300
  • Third Deposit – 100% match up to $300
This is a nice offer because you have multiple opportunities to claim as much as you can. It’s especially helpful for players on a budget who can’t deposit $1,000 in one shot.
You will need to roll over this bonus 50x, though the playthrough will depend on the casino game you play. We recommend reading their terms if you plan to play a game other than slots.
The downside to this offer is that if you do happen to complete the playthrough with money to spare, and you want to withdraw it, cash-outs will be limited to 100 casino credits. You’ll forfeit the rest of the bonus.
That being the case, it might make more sense to play the bonus (and lose money) until you only have 100 credits left. Then make a withdrawal if you want. That way, you can enjoy the bonus money/winnings for as long as possible.
And that’s all they have for bonus offers. Spin Casino does say that they offer bonuses on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. We have no idea what those offers look like, though.
While we were there, we did notice that they have a “bonus wheel.” You spin the wheel, and you can earn prizes, such as bonuses to claim. It looks like you can spin the wheel once every couple of hours.
This is pretty neat.

Loyalty Club

Spin Casino also offers a loyalty club. This is a multi-tier program that awards more perks the higher your status.
This program has six levels.
  • Blue
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond
  • Privé
As you ascend, you’ll receive additional perks such as bonus points, more entry points, exclusive tournaments, VIP support, phone support, and exclusive gifts and bonuses.
You can receive monthly bonuses too. Climb the ladder to the very top of their VIP program, and you can receive more than $10,000 every month in bonuses.
Getting to each tier is straightforward — you need to earn so many points to reach a specific status, and then so many points to maintain that status each month. You’ll earn 1 point for every $10 you spend in the casino.
We recommend you read their promotions page to determine for sure if this program will be a good fit for you. But if we understand their points setup and minimum point requirements correctly, then this looks like a good program to use — even for low-stakes players!

Spin Sports Promotions

You’ll need to be in the sportsbook section in order to find their sports betting promotions. The following are the promotions we found during our review, including what you can get and the terms you need to fulfill.
Free Bet – First-time sports bettors will be able to claim a free bet bonus. This is a 100% match up to $200. To claim the offer, deposit at least $10.
This offer has a 5x rollover ($1,000 if you claim the entire $200) before you can withdraw any winnings. We recommend you read their terms and conditions for their other rules, as you’ll need to abide by odd minimums/maximums when you make your bets.
And that’s the only offer we found for sports bettors during our review.
This isn’t a bad offer by any means. That said, it would be great if they had a few other promotions running. It’d be nice to see some kind of cashback or rebate offer or additional bonuses.
But as the saying goes, something is better than nothing.

Mobile Friendliness

Both Spin Casino and Spin Sports are mobile-friendly. You don’t need to download any apps. All you need to do is go to the casino or sportsbook from your phone or tablet and log in. You’ll be able to play all games and make bets from your browser.
It looks like you’ll have the full sportsbook at your disposal. And considering that they work with Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, we wouldn’t be surprised if most or even all of their casino games are available.
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Customer Support

You can use the following options to contact Spin Casino.
The email address above is addressed to the parent company of Spin Casino. The issue with that is they manage several other casinos.
For that reason, we recommend that you make it clear that you’re a Spin Casino customer when you contact them. That way, you eliminate any confusion and reduce the chances of any unnecessary back and forth.
We were disappointed to see that they don’t offer phone support despite saying they do in multiple places throughout their website.
That said, phone support still isn’t a standard communication method offered by online gambling sites. It wouldn’t be fair if we held the lack of phone support against Spin Casino.
Besides, you can contact them 24/7 using the methods above. We sent Spin Casino an email, and we were surprised to receive a response less than two hours later. They answered our questions, too.
That’s better than the average casino for sure. For that reason, we give Spin Casino’s support two virtual thumbs up.
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Are you ready to take a closer look at Spin Casino?
And it’s not just you — the name reminds us of another casino too — Spin Palace. The crazy thing is that it’s not just a coincidence. Spin Casino is owned and operated by the same company that owns and operates Spin Palace.
The name isn’t the only thing these two casinos have in common, though. They also have a similar, if not identical, casino. The games, graphics, and stakes are alike.
If playing at identical casinos isn’t your cup of tea, we totally understand. There are tons of unique places to play online. You can browse our review section and find dozens of them.
However, if this doesn’t bother you, then the upside is that you know that you can expect a high-quality and enjoyable experience at Spin Casino.
That said, we aren’t about to rest on our laurels just because Spin Casino is similar to its sister casinos. This is why we still reviewed Spin Casino with the same scrutiny we do when we review other casinos.
This means our review below includes both the good and the bad information that we found. It means we didn’t take money for a fluffy review or inflated rating. And it also means that we’re going to tell you exactly what you need to hear so that you can decide whether Spin Casino is the right site for you to join.
If that sounds like a review that you want to read, then we have good news for you — it starts in the next section.

Spin Casino Basic Information

Spin Casino has a license with the Malta Gaming Authority and Kahnawake Gaming Commission. They’re licensed under the names Bayton Ltd and Baytree Ltd.
Bayton Ltd and Baytree Ltd are both managed by The Palace Group. There’s a good chance that you’ve heard of The Palace Group, or at least heard of or played at one of their brands. Some of the other brands they operate include Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune, and Mummy’s Gold.
The Palace Group has been in business a long time, too — since 2001. This means that they’re getting close to their 20th anniversary online, which is light years compared to other casinos.

The Casino Games

In the following sections, we’re going to look at Spin Casino’s games. That way, you can get an idea of the games they offer so that you can decide if they’ll be a good fit for you.
Unlike most casinos nowadays, Spin Casino uses only Microgaming software for their animated casino games. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s just that you won’t have the game or graphics variety that you will have at casinos that work with multiple software providers.
Trust us, though; this casino is plenty good enough. Spin Casino offers a little bit of everything here including slots, video poker, and table games.
They have a live dealer casino, too. Their live games come from Evolution and Ezugi, who are heavy hitters in the live gaming space. The result is a robust selection of live games. We’ll look at these later.
The one confusing aspect of their casino is that there are three sections — a casino, live casino, and Vegas (casino). We’re going to list some of their games below, but we’re only going to make a distinction between their animated and live dealer games.
We also noticed that their Vegas casino section doesn’t have any filters. You can’t select the type of games (slots, table games, video poker, etc.) that you want to see. This can make it tough to find the type of game you’re looking for unless you already know what it’s called.
The good news is that most, if not all, of their Vegas games are also available in their main casino. This means there’s a chance you won’t need to visit the Vegas section at all.
Anyway, that covers the basics. Let’s now jump into each section and look at some specific examples of casino games you can play at Spin Casino.
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Table Games

We’re going to start with Spin Casino’s table games. The following is a list of card and poker games that we found during our review.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Baccarat
  • Roulette
  • 3 Card Poker
  • Card Climber
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Craps
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • European Blackjack
  • European Roulette
  • Flip Card
  • High Speed Poker
  • Hold’em High
  • Vegas Downtown Blackjack
  • Multi Wheel Roulette
  • Red Dog
  • Super Fun 21
  • Vegas Strip Blackjack
  • Spanish Blackjack
  • Triple Pocket Hold’em Poker
  • Cyberstud
  • And more!
There are both pluses and minuses to Spin Casino’s table game section. We’ll start with the downsides.
The most frustrating thing about their table games is that there’s no way to filter for specific games in the Vegas section. This can make it incredibly tough to find the games you want to play unless you already know what they’re called.
Another thing we were sort of unimpressed with is the lack of non-blackjack and roulette games. There are not enough games to offset all the blackjack and roulette options.
However, that brings us to one of the good things about their table game selection. They have lots of blackjack and roulette games.
In fact, you’ll find more than 30 blackjack games and more than 10 roulette games. Some of these are merely high-stakes variants or duplicate titles with improved graphics. Even discounting those, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better selection elsewhere.
Another thing we’re fans of is some of the unique games that you’ll find at Spin Casino that aren’t readily available elsewhere. For example, we can’t think of another casino that offers Triple Pocket Hold’em, Hold’em High, or Card Climber.
That’s always a good thing.
Table Game Testing, Graphics, and Stakes
Once we were done browsing their games, we opened a few of them up to make sure they worked well and to see what their graphics and stakes are like.
The graphics for the games we tested are pretty good. They’re not glossy, overly polished, or even realistic. They look more like animated games. There’s nothing wrong with that, though.
They don’t make it clear the stakes you can play for. We had to manually decrease and increase our bets to figure out the limits. The stakes we found varied from $2/hand or round to as much as $1,000. But keep in mind that this may vary depending on the game you play.
These aren’t bad limits — they’re higher than what many casinos offer. Not only that, but we also anticipated their live dealer casino offering even higher stakes. This means that we’re less concerned about how high the stakes are in this section of their casino.
We’ll look at their live dealer section in a few minutes.

Video Poker

The next section we checked out was Spin Casino’s video poker games. Here are the games we found during our review.
  • Aces & Eights Poker
  • Aces and Faces
  • All Aces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better Poker
  • All American
  • Bonus Poker
  • Deuces & Joker Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker
This is an okay selection. On top of this, you’ll find “power,” “multi-hand,” and “Gold Series” variants that you can also choose from. We counted nearly 25 poker games in their main casino.
There are video poker machines in the Vegas section too, but we didn’t find anything different than what’s listed above.
Testing Their Games, Graphics, and Stakes
We tested a couple of their poker games during our review.
The games we played had average graphics, but that’s to be expected with video poker machines. They’re not meant to be fancy. They worked great, though. We experienced no lagging or bugs.
Some of them had neat features, too. For example, the machines we played offered the chance to double your winnings. When you make a winning hand, you can click the “double” button to play a mini game to see if you can double up. Keep in mind that if you lose this game, you lose everything.
The best feature, though, had to be the automatic hold. Many video poker machines will tell you when you made a winning hand so that you don’t forget to hold those cards. However, one of the machines we played automatically held the best cards according to common video poker strategy.
Now, we don’t know what strategy these machines are using or how optimal that strategy is. However, they did hold the cards we would have had this feature not existed. This is a neat option if you’re new to video poker and aren’t sure how to play optimally.
As far as stakes go, we found machines that let us play for as little as $0.25 per coin to as much as $50 per round. We recommend you bet the max number of coins, though, which means your minimum bet will be $1.25. This will vary from machine to machine, though.
Overall, we liked Spin Casino’s video poker section. We’d like to see more unique titles to choose from, but our opinion is that this lineup will work for most people reading this.


Next up is Spin Casino’s slot selection. They have far too many slot machines to list here, but here is a small sample to give you an idea of what you’ll be able to play.
  • 5 Reel Drive
  • Snow & Sable
  • Amazing Aztecs
  • Book of Oz
  • Cashville
  • Cash of Kingdoms
  • Diamond Empire
  • Dolphin Coast
  • Fruit vs Candy
  • Halloween
  • Girls with Guns
  • Game of Thrones
  • Highlander
  • Jurassic World
  • Lady in Red
  • Kings of Cash
  • Hitman
  • Lost Vegas
  • Lucky Koi
  • Oink Country Love
  • Pretty Kitty
  • Moby Dick
  • Monster Wheels
  • Robin of Sherwood
  • Silver Fang
  • So Much Sushi
  • The Great Albini
  • The Phantom of the Opera
  • Tomb Raider
  • Win Sum Dim Sum
  • Fat Lady Sings
  • Jekyll & Hyde
  • Jurassic Park
  • The Legend of Olympus
  • Throne of Egypt
  • Steam Punk Heroes
  • Winning Wizards
  • Untamed Bengal Tiger
  • Old King Cole
  • And more!
You’ll find all these slots in the main casino. There are plenty more where this comes from too. You’ll also find more slots — including unique titles not found in the main casino — inside the Vegas section.
That said, their selection of slots is much smaller than we expected considering that they work with Microgaming. We still can’t complain, though, especially after seeing some of the titles that you can play here.
For example, the slots that stood out to us are the licensed/branded slots. Licensed slots are machines that revolve around IP that other companies own. This includes movies (Jurassic Park), video games (Hitman), TV shows (Game of Thrones), and more.
These are fun to play because it’s highly likely that you’re going to be a fan of whatever the slot machine is about. For example, we like Jurassic Park. This means we get to kill two birds with one stone — play slots about a theme we really like.
Not only that, but you can play many of these slot machines in brick-and-mortar casinos. We’ve played Game of Thrones countless times during our trips to Las Vegas.
And this is just the licensed slots. You still have all the other slots that Spin Casino has to offer. This includes slots with bonus rounds, 3 and 5 reels, progressive jackpots, and features such as free spins, wilds, scatters, and more.
As for stakes, they vary so much that it’s hard to give concrete numbers. That said, we found machines that allowed us to play for as little as $0.10/spin to as much as $200. Most of the machines we looked at maxed out at $30 or less, though. This means that you might have to do some digging to find the machines with higher limits.
Overall, while Spin Casino’s slot section can definitely be bigger given that they’re powered by Microgaming, what they do have will be more than enough for most people.
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Live Dealer Games

Last up is Spin Casino’s live dealer section. Here are the games we found during our review.
  • Dragon Tiger
  • Private Blackjack
  • Shangri La Roulette
  • Dream Catcher
  • Casino Hold’em
  • Baccarat
  • Football Studio
  • Roulette
  • Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Lightening Roulette
  • Infinite Blackjack
  • Baccarat Super 6
  • Evolution Party Table
This is a solid selection of live games, especially when compared to other online casinos. But that’s not a surprise since some of these games come from Evolution Gaming, who’s a heavy hitter in the live gaming space.
Once you click on one of these games, you’ll be redirected to a section where you’ll find several tables to choose from (depending on the game). You’ll also find a navigation bar at the top with several filters to help you quickly find the game you want to play.
The lowest stakes we found for these games is $5 for blackjack. This is sort of a bummer since some live blackjack games can be played for as little as $1. However, $5 is pretty standard for a live game, so it’s not something we can hold against them.
You can play some of their other games, like baccarat or roulette, for $0.10-$1 per round.
The highest stakes we found were $5,000 for blackjack, $2,000 for roulette, and as much as $5,000 for everything else. These aren’t the highest stakes online, but they should work for most people.
One of the most impressive things about their games is the camera work. The different angles they use and the close-ups make it look like you’re watching a movie. Depending on the game, you can also change the camera option. For example, the roulette game lets you choose from 3D, immersive, or classic camera angles
The streams were very good considering how good the camera work was. We noticed a few lags, but they didn’t take away from the game much. The resolution was pretty good regardless.
Other features include the option to chat with your tablemates and the dealer, adjust the sound and camera angles, bet behind, and set up automatic actions. You can even multi-table several games at once.
Overall, we’re impressed with the live dealer casino at Spin Casino. You’ll have plenty of games to choose from, stakes, features, and men and women dealers that speak different languages.
We recommend you check it out.

Spin Sports

Spin Casino is unique from some of the other casinos under The Palace Group brand in that they also have a sportsbook. It’s called Spin Sports.
Here’s what you can expect to find if you choose to bet here.

Sports, Market, and Betting Options

Spin Sports has an excellent selection of sports that you can bet on. Here’s what we found during our review.
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Ice Hockey
  • American Football
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Esports
  • Specials
  • Virtual Sports
  • Boxing
  • Gold
  • Badminton
  • Winter Sports
  • MMA
  • Darts
  • Snooker and Pool
  • Baseball
  • Cycling
  • Motor Racing
  • Speedway
  • Floorball
  • Table Tennis
  • Bandy
  • Aussie Rules
  • Surfing
  • Netball
  • Gaelic Football
  • Gaelic Hurling
  • Super Spin Specials
Many of these options have dropdown menus, too.
For example, click on the soccer option, and a dropdown menu containing options such as England, Europe, Spain, Italy, and Germany will appear. This goes for many of the other options, too — you’ll find countries as subcategories. You’ll need to click on these to find the different leagues that play in those countries.
Your betting options will obviously depend on the sport you bet on. We found plenty of choices, though. For example, you can bet outrights or moneylines for Europa basketball. You’ll find spread betting, moneylines, oveunders, and outrights for NBA games.
Click on a match, and you’ll find additional markets. For example, we checked out an NBA game and found options to bet on different quarters, total points, team points per quarter or half, overtime, and more.
There are plenty of betting options here, which was a surprise, honestly, considering who’s running this sportsbook.

Live Betting

Spin Sports also offers live sports betting.
When we were there, you could bet on soccer, basketball, tennis, ice hockey, and cricket. We wouldn’t be surprised if they covered more matches than this (when those games are available).
In fact, we know that’s the case since we looked at their Event View and Live Schedule tabs. This is where you’ll see all the sports you can bet on, all the matches, and the number of betting opportunities available for each one.
And that’s about it for their live sportsbook. The one thing we’d really like to see added in the future is the option to watch live streams. It’d make sense to add a racebook too.
Here’s hoping that Spin Sports has both items on their to-do list.

Final Thoughts

Spin Sports is a much better sportsbook than we expected. It’s hard to expect something this impressive from a company that has been running only casinos for more than a decade.
We’re fans, though. There are plenty of sports and markets to bet on. You also have your standard options for betting in American, fractional, or decimal odds, as well as using the sportsbook in different languages.
That said, there is room for improvement. They could add a racebook, live streaming, and additional features and build out their esports section.
But we think they’ve done a good job so far, and it’ll be more than enough for your typical casino player or recreational bettor.
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Banking Options

Something we noticed during our review is that there’s the option to deposit inside both the casino and the sportsbook. As far as we can tell, it looks like you’ll want to deposit to the section you plan to spend your time in.
In other words, if you want to bet sports, you’ll want to deposit to your sportsbook account. If you want to play blackjack or slots, you’ll want to make your deposit to the casino.
The good news is that it looks like the same banking options are accepted in both sections. Find an option that works for you, and you can use it in both places.
When we reviewed Spin Casino, we didn’t find any evidence that suggests they charge fees on their deposits. This is great news. However, it’s not clear whether they charge fees on withdrawals.
As for limits, you can cash out as much as €4,000 per week if the amount you’re trying to cash out is more than 5x the amount that you’ve deposited over the life of your account. Otherwise, it looks like you can cash out as much as £10,000 in a 24-hour period.
This will depend on the banking option you use, of course.
Progressive jackpots are exempt from these rules, which is great to see. It’s no surprise, though, considering that they work with Microgaming.
That wraps up their banking details. The following two sections will list the banking methods you can use to fund and cash out your account.


  • Visa
  • Visa Electron
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • Neteller
  • iDebit
  • Trustly
  • Skrill
  • Echeck
  • MuchBetter
  • Paysafecard
  • Instant Banking
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Bonus Promotions

You can claim a few promotions as a customer of Spin Casino and Spin Sports. The following sections summarize the offers you can claim and terms you need to fulfill if you do.

Spin Casino Promotions

The following are offers that you’ll find under the promotions tab on the casino side of things.

New Player Bonus

This is an offer available to first-time customers. Spin Casino is offering a 100% match bonus up to $1,000. It’s spread out over your first three deposits like this.
  • First Deposit – 100% match up to $400
  • Second Deposit – 100% match up to $300
  • Third Deposit – 100% match up to $300
This is a nice offer because you have multiple opportunities to claim as much as you can. It’s especially helpful for players on a budget who can’t deposit $1,000 in one shot.
You will need to roll over this bonus 50x, though the playthrough will depend on the casino game you play. We recommend reading their terms if you plan to play a game other than slots.
The downside to this offer is that if you do happen to complete the playthrough with money to spare, and you want to withdraw it, cash-outs will be limited to 100 casino credits. You’ll forfeit the rest of the bonus.
That being the case, it might make more sense to play the bonus (and lose money) until you only have 100 credits left. Then make a withdrawal if you want. That way, you can enjoy the bonus money/winnings for as long as possible.
And that’s all they have for bonus offers. Spin Casino does say that they offer bonuses on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. We have no idea what those offers look like, though.
While we were there, we did notice that they have a “bonus wheel.” You spin the wheel, and you can earn prizes, such as bonuses to claim. It looks like you can spin the wheel once every couple of hours.
This is pretty neat.

Loyalty Club

Spin Casino also offers a loyalty club. This is a multi-tier program that awards more perks the higher your status.
This program has six levels.
  • Blue
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond
  • Privé
As you ascend, you’ll receive additional perks such as bonus points, more entry points, exclusive tournaments, VIP support, phone support, and exclusive gifts and bonuses.
You can receive monthly bonuses too. Climb the ladder to the very top of their VIP program, and you can receive more than $10,000 every month in bonuses.
Getting to each tier is straightforward — you need to earn so many points to reach a specific status, and then so many points to maintain that status each month. You’ll earn 1 point for every $10 you spend in the casino.
We recommend you read their promotions page to determine for sure if this program will be a good fit for you. But if we understand their points setup and minimum point requirements correctly, then this looks like a good program to us — even for low-stakes players!
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Spin Sports Promotions

You’ll need to be in the sportsbook section in order to find their sports betting promotions. The following are the promotions we found during our review, including what you can get and the terms you need to fulfill.
Free Bet – First-time sports bettors will be able to claim a free bet bonus. This is a 100% match up to $200. To claim the offer, deposit at least $10.
This offer has a 5x rollover ($1,000 if you claim the entire $200) before you can withdraw any winnings. We recommend you read their terms and conditions for their other rules, as you’ll need to abide by odd minimums/maximums when you make your bets.
And that’s the only offer we found for sports bettors during our review.
This isn’t a bad offer by any means. That said, it would be great if they had a few other promotions running. It’d be nice to see some kind of cashback or rebate offer or additional bonuses.
But as the saying goes, something is better than nothing.

Mobile Friendliness

Both Spin Casino and Spin Sports are mobile friendly. You don’t need to download any apps. All you need to do is go to the casino or sportsbook from your phone or tablet and log in. You’ll be able to play all games and make bets from your browser.
It looks like you’ll have the full sportsbook at your disposal. And considering that they work with Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, we wouldn’t be surprised if most or even all of their casino games are available.

Customer Support

You can use the following options to contact Spin Casino.
The email address above is addressed to the parent company of Spin Casino. The issue with that is they manage several other casinos.
For that reason, we recommend that you make it clear that you’re a Spin Casino customer when you contact them. That way, you eliminate any confusion and reduce the chances of any unnecessary back and forth.
We were disappointed to see that they don’t offer phone support despite saying they do in multiple places throughout their website.
That said, phone support still isn’t a standard communication method offered by online gambling sites. It wouldn’t be fair if we held the lack of phone support against Spin Casino.
Besides, you can contact them 24/7 using the methods above. We sent Spin Casino an email, and we were surprised to receive a response less than two hours later. They answered our questions, too.
That’s better than the average casino for sure. For that reason, we give Spin Casino’s support two virtual thumbs up.
>> Get Your Free Bonus Now <<
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

I made a compilation of (almost all) GBF.wiki's April Fools Art Swap references.

Credits to Lumos96 for the some of the screencaps here.
(Please do note that the Expected column are just solely my opinions. If you have any other expectations for the April Fools Art swap of these characters, you might want to share with us here.)
Name April Fool "Base Art" Expected
GBF Wiki's Vyrn Ball Vyrn Ball, but it's Red Sphere.
Main Character (untouched, really?)
Albert Albert in his Dragalia Lost rendition.
Aletheia Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen), Lord of the Rings series
Alexiel Drawn Haruhi Suzumiya in Alexiel outfit (VA Joke: Aya Hirano)
Altair Altair (Assassin's Creed)
Andira Generic cartoon monkey
Anila Generic cartoon sheep Shawn the Sheep? Hibiki Tachibana? Okita Souji (F/GO)? Any freaking Aoi Yuuki role?
Anre A stock image of a potato replaced his body aside from her mustache, and his spear. Pringles
Anzu Futaba A stillshot of Anzu from the idolm@ster anime, with a screenshot of a tumblr post.
Aoidos Crow (Show By Rock!!) (VA Joke: Kishow Taniyama)
Arthur (Event)) Arthur Read Arthur Pendragon) (Fate/Prototype)?
Athena Athena (Saint Seiya) Athena Asamiya (KoF)?
Ayer A stillshot from Fight Club?
Azazel Azazel being runned over by Bacchus' carriage in Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis anime. Fun fact: It's actually his low HP animation in-game.
Baal Demonic Baal (any depictions or illustrations from history, books, or other media)
Bakura (Yami) Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Beatrix Beatrix (Platinum Sky) on an end subtitle from the last episode of Cowboy Bebop. Umineko Beatrice? Divine Comedy Beatrice?
Black Knight A black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Black Knight/Zelgius?
Blazing Teacher Elmott Eikichi Onizuka (Great Teacher Onizuka)
Cagliostro 2019: Alessandro Cagliostro, 2020: Cagliostro (Symphogear)
Cagliostro (Dark)) Cagliostro (Transformed) (Symphogear)
Cagliostro (Summer)) More Symphogear Cagliostro
Caim Caim (Drakengard (PS2))
Cain (Grand)) CnC: Red Alert Kane (Joseph Kucan) Kain Highwind? Biblical Cain?
Cassius (Event)) Image manipulated (Society event spoilers!) Cassius with his head opened up in the fashion of a bottle cap.
Cassius (Summer)) Twitter post screencap.
Catherine (SR)) 2019: Katherine from Catherine. This too was removed from the wiki.
Cerberus Her render from Dragalia Lost, like Lily and Albert?
Ceylan and Clarisse
Charlotta Stock image of potatoes on a box Saber from Fate/stay night?
Charlotta (Light)) Stock image of a lightbulb on a potato. Specifically, a potato battery. Saber from Fate/stay night doing her Noble Phantasm?
Chat Noir 2019: Cat Noir (Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir,) although they removed it. Joker, but not in his GBF rendition? Lupin III? Any gentleman thief?
Chloe Kuro/Chloe von Einzbern
Chloe (Summer) Kuro/Chloe von Einzbern in a swimsuit.
Christina 2019: The poker game. 2020: Chris Yukine (Transformed) (Symphogear XV)
Clarisse Drawn rendition of Clarisse with Djeeta and Cagliostro on an explosion in the fashion of "Disaster Girl" meme.
Clarisse (Holiday)) Drawn rendition of Clarisse with Djeeta and Cagliostro on an exploded Christmas tree in the fashion of "Disaster Girl" meme.
Clarisse (Light)) Drawn rendition of Clarisse with Djeeta and Cagliostro on an explosion with flare effects in the fashion of "Disaster Girl" meme.
Clarisse (Valentine)) Drawn rendition of Clarisse with Djeeta and Cagliostro on an explosion with Valentine Chocolates as debris in the fashion of "Disaster Girl" meme.
Colossus Colossus (Marvel Comics) The Colossal Titan? The Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus game?
Cucouroux (SSR) "kokoro" (JP: heart) jokes
Cure Black and Cure White Their character design from their home series.
Dante Dante (Devil May Cry 1 render)
Dante (SR)) Dante (Devil Mary Cry 4 render)
Dante and Freiheit 2019: Some man carrying with a guitar case, featuring Freiheit from granbleu fantasy series. 2020: Dante (Unlockable Super Dante outfit) (Devil May Cry 4) with Freiheit. "Boomer Dante" as his uncap art.
Deliford Delibird (Pokémon)
Deliford (SR)) Delibird (Pokémon) in HD
Dorothy Aqua (Seiyuu Joke)
Drang (Grand)) "What are you gonna do, stab me?" image. Trivia: It was deleted last year, but it came back this year. Gintoki Sakata (VA joke: Tomokazu Sugita)
Drusilla A screenshot of emptied rupies (A reference to her Rupie-spending skillset.)
Eahta Kyoshiro Senyro (Samurai Shodown series)
Ejaeli Kirby with Mike ability (Kirby series)
Elmott "Elmo Rise" meme
Estarriola Kirby with Sleep ability (Kirby series)
Eugen Prinz Eugen (the real ship or its shipfu (Kancolle, Azur Lane) equivalent.)
Eugen (Grand)) Edited brown-hued Mr. Krabs (Spongebob Squarepants) with a eyepatch, and a shotgun. Prinz Eugen (the real ship or its shipfu (Kancolle, Azur Lane) equivalent.)
Europa Europa (moon)/Jupiter II, one of the moons of planet Jupiter. Europa (Fate/Grand Order)?
Eustace Eustace (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Farrah (Summer)) Farrah Fawcett
Feather All kinds of "feather" in the game as a pun. From top to center, clockwise: Falcon Feather, Mystical Feather, Gleaming Feather, Zephyr Feather, Fortuitous Feather, Satin Feather, and Azure Feather. Missing are the Primarch Pinions, which they're also feathers.
Feather (SR)) Rock Howard (Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series)
Feather (Halloween)) An illustration of a black feather.
Feower Anpanman
Ferry A ferry boat, or her pits.
Ferry (Grand) A ferry boat, or her pits.
Ferry (Halloween) A ferry boat, or her pits.
Ferry (SSR) A ferry boat, or her pits.
Ferry and Tyre
Fif Kirby with Mirror ability (Kirby series) Doraemon (VA joke)
Forte Forte (Megaman series)
Fraux Yukiho Hagiwara (Punishing Fallen Angel) (idolm@ster Starlight Stage: Cinderella Girls) (VA joke: Azumi Asakura)
Freezie Frieza (Dragon Ball Z series) (a "freezing" pun) A freezer.
Friday (Summer)) A stillshot from Rebecca Black's "Friday" music video (probably a thumbnail on Youtube.)
Gachapin The Holiday/New YeaAnniversary Roulette
Galadar The illustration of Pokemon Sword and Shield's Galar region.
Garma His original art with "Level 1 Crook" on top of it, referencing the infamous Mafia City ads (see Yuisis.)
Gawain Char Aznable with MS-06S Char's Zaku II (Mobile Suit Gundam), but somehow the wiki removed it. F/GO Gawain? F/GO Riyo Gawain?
Geisenborger An image of a hamburger (YUM.)
Ghandagoza Akuma (Street Fighter series, but on his Tekken 7 incarnation) after using the Raging Demon Rage Art (referencing Ghandagoza's FLB uncap art.)
Goblin Mage Goblin Mage (Final Fantasy IX)
Grimnir PriConne art of Kokkoro
Grimnir (Valentine)) PriConne art of Kokkoro (New Year)
Haaselia Kaguya (Dynamis Series summon) (moon puns.) The Moon from Soul Eater? The (damaged) Moon from Assassination Classroom? The (shattered) Moon from RWBY? Or that moon from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
Haohmaru Hyakkimaru from Dororo
Helel ben Shalem Maggie Simpson (The Simpsons) Koenma (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Io Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh) (pronunciation joke)
Io (Grand)) Nanoha Takamachi (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha) (VA joke: Yukari Tamura)
Ippatsu This image with Ippatsu's face edited over the man's face.
Izmir Elsa (Frozen)
Jeanne d'Arc Jeanne d'Arc/Ruler from Fate/Apocrypha (Fate/Grand Order, initial art)
Jeanne d'Arc (Dark)) Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Fate/Grand Order)
Jeanne d'Arc (Grand)) Jeanne d'Arc/Ruler from Fate/Apocrypha (Fate/Grand Order, 4th Ascension art)
Jeanne d'Arc (SR)) Jeanne d'Arc (Santa Lily Alter) (Fate/Grand Order)
Jeanne d'Arc (Themed)) A screencap of Granblue Fantasy's maintenance page (only works when there's really a maintenance going on.) (referencing her banner started with the servers crashing.) Fate/Grand Order's version of Summer Jeanne).
Johann An image of Johann Strauss, himself or his son.
Joker 2019: Joker (Batman the Animated Series) 2020: still Joker (Batman: the Animated Series, but he's holding a card with his face on it.)
Karteira Tressa Colzione (Octopath Traveler) Francesca (Dragalia Lost)
Katalina (Grand)) Murgleis (her recuitment weapon) Herself rubbing Vyrn??
Kokkoro Rage of Bahamut art of Grimnir (Grimnir Returns)
Kolulu A photo of Yuuki Ono, Gran and Lancelot's voice actor, the Gislalord.
Korwa A Polish "kurwa" joke i.e. Stachu Jones?
Krugne Ryuji Otogi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Kumbhira Generic clip art of a boar on a bamboo.
La Coiffe Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Depp)
Lady Katapillar and Vira Vaporeon, Caterpie (Pokémon)
Laguna Laguna Loire (FFVIII), or the Laguna de Bay or the eponymous province in the Philippines.
Lamretta Any liquors? Johnny Walker? Absolut?
Lamretta (R) Any liquors? Johnny Walker? Absolut?
Lamretta (Water) Any liquors? Johnny Walker? Absolut?
Lancelot Lancelot (Saber) (Fate/Grand Order, 4th Ascension art) Lancelot (Berserker) (Fate/Grand Order?) Lancelot from Mike, Lu & Og?
Lecia Lecia's expression with 3 stars on her background (probably a joke as she's the only main story SR character (not counting Rein) without an FLB uncap.)
Leonora Kunoichi (Samurai Warriors)
Levi Leviathan (the Bible,) or the Leviathan/Leviathan Omega in-game?
Levin Sisters Top to bottom: Madoka Kaname (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica,) Shuten-douji (Fate/Grand Order,) Hibiki Tachibana (Symphogear series.) (VA joke: Aoi Yuuki)
Lilele Ranka Lee (Macross Frontier)
Lily Lily in her Dragalia Lost rendition.
Lily (Event)) Clay Golem with an SR crystal above it.
Lobelia Cioccolata w/ his Stand, Green Day (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo)
Lucio Lucifer (Shin Megami Tensei series) with 3 image stock katanas and a pair of small wings edited behind him.
Lucius Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood, episode 1) (VA joke: Takehito Koyasu)
Lucius (Fire)) Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood, episode 3) (VA joke: Takehito Koyasu)
Lucius (SSR)) DIO w/ ZA WARUDO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders) (VA joke: Takehito Koyasu)
Ludmila A mushroom poster named "Poisonous & Psychotropic Mushrooms", originally created by David Arora, a renowned mycologist.
Luna Kaguya Luna (a virtual Youtuber)
Lunalu (SSR)) Lunalu's event portait with a bunch of skill icons on her paper. Said skill icon is "Ground Zero," Sarasa/Threo's notable skill, in which it is notoriously used with Lunalu's Facsimile skill.
Mahira Generic clip art of a chicken with Mahira's string edited on it.
Maria Theresa Maria Theresa Amalia Walburga von Österreich, the ruler of Habsburg dominions, the Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress.
Mariah Mariah Carey
Marquiares Megumin (KonoSuba) with an pair of angled shades edited in.
Medusa An edited image of a jellyfish with Medusa's eyes, and blushes. F/SN RideMedusa
Medusa (Promo)) Original art of Medusa with LogicLinks logo over it (refers to her required method of recruiting her.)
Melissabelle An MSPaint rendition of a corn.
Melissabelle (Valentine)) An MSPaint rendition of a corn, with a pink heart.
Mirin Kikkoman Aji-Mirin.
Monika FE Three Houses' Bernadetta (VA joke: Ayumi Tsuji), or Doki Doki Literature Club Monika.
Monika (Grand) FE Three Houses' Bernadetta (VA joke: Ayumi Tsuji), or Doki Doki Literature Club Monika.
Mugen A screenshot of a M.U.G.E.N. gameplay. Characters are "Oira GF" by yugusic, and the stage is the "The Grancypher" from Panda Hoodie Grl & friends.
Narmaya Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Narmaya's head.
Narmaya (Holiday)) Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Narmaya's head.
Narmaya (Summer)) Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Narmaya's head.
Narmaya (Valentine)) Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Narmaya's head.
Nemone Original art, repeated all over the place (probably a reference to her catchphrase.)
Nezahualpilli A clip art of a "birdman" holding a spear.
Nicholas Genji (Overwatch)
Nier NieR (Gestalt) US PS3 box art Sakura Matou, or NieR Automata-related crap
Nina Drango "Blush Value" of characters in the wiki superimposed over each other.
Niyon Hiding in a cardbox in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Probably a reference to her appearance in Grand Blues. Notte (Dragalia Lost)
Orchid 2019: A stock image of an orchid flower. 2020: Carl Clover and Deus Machina: Nirvana (Blazblue)
Owen Owen's character design in Shingeki no Bahamut: Manaria Friends.
Paris (Event)) The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
Pavidus A screencap of Willie McNabb's tweet.
Pecorine Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Pecorine's head.
Pengy Pingu
Percival Percy the Small Engine (Thomas and Friends)
Petra (SSR) JoJo Stand jokes.
Philosophia Anything regarding Philosophy.
Philosophia (SR) Anything regarding Philosophy.
Predator The Predator) from Alien vs. Predator
Rackam Various panels from Grand Blues of Rackam doing stupid things, and exploding.
Rackam (Grand) Laguna Loire (FFVIII)/Balthier (FFXII) (VA joke: Hiroaki Hirata)
Randall (SR) Sanji from One Piece, Hwoarang from Tekken series?
Rei Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (name joke) Anyone with bizarre things in their eyes (i.e. Ciel Phantomhive, Lelouch, Sharingan users, FREAKING SHIKI RYOUGI?)
Reinhardtzar (Grand) (don't bother, it's empty.)
Richard The Jewel Resort Casino Poker game
Richard (SR) The Jewel Resort Casino Poker game
Romeo (Event) Ramza Beoulve (Final Fantasy Tactics), or any similar designs from Akihiko Yoshida.
Rosamia Any of Yui Ishikawa's roles (2B, Enterprise, Mikasa, Violet Evergarden?)
Rosamia (SR) Any of Yui Ishikawa's roles (2B, Enterprise, Mikasa, Violet Evergarden?)
Rosamia (SSR) (She was once had a April Fool quirk, the Colony Laser from Mobile Suit Gundam, but somehow they removed it.) Any of Yui Ishikawa's roles (2B, Enterprise, Mikasa, Violet Evergarden?)
Rosetta (Grand) Kiara Sesshouin? (VA joke)
Sakura Shinguji The commercial with her VA, and Segata Sanshiro.
Sandalphon (Event)) An iPhone 5, with a phone case that looks like a Japanese slipper. It's a visual pun.
Sarunan (Dark)) Sarunan (Dark) in a jar of honey.
Scathacha Scathach (Fate/Grand Order) alternative: Scathach (Shin Megami Tensei)
Scathacha (Valentine) Scathach-Skadi (Fate/Grand Order)
Seofon His Eternal's Summer Vacation outfit, but focused on his abs and crotch.
Seox A Scooby-Doo parody of unmasking Seox, with Gran as Fred and him as a villain in a ghost costume.
Shao The Medicine Seller from Mononoke (no, not the Ghibli one.) (VA joke: Takahiro Sakurai)
Shiva 2019: A title screen of a game based on an Indian Nickolodeon show. 2020: Shiva (Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward)
Siegfried Saber of Black (Siegfried) from Fate/Apocrypha (Fate/Grand Order, 4th Ascension art)
Siegfried (Fire) Sieg from Fate/Apocrypha
Societte (Fire) A stock image of an helicopter.
Sophia Sophia, the Goddess (Warring Triad)) (Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward)
Spinnah 2019: A stock image of a fidget spinner, but somehow they deleted it.
Stan An album cover of "#" by the K-pop girlgroup LOONA. The term "stan" is used within the general pop fandom that means "stalker fan." It is mostly used within the K-Pop fandom.
Sturm (Grand)) Strum (Advance Wars (GBA))
Suzaku Kururugi I can't find them, there's only soup. I mean I'm at soup! I'M AT THE SOUP STORE!!!
Tanya Tanya Degurechaff (Saga of Tanya the Evil) (name joke)
Therese (Event)) Yugi Muto "dueling" (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Threo 2019: Soul Balm > A stock image of a two-layered cake.
Tiamat Tiamat (Dungeons and Dragons) Beast II (Fate/Grand Order)
Tien Tien Shinhan (Dragon Ball) Something TH-related.
Tsubasa Tsubasa Kazanari (Symphogear XD Unlimited)
Tweyen A kitchen twine (probably a pronunciation pun)
Tyre There's no other reference like Gaston! (Beauty and the Beast, 1991 animated movie)
Uzuki Shimamura Z35 (Azur Lane) (Design and VA joke)
Vajra Generic clip art of a dog with a red scarf, while there's a similar looking fish down there.
Vane A wind vane.
Vania A red apple core (Vampy is core + (potential) The Twilight Saga) reference?)
Viceroy An Iron Cluster. (why?)
Vikala A cartoon illustration of a rat with balloons.
Vira Eevee (Pokémon)
Vira (Grand)) Sylveon (Pokémon) with Luminiera/Chevalier Bits
Vira (Promo)) Flareon (Pokémon)
Vira (SSR)) Umbreon (Pokémon)
Vira (Summer)) Leafeon (Pokémon)
Vira (Wind)) Jolteon (Pokémon)
Volenna (Event)) Lightning (Knight of Etro outfit) (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
Walder (Holiday)) Generic clip art of a man's head with a Christmas tree and Santa's hat at the top.
Wulf and Renie 2019: A stock clip-art of Red Riding Hood and a wolf. 2020: Akazukin (Otogi Jushi Akazukin)
Yggdrasil Suzuho Ueda (idolm@ster Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage, Smiling Tree+ art)
Yngwie Blastoise (Pokémon) Yngwie Malmsteen
Yodarha (SSR)) An illustration of Yoda (Star Wars) (nickname joke)
Yuisis Her original art with the phrase "Level 100 Boss" over it. Probably a reference to the infamous Mafia City ads (see Garma.)
Yuisis (Fire) 2B (Nier Automata)
Yurius Marluxia (Kingdom Hearts)
Zahlhamelina A stock image of a potato replaced her body aside from her hands, her staff, and the flames.
Zeta A photo of Kana Hanazawa.
Zooey Original art with a screenshot of a tumblr post over it.
Zooey (Promo)) Original art of Zooey with GBF-themed SMBC Visa credit cards on both hands (refers to her required method of recruiting her.)
If something's missing here (especially when they add more April Fools crap on the wiki while I make this,) or any mistakes here, leave a comment.
submitted by Kalafino to Granblue_en [link] [comments]

Mediterranean Cruise (2018)

Mediterranean Cruise (2018)
Here is how to make the most of a one-week Mediterranean cruise and see as much of Europe that one can possibly manage in one week. I planned our cruise to minimize any unpleasant surprises and yet leave room to be spontaneous and adventurous.
This article is not about cruise ships and you do not have to be a fan of cruises as my trip was mostly on land other than the overnight cruising. I felt that at the age of 57, I had delayed Europe long enough and with my busy business schedule, the cruise was the only way to get a snapshot of three countries and six cities in 10 days total, plus two days for flying from and to Canada. My wife does not like cruises, and I was left to travel with Lucas, our seventeen-year-old!
In August 2018, Lucas and I flew to Barcelona, Spain, the embarking port for the Norwegian, Epic cruise ship. It was our very first time on a cruise and our very first time to Europe except for England. I do not recommend August or July for this trip as it is high season for local tourism, and it is too hot to walk the cities (well too hot for me). However, if you have kids in school, then you understand that it must be summer, unless you choose to go without them.
Our ship would mostly cruise at nighttime giving us a full day from 7 am to 6 pm in most cities. That was perfect for me because there is only so much staring at water I can enjoy, and spending time in a tiny casino or eating non-stop are not my kind of pastime. If you are a cruise fan, then Norwegian Epic is great. They have about 10 wonderful restaurants, a superbly well-organized huge buffet with great selection of international food, a nice water park on the upper deck, and even a youth club with games, music, and dance to keep your teens entertained.
Every evening after our long city walk, Lucas and I enjoyed a nice meal after our shower and then watched a show or a musical performance before we hit the sack in our comfortable balcony room. I do not like closed spaces and a balcony room was well worth the small difference in price, even though we did not have much time to be on the balcony. Epic was also completely renovated in 2015, which meant it was clean and up to date on amenities. Always check the year the ship was build or was renovated before committing to a cruise.
Our cruise had stops in these cities:
1- Barcelona, Spain - embarking
a. visit Gothic centre, La Rambla, La Sagrada Familia church, Park Güell,
2- Naples, Italy
a. Rented a car and drove to Sorrento (an hour drive)
3- Rome, Italy
a. Took the train to the city centre and then the city tour-bus to Vatican City, San Angelo Castle, Piazza di Spagna – drove past Colosseum
4- Florence and Pisa tower, Italy – walking tour, site seeing
5- Cannes and Nice, France – walking tour, site seeing
6- Mallorca (Majorca), Spain - took a taxi to Palma Nova beach, swam and chilled
What to pack? We traveled very light with one carryon and a backpack. The backpack was for our extra stuff and NOT for touring the city. I do not recommend walking with a backpack, even less in the summer. Other than the usual travel items, here are some essentials I had to buy.
1- Light and cool walking shoes that were comfortable for walking and cool for summer. I bought a pair of nice leather sandals with good support and solid straps for walking. Also packed a pair of dress shoes for evening dinner on the ship and exercise shoes that I never used!
2- Summer shirts. I ordered some European collared Linen shirts. They look nice, are cool, and comfortable. www.bensherman.com has a good selection of those if you live in Canada or USA. Pack lots of tees for less formal places.
3- A couple of dress pants (linen and or khaki) for the evening restaurant and shows and dress shorts for long walks.
4- Beach sandal and swimming trunk for the Beach in Mallorca which I ended up buying in Cannes
5- Your credit card, Euro currency, and travel documents of course. Leave them in the safety box in your room and only take what you need for the day.
Barcelona, Spain: We arrived Barcelona three days ahead of schedule to experience one city for more than just a day. We stayed at the Boutique Hotel Violeta (http://violetaboutique.com/home/) in the centre of the city and only three blocks from the Plaza Catalunya. It was the best and most centric location in my opinion. I loved the hotel.
Violeta was a small hotel that reminded me of my apartment in Buenos Aires. The hotel is in a residential apartment building where they had turned two floors into hotel rooms. The Gothic architecture offered us a giant completely renovated room with a very high ceiling. We had two queen size beds in our room, a sitting area and plenty of open space. The reception was extremely helpful with information, and being small, made check-in a breeze.
Violeta Boutique also included a European coffee and pastry breakfast but if you wanted an American breakfast, there was a small cafe next door on the street level and plenty of other options within a three-block radius.
Our three days in Barcelona coincided with the Fiesta de Gracia (thanksgiving!) which was a 20-minute bus ride from Plaza Catalunya. I had bought a 10-ride Metro-Bus pass (Credit card size) from the Metro (subway, underground) station at Catalunya. Fiesta de Gracia was in the Garcia neighborhood where all the streets were colourfully decorated by the residents and live bands played all night on the streets and restaurants had set outdoor patios. The music was free, the food was reasonably priced, and people were jolly. It was my second favourite part of our time in Barcelona and we went there two evenings.
Barcelona Gothic city
From the airport, we took a bus straight to Plaza Catalunya (Plaça de Catalunya) in 20 minutes and then walked three blocks to our hotel. I had the hotel directions Googled (searched) in advance. I am fluent in Spanish (the Argentine version) so taking public transit was natural for me. Although Barcelona is a destination for international tourism and most people in the industry seem to speak English.
I bought a SIM card for my phone (which was unlocked in advance) at the airport for €30 from Vodafone (https://www.vodafone.com/) that gave me 10 Gig of mobile data covering most of Europe for up to a month. It did not include coverage on the cruise ship.
La Rambla and the old Gothic city in Barcelona were 10 to 15-minute walk from our hotel or Plaza Catalunya. You want to spend half a day walking this area, watching the beautiful shops, the narrow streets of Gothic centre and try a street café or restaurant.
La Sagrada Familia is a must see for its architecture alone. We took a bus there, but you must purchase tickets in advance if you plan to go inside on a specific day and skip the long lineup. This is another half-day venture unless you want to tour the outside which is fascinating enough. I found it amazing to see how much craft and detail was offered to decorate the exterior of the building. It is no wonder that the new extension brings a modern and plain contrast that just does not quite match the elegance and masterful craftsmanship of the old.
Park Guell is another 20-minute bus ride to the higher altitudes of Barcelona. It is a beautiful park with some very interesting structures left behind. It was a good half-day break from the city to relax and enjoy the nature. You can also see the entire city from the top.
Restaurant can be pricey in the touristy Plaça de Catalunya area. I managed to venture a couple of blocks off the main streets and find some local small restaurants. We had a great satisfying meal at a fantastic price and mingled with the residents. I even found a little Italian owned pizza place! Of course, we also tried the more refined tapas restaurants. After all, we were tourists.
Naples, Italy: The longest leg of our cruise was from Barcelona to Naples which took a full day at sea. That was perfect because it provided us the opportunity to navigate the ship and the amenities, learn the evening programs, browse the list of restaurants, and to start our reservations. I did not think that Naples had enough to interest me for the whole day and I hungered to see the Amalfi coast. Amalfi coast was too far for a day trip, so I decided that Sorrento and maybe Positano would be close enough. I rented a car from Hertz in advance which was a five-minute walk from the port. The car cost me about $150 Canadian, tax included! Luckily, I still remembered how to drive standard transmission (stick-shift).
We made it to Sorrento on the scenic highway with no problem. Traffic did slow at some points giving the driver (me) an opportunity to enjoy the scenery. About 10 minutes before arriving, atop the hills on the narrow road that took us to Sorrento, I found a little space to park the car and breath-in the fresh view of Sorrento waterfront. We could see the sail boats floating on the Mediterranean blue water, and the colourful little houses built on the slope of the hill from the top all the way to the sea. The buildings were in so many colours as if the quaint Sorrento were architected by Michelangelo to be lived by DaVinci’s Mona Lisa.
Sorrento from the road top
Sorrento was so beautiful that we spent the entire day there. We parked the car in an underground parking across to Gran Hotel Europa Palace (www.europapalace.com) on the hilltop. We must have spend about 45 minutes roaming the exterior of the hotel, admiring the architecture and the impressive iron gate, and then spending time on the back patio taking a closer look at the colourful buildings on the hill rolling down to the water. There were stone walking paths from the houses to the water where a giant deck with seats and shades turned the sea into a giant public pool.
Sorrento Hotel
The ladies in reception were extremely helpful offering us information and allowing me to charge my mobile since I had forgotten my charger! According to one of them, the German war maps were still on the lobby walks behind the giant paintings at this fortress (now hotel). I wanted to go down to the waterfront for lunch. So, the nice lady called her friend, the owner of a restaurant on the waterfront, and they sent us a car at no charge and after lunch they drove us back. The ride to the water was through narrow winding streets of Sorrento. After lunch we took a walk along the harbour and watched the sail boats rock on calm waters. I would like to spend a week or more in Southern Italy some day.
I forgot to mention that my cousin lives in Naples working on his PhD. He was our translator for the day. This was our first encounter in forty years (that is a sad tale that should not ruin this travel story). On the way back, we sat in a very nice café in Naples and had an amazing coffee and pastry before heading back to our ship. Italian pastry is the best, with my apology to mom and all the Persians.
Sorrento harbour
Rome, Italy: The port for Rome is in Civitavecchia, an hour drive from Rome. A tour purchased from the cruise would have been around $300 CDN per person. I like to think that I am adventurous and enjoy experimenting the local ways as much as I can. However, I understand that you may think that I am just cheap. I am fine with that. My son (Lucas) and I took a five-minute bus ride to the train station and paid €10 each to take the fast train to Rome. I love trains a lot more than buses.
We could have ventured Rome with local transit; however, our time was limited and we could not afford any time asking for directions. If I recall accurately, the daily hop-on-hop-off city tour was about €20 per person. To visit Rome and only spend one day should be a crime but a snapshot to calm my itching curiosity was the deal I had taken. I would say that Rome and Vatican City would require at least a week. There are many ancient Basilicas other than St. Peter’s each offering a unique history and that alone is well worth a week for me.
The bus passed by the Colosseum, check mark. We were heading to the Vatican City knowing well that we may not make it inside. After all, Vatical city is a day by itself. The bus dropped us a few blocks away in front of San Angelo Castle also known as Mausoleum of Hadrian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castel_Sant%27Angelo. The castle was a tall cylinder-like giant stone building walled all around like a fortress. I thought we would take a quick tour of the place at €15 (it was free for minors “Lucas”). We ended up spending over two hours admiring the decorated walls and ceilings with painting that were full of stories, and the museum items there were placed in its numerous rooms. We climbed many rocky stairs all the way to the top of this tallest structure in Rome, ventured the narrow hallways and took some pictures on the roof.
San Angelo Castle
The entrance to Vatican City was a ten-minute walk. Before crossing the bridge over Tiber (Tevere) we sat on the patio of a river-side food booth to have a snack. We walked to Vatican City and spent an hour in St. Peter’s Square (Piazza San Pietro) observing the architecture, the elegantly attired Guards, the crowd lining up and the shops that lure the tourist.
We took the tour bus back to Piazza di Espagna. This was the cleanest, most modern, and prettiest part of the city that our eyes had seen in the past few hours. The bus left us on the upper escalation of the Piazza where I took some pictures before descending the steep long set of steps into the centre of the shops and restaurants. We walked for about an hour window shopping and then found a restaurant patio in a pedestrian intersection. It was a touristy area but still reasonably priced. We certainly could give ourselves this one treat before heading back to the train station for our hour and twenty-minute ride back.
Piazza di Espagna
Total cost of our Rome venture including transportation, admissions, and food (for two) was €150. Lunch was the biggest expense.
** Picture
Florence and Pisa, Italy: Another restaurant and show evening aboard the Norwegian Epic, and we arrived in Florence (port of Livorno) early morning. Getting to Florence by public transit was too complicated. A car ride from port of Livorno to Florence was about 90 minutes and to Pisa around 30 minutes. I was lucky to find a private mini-van taxi (a brand new eight-seater Mercedes) that needed two more passengers to get going. At €50 per person to take us to Florence and then Pisa and back, it was a great deal. This deal could have been booked online in advance for €40. A lesson learned here. The other people sharing our ride were a family of four from Montreal, and a mother-son pair from Los Angles.
Everyone was very reserved and quiet. Lucas and I sat in the front with the driver and I spend the entire trip learning from our friendly driver. Florence is beautiful and quaint. However, I thought I had enough architecture in Rome and did not feel like lining up for an hour to see another church. We took a walking tour of Florence and had a meal at small sandwich joint run by two very funny and entertaining ladies. They offered a great selection of artisanal sandwiches, but almost two years later now, I cannot remember what I ate.
Pisa was another little town walled all around. I can imagine the great length the leaders had to go to protect people from attacks and we so often take our freedom for granted. Of course, we must protect ourselves from partisan politics and corporate lawyers, but that is easily manageable. At this point of the trip, I had enough sight seeing. I would have been good with a video of Pisa on YouTube. Here is a picture of the magnificent but defected marble structure.
Residents sunbathing in Florence
Canes and Nice, France:
Canes, France was physically the most beautiful city on this trip, in my opinion. It was manicured clean and peaceful. Canes did not have a port for the cruise ships, hence we had to anchor in the sea and take the emergency boats to the shore. The emergency boats were giant, and each held about 200 people. We had a short time here and we were tired. I should have taken a tour bus, but my sense of adventure (or cheapness) had us walking up the steep and narrow winding street and then back down to the city centre for a bite.
I found a small sandwich shop to share a ham and cheese baguette and a couple of drinks with Lucas. In my broken French, I asked the young lady behind the counter if she could cut the baguette in half for us and she gave me a stern “Non”. I am not certain whether that was a lack of courtesy or I had crossed some religious or cultural boundaries. It was simple enough to split the baguette with me hand. We should have continued our tour of the city and stayed in Canes as I had advised our friends from Quebec. However, a sudden urge came over me to take the train to Nice. We did, and Nice’s downtown and beach area were beautiful to walk; however, the injustice I did to my own principals of travelling is unforgivable. The whole day was just too rushed and consuming.
Canes, City Market
Mallorca (Majorca) Spain:
The trip from Canes to Mallorca was the second longest leg of the cruise. We arrived Mallorca around 1 pm giving us roughly five hours on the Island. After seven days of walking the cities in the heat of August, even the young Lucas was exhausted. The port in Mallorca was not walking distance to any interesting place and Lucas wished to spend the day at a beach. Great idea, I thought.
I Googled the most scenic beaches nearby and Palma Nova was the second choice but the only feasible option due to our limited time. We had a brief line up for a taxi right at the port. There was a family of five from Peru from our cruise in front of us in the lineup and they could not all fit into one taxi. I invited the grandpa of the family to come with us since they were heading to the same beach. Grandpa was a good companion and an opportunity for me to learn about Peru. We agreed on a time for going back together and then split to our ventures.
Palma Nova was perfect to spend a day. The beach had the right amount of crowd and was decorated by some rocky hills on one side for us to take a walk in between swims. The water was perfectly tempered, calm, and clear blue. There were no high rises nor big tourist hotels on this beach and plenty of restaurants and shops. For lunch we crossed the street on the beach to a patio and I shared a nice pizza and drinks for €12. We paid €15 for the bamboo umbrella and two chairs to have our spot on the beach and about €35 total for the taxi ride back and forth. That brings our total to €62 for a beautiful relaxing day in Majorca.
Palma Nova beach, Mallorca
I would like to spend a week in Mallorca. There are many scenic quaint towns and beautiful beaches to enjoy. If you are interested to know more, you can search for Palma, Sóller, Valldemossa, and Pollença. All these are on the west side of the island and within an hour drive from Palma. I would stay in Palma and make day trips to each of these towns. If you are a tennis fan, then you will probably add Rafael Nadal’s academy (https://www.rafanadalacademy.com/en) to the list, which is about an hour drive east of Palma.
Palma Nova beach, Majorca
Our last night on the cruise was concluded by a beautiful three course meal and listening to a live band on the middle deck’s lobby. There was a talented singer among the passengers and a few great dancers on board who joined the performance. It was a great way to end the cruise. We arrived Barcelona early morning, well rested, with a fresh shower and a full tummy. We found a taxi and headed straight to the airport to catch our noon flight back to Toronto without rush. I suppose my project management trainings mixed with my entrepreneurial nature, made a perfect schedule for the trip. You can check out www.pmi.org if you are interested in formalizing your skills for time and budget management.
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