Meet The 16 Indonesians In This Year’s Forbes 30 Under 30 ...

forbes 30 under 30 indonesia

forbes 30 under 30 indonesia - win

Who run the world: Meet 2 women entrepreneurs from Forbes 30 under 30 at Echelon Indonesia

Who run the world: Meet 2 women entrepreneurs from Forbes 30 under 30 at Echelon Indonesia submitted by SEAstartups_bot to SEAstartups [link] [comments]

COVID-19 Megathread #8

This post is updated daily.
You can also follow the Reddit Live thread here.
COVID-19 has now infected more than 803,313 people. There have been 39,014 confirmed deaths and 172,657 confirmed recoveries attributed to the virus.
Do you think you have COVID-19?
The CDC has a new online tool that allows people to "self-check" for COVID-19. Click here to use the "Coronavirus Self-Checker" tool.
Recent Updates
(Note: These are the updates from the last 48-72 hours.)
MARCH 30 -
Updates from around the world:
Updates from the United States:
MARCH 29 -
Updates from around the world:
The former Italian Prime Minister calls for Hungary to reverse its dictatorship law or else be expelled from the EU. See the tweet here.
Updates from the United States:
MARCH 28 -
Updates from around the world:
Updates from the United States:
Tracking COVID-19
Reputable Sources for Information:
Previous Megathreads
submitted by hoosakiwi to news [link] [comments]

PRIDE and PROFIT – The Hypocrisy of Fast Fashion Giants Selling Socially-Conscious Apparel

Rainbow flags in window displays, limited edition rainbow products, big statements of proud CEOs about how everyone should be treated equally. Just as June, the month of embracing and celebrating anyone who doesn’t conform to heteronormativity, has ended, we have to ask ourselves and them: What are you going to do until June 2021? Are you even going to do something?
The Hydroelectric City Pride Festival of 2017 was a colourful crowd of individuals of all ages, sexual orientations, genders – and employers. When I spotted several people seemingly scattered randomly across the parade, all with the same shirts displaying their company’s logo in big, rainbow-coloured, shiny sequins, a suspicion came over me: That was a high street fashion shop, selling the hottest trends at ridiculously low prices for a piece of garment. Apologizing for scandals is part of their daily routine. Do they only pretend to care once again? What if even now that the general public in our society, the one that is consuming their products, wants to encourage fair and equal treatment and demands that of the economy as well, are they just playing with us to gain more and more profit while not doing anything? I mean, it sounds quite obvious to anyone who has even just touched on the concept of capitalism, and still, you have hope that just once management decides to show they are humane, too.
The minute my hands could grab hold of my laptop again, I frantically started researching. The brand’s current Pride-themed collection consists of ten pieces and of 10% of all profit made from it will go to the UN human rights office "Free & Equal", just like it was in 2017! Sounds good? Wrong. The donation is meaningless or at the very least not nearly enough since the online shop offers almost 7000 products for women alone, the men’s, kids’ and home department not even taken into the calculation yet. Combined with the suspiciously low prices of fast fashion nowadays the brand isn’t donating in as big of a socially conscious scale as it like to present it as. I took a closer look at the product details, maybe there was really something more, something good to this collection that could improve my current take on it. All ten pieces are produced in China. China, a country that does not allow homosexual marriages and adoptions, conversion therapy (therapy that aims to make people who do not fit into a heteronormative standard conform to these with questionable and even dangerous methods) is legal. Thus, the brand is knowingly contributing to the economy of a country whose government outright denies rights to the LBGT+ community. They support the side of the oppressors, superficially gaining a progressive image for all those who do not want to or do not have the time to look deeper into the issue. And they are not the only ones guilty of this.
The strengthening of the homosexual lobby over the last 30 years has apparently led to increased marketing to this target group, and it has come with companies using surface-level acceptance just to make a profit, reducing the buyer in their identity to merely a mindless consumer, ignoring everything else. It leads to the attention and financial resources being taken away from the initiatives and organisations that actually stand up for the rights of the underprivileged group. This phenomenon is called “pinkwashing”, I learned.
I found more and more, the stream of new information seemingly never-ending: The same company also sold shirts with feminist slogans printed onto them while having the clothes be made by underpaid and overworked women in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, women who are reported to have to face sexual assault and gender-based discrimination while the brand is looking the other way over here and praising itself for its support, like a generous billionaire sneering and celebrating their victory with a glass of champagne, the bottle stained with the blood of women all around the world. Empty words in a room filled with despair, anger, and violence. “Purplewashing” is the term given to this infuriating and tone-deaf issue.
How do you avoid this? For US-Americans for example, the “Corporate Equality Index” published annually by the Human Rights Foundation is a good start to choosing companies that practice what they preach. The index evaluates and ranks the biggest companies’ internal policies on equal rights, proper dealing with discrimination amongst employees, and equal benefits for LGBT workers and their families. Still, I felt mentally exhausted by that point, and wondered: “Can anyone truly escape this? Don’t they say that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism?” The answer is surprisingly easy. They’re right. It’s not possible to change everyone’s consumption to 100% ethical. Not many have the resources to do so, and especially not at the level we consume at currently. However, this does not mean we should just accept our planet’s current fate and not aspire to change the world for the better. No matter the topic, if we just keep saying that we will never be able to achieve the perfect state and that therefore it would be unnecessary to even try, millions are going to keep suffering at the hands of cruel capitalism. Anything we can do to lower the number of people affected is a great contribution to progress, however small it may be.
I took a look at my closet again, realized I had been part of the chain of suffering for so long. And statistics show I wasn’t alone with that: People don’t wear about 50% of what their closets contain, we buy so much that we don’t know what to do with it and it is estimated that the average household spends about 1,700$ annually on clothes, while a single person throws away 65 pounds of clothing in the same timeframe. Fast fashion apparel being so cheap and so low in quality has its fair share of responsibility in this issue by targeting consumers who are not so well off and thus cannot easily invest in quality pieces that will last them longer. This leads to less money being spent at that very moment but way more money being spent in the long run. According to Forbes Magazine, the average woman owns 30 outfits — one for every day of the month. In 1930, that figure was nine. Men own less clothes than women do on average, however still many times more than what men used to own. It is time we question the reason we buy so much yet use so little, so we can stop and make the most of our purchases. Not only will the planet thank you, your wallet will as well. You can rent, repair, go thrifting (even electronics can be purchased second-hand), buy locally, and spread the knowledge! With tiny steps and a lot of endurance we as a community can go a long way. We cannot change what we did in the past but we can certainly do our best to give the children of tomorrow a better world.
Even though I had this revelation three years ago, I am sharing it now because I have the amazing opportunity to do so by publishing these articles, addressing a way bigger audience than I would’ve ever dreamed of back then. The cause I want to support is very dear to my heart as so many in our town are part of the LGBT community or they are our allies, and we need to remember to fight for fundamental human rights not only in one month of the year but to support it at the best of our abilities the other eleven ones as well. The fact alone that terms like “pinkwashing” and “purplewashing” even exist already shows the general public is slowly getting more aware of the subtle nuances of injustice. We need to stick together, stand together, rise together. And if achieving something of this magnitude demands letting go of my favourite brands, then I will gladly do that. This is not about my personal comfort. This is about staying loyal to my principles, my friends, myself. And together we can lead the world to a brighter, more hopeful and more equal future.
This article was brought to you by Marina Elettra Leonardis. It is part of her weekly column in the Southwest University Times. For more articles about lifestyle, town events, and politics, please head over to our website.
submitted by DrowningInDrama to HaveWeMet [link] [comments]

Covid-19 update Wednesday 8th April

Good morning from the UK. For those people whose days blur into one another, today is a Wednesday. For any fellow Brits who haven’t realised yet, this Friday is Good Friday which means Monday is a bank holiday. 4 day weekend for us!
The UK and US continue to grab most of the global headlines - the UK due to the plight of its prime minister Boris Johnson (the TLDR there is that he’s still in intensive care, his condition is unchanged). The US is grabbing the headlines because of the sheer volume of cases / deaths in the country plus also for some of the quotes being given and actions being taken by President Trump.
Today’s round up is Guardian heavy. Sorry if you’re not a fan of them, I was pushed for time.

Virus news in depth

Coronavirus: UK will have Europe's worst death toll, says study - If you’re British like me this is rather frightening; the Guardian reports (Link) that “world-leading disease data analysts” (their phrase not mine) have projected that the UK will become the country worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic in Europe, accounting for more than 40% of total deaths across the continent. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle predicts 66,000 UK deaths from Covid-19 by August, with a peak of nearly 3,000 a day, based on a steep climb in daily deaths early in the outbreak. The analysts also claim discussions over “herd immunity” led to a delay in the UK introducing physical distancing measures, which were brought in from 23 March in England when the coronavirus daily death toll was 54. Portugal, by comparison, had just one confirmed death when distancing measures were imposed. The IHME modelling forecasts that by 4 August the UK will see a total of 66,314 deaths. Spain is projected to have 19,209 deaths by the same date, Italy 20,300 and France 15,058. All three countries have imposed tougher lockdown measures than the UK. (Personal note for fellow Brits, 66k = a town the size of Paignton in Devon, Rochester in Kent, Loughborough in Leicestershire, Dewsbury in W Yorks or Washington in Tyne and Wear. I expect we will hear a lot more about this herd immunity and in particular Dominic Cummings once the pandemic ebbs away; Cummings will probably be thrown under the bus for it).

Fears of crisis in global car finance markets as owners seek payments help - Fears are growing of a crisis in the UK’s £75bn car loan market, where 6.5m vehicles have been financed through leasing deals with monthly payments that are already proving unaffordable for some laid-off as a result of the coronavirus says the Guardian (link). The Finance and Leasing Association (FLA), which represents the credit arms of the car manufacturers as well as the banks, said: “It’s early days in terms of quantifying the impact on arrears, but the number of forbearance requests has grown significantly in recent weeks.” Britain’s car market rests on billions in debt taken out by consumers, many of whom may now struggle to pay. Around nine out of 10 of the 2.3m new cars sold in a typical year in Britain are paid for using some sort of financing provided by an FLA member. The most common purchase method has been personal contract plans (PCP), where a buyer puts down a deposit and then rents the vehicle for two to three years at a monthly cost, typically around £250. Problems in the UK car loans market may pale into insignificance compared with the colossal scale of auto lending in the US, which totals $1.3tn (£1tn). Some of it has been securitised into bonds that bear echoes of “subprime” lending common before the financial crisis of 2007-08. Around $30bn of new subprime vehicle loans were issued in 2019, and there have been reports of some lenders verifying the income of just 8% of borrowers – whose loans are then bundled into bonds sold on Wall Street as an income stream for investors. However, the US Federal Reserve has already stepped in with a programme to support “asset-backed securities”, including bonds holding auto loans.

Trump threatens to hold WHO funding, then backtracks, amid search for scapegoat - The Guardian has written a critical article on Trump again, saying he hunted for a new scapegoat on Tuesday in an increasingly frantic attempt to shift blame for thousands of American deaths from the coronavirus, accusing the World Health Organization (WHO) of having “called it wrong” and being “China-centric”. Trump’s early inaction has come under renewed scrutiny in the past day after a New York Times report that Peter Navarro, Trump’s trade adviser, warned in a memo in late January that the virus could put millions of Americans at risk and cost trillions of dollars. Susan Rice, a former national security adviser, told the Washington Post that Trump’s missteps “cost tens of thousands of American lives”. The president has repeatedly denied responsibility and sought to blame China, the Obama administration and the media. On Tuesday, with the US death toll exceeding 12,000, he unleashed a tirade at the WHO, even though it raised the alarm in January, after which he made statements downplaying it and comparing it to the common flu. “They’ve been wrong about a lot of things,” Trump said at the daily White House coronavirus task force briefing. “And they had a lot of information early and they didn’t want to – they seemed to be very China centric” – implying that the WHO had toed the line of Beijing’s early efforts to minimise the scale of the outbreak.

Virus news in brief

Source: Guardian daily blog or CNN daily blog unless specified otherwise.

Supply chain news in depth

Coronavirus: The Road to Economic and Social Recovery; We will recover, but how will we know when? - Descartes Labs, a geospatial imagery analytics startup based in California has written an interesting piece on (link) on how we may be able to use big data to understand when the economy will begin to recover. Remote sensing refers to data collected from satellites, aircraft, and distributed sensors that can provide information about the earth and help us understand human activities at a macro scale. While it is possible to understand the economic consequences of coronavirus through news reports and surveys, remote sensing provides direct observations that can be aggregated on a large scale and automatically processed for real-time insights. Descartes Labs, has developed a set of tracking and monitoring tools that can be used by businesses to understand consumer and supply chain activities that are critically important to revenues which harness aggregated mobility tracking, location-specific activity tracking, regional NO2 tracking and supply-chain tracking.

Logistics Manager Editor’s Blog: Has COVID-19 shown we have an e-commerce problem? - The editor of Logistics manager magazine (which has a UK lean in the topics it covers) has written an article reviewing the ecommerce sector. “If there is an area of the economy that is thriving right now it the supermarket sector. Yet limited delivery slots meant that only 14.6% of households received an online delivery in the four weeks to 22 March, up from 13.8% in March 2019 but most-likely well below actual demand. The truth is that as much as the logistics sector likes to celebrate its considerable achievements in the migration to e-commerce, some businesses were too stuck in the tried and traditional ways of working to actually reach the peaks. COVID-19 will change well-understood behavioural economics. Consumers won’t be the same after a global pandemic the likes of which we have never seen in our lifetimes.” He argues that businesses must immediately fully adapt to ecommerce channel fulfilment or they will most likely fail to survive. We were quick to celebrate the achievements of the sector, particularly in replacing the 30% of calories consumed outside the home with sales in bricks and mortar supermarkets. We were quick to celebrate that existing e-commerce infrastructure did not entirely fall apart. Yet there wasn’t enough capacity to deliver food to homes that wanted it, and in some cases needed it. There were not enough drivers and not enough vehicles, even if the right volume of food was in the system.

Supply chain news in brief

Good news section

The Easter Bunny Is An Essential Worker, New Zealand's Ardern Says - New Zealand prime minister has clarified (link) to the nation’s children that the government considers the easter bunny and tooth fairies as essential workers and are thus able to continue doing their jobs. Ardern announced the exemption in response to rampant speculation by New Zealand's youngest citizens, who had wondered how the coronavirus crisis might affect the traditional arrival of colorful eggs, chocolates and other treats. The prime minister however warned that in some cases, the pair might not be able to provide the level of service young people have come to expect. "So I say to the children of New Zealand, if the Easter Bunny doesn't make it to your household, then we have to understand that it's a bit difficult at the moment for the bunny to perhaps get everywhere," Ardern said.
submitted by Fwoggie2 to supplychain [link] [comments]

Weekly Round-Up: July 27th - August 2nd

Weekly Round-Up: July 27th - August 2nd
/bangtan Weekly Round-Up

Previous thread: July 20th - July 26th

This round-up is for everything that happened in the /bangtan realm within the past week, compiled for your convenience! If you have feedback, please leave a comment or send me a PM.
The latest weekly round-up is linked on the sidebar of the subreddit. The link to the archive of past round-up posts can always be found in the wiki index.

New Releases

200728 10000 Hours (cover) by JK of BTS Thread

News & Information

200727 BTS to release a single on the 21st of August; the song will be sung in English
200728 BTS’ LY albums’ packaging has won the 2020 Red Dot Award in the Brand & Communication Design category.
200728 [Unaffiliated, see thread] Yonhap News: Bimonthly magazine on K-pop band BTS launched in Italy
200728 BTS Will Be Launching An Outdoor Reality Show With JTBC, The Production Be Would Be Under Bighit And The Broadcast Will Be By JTBC
200728 'In the SOOP BTS ver.' Exclusive VOD Available for Pre-Order Purchase Exclusively on BTS Weverse starting August 4 @ 6 PM KST
200728 "A Drive In Concert" : BTS Concert 'Love Yourself:Seoul Screening On August 16th At 7.30pm Kst At Anyangcheon A Footbal Stadium
200730 Bangbangcon The Live VOD is up
200730 BigHit's preliminary screening for its IPO expected to take additional time
200730 You can now connect your ARMY Bomb to Black Swan MV
200730 BTS Have Been Nominated in 3 Categories for VMA 2020 (Best Pop, Best Kpop, Best Choreography)
200731 Special movie “BTS Music Journey” is now available in South Korea and the United States
200801 BTS to guest on I-LAND on August 14th


Date Video Thread
200727 BTS perform "Your eyes tell" on Fuji TV's 'Love Music'
200729 TOKOPEDIA x BTS: Boy With Luv (Waktu Indonesia Belanja TV Show) / Mirrors Thread
200729 TOKOPEDIA x BTS: ON #BTSdiTOKOPEDIAWIB / Mirrors Thread
200729 BTS @ Tokopedia WIB TV SHOW: Interview Cut / Mirrors Thread

Official Media

Type Date Title Thread
Bomb 200728 [BANGTAN BOMB] I Prayed That I Could Get to My Part Thread
Episode 200801 [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) @ Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve 2020 Thread
Love Myself 200730 Love Myself: Do you remember our promise last year, to "love those around us as we love ourselves"? (Feat montage clip of bangbangcon with Friends as BGM) Thread
Run BTS! 200728 Run BTS! 2020 - EP.110 Thread
Run BTS! 200730 [Behind] Run! BTS - EP.110 Thread
Smeraldo 200726 Smeraldo Blog Update 6 Thread
Smeraldo 200731 Smeraldo Blog Update 7 Thread
Teaser 200728 Countdown to 200821 Thread
Teaser 200728 [In the SOOP BTS ver.] Official Teaser 1 Thread
V Live 200727 Jin, Jimin, Jungkook Vlive: Kkul FM Thread
Other 200727 Learn! KOREAN with BTS [EP.21] Dialects Thread

HYYH The Notes

Date Tweet Thread
200727 Taehyung 10 July 2022 Thread
200728 Jimin 14 June 2022 Thread
200729 Jungkook 22 July 2022 Thread
200730 The Notes #1 Thread
200731 The Notes #1-A Thread
200801 The Notes #2-A Thread
200801 The Notes #3 Thread
200802 The Notes #3-A Thread
200802 The Notes #4 Thread

Official SNS

Date SNS Title Thread
200727 Twitter Bangtan Thread
200727 Twitter Jimin Thread
200728 Twitter Jungkook Thread
200728 Weverse V (Yeontan) Thread
200728 Twitter Jungkook Thread

CF & Partnerships

200727 BTS x Tmoney Lenticular Cards Available at CU Convenience Stores in Korea on August 6th
200727 The new August flavor ice cream for BTS x Baskin Robbins is purple! The name of the flavor will be ‘O’라’O’라 (‘O’ ra ‘O’ ra). (Guess what O is)
200728 Hyundai: Guess who came to check out #HyundaiMotorstudioGoyang!
200728 Baskin-Robbins New BTS Flavour "Bora Bora" mascarpone ice cream with blueberries
200730 Baskin Robbins will release 3 BTS ads on August 1, 3, 5
200731 [Baskin Robbins X BTS] 메이킹필름 런칭광고편 (Making Film 1)
200731 [Baskin Robbins x BTS] Bangtan is BaRo 💜 RM, SUGA


BTS Interview

Date Publisher Article Thread
200731 Vogue Japan 世界が恋するBTSが見つめる未来〜独占インタビュー Thread


Date Publisher Article Thread
200727 Forbes BTS Confirm New English Single For August Ahead Of Upcoming Album Thread
200727 Insider BTS is one of the biggest music sensations in history. Here's a look back on their meteoric rise to stardom Thread
200728 K-media Producer of NPR Tiny Desk mentions BTS in interview Thread
200730 Forbes Can BTS Top The Billboard Hot 100 With Their New English Single? Thread
200730 Visit Seoul Baepsae credited for popularity of Seoul Tourism Org's smart digital mascot Thread
200731 K-media In an interview with Hyundai it was said V was fascinated by the design of Hyundai's EV Concept Car 'Prophecy' and later bought the Genesis GV80 model Thread

Other media

Type Date Title Thread
Cover 200730 Eric Nam covers Euphoria at his Online Album Showcase Thread
Cover 200731 J.Fla - Spring Day (봄날) Thread
SNS 200729 the way airbnb exists in the BTS Cinematic Universe now... Thread
SNS 200729 American singer Khalid posted on his IG Story that he is listening to “Serendipity” in his car Thread
SNS 200729 Luna Maya Thread
SNS 200729 Columbia promotional email to Top 40 Radio for BTS New Single Thread
SNS 200731 Columbia Records: Have you joined the BTS Party yet? Be sure to connect with Spotify so you can get access to the new BTS song on August 21st! Thread
SNS 200730 GIPHY Pop #InternationalFriendshipDay Thread
Other 200730 Ahsan Qayyum, A Guinness World Record Holder For His Outstanding Miniature Art Has Just Crafted BTS’ Logo On Top Of A Pencil Thread
Other 200802 BTS Brand Identity (1:32 - 1:40) and HuskyFox's LOVE YOURSELF Identity System (2:43) was shown in Plus X 10th Anniversary Portfolio. Thread


Type Date Thread
Charts/Sales 200727 RM’s 'mono' Is Now the First Album by an Asian Act to Reach #1 on iTunes in 110 Countries Worldwide (It now ties with Camila Cabello “CAMILA” album)
Charts/Sales 200728 BTS's "Love Yourself: Answer" joins "Love Yourself: Tear" as the only albums by an Asian act in history to chart 100+ Weeks on 'Billboard World Albums Chart'
Charts/Sales 200731 BTS' Japanese album "MAP OF THE SOUL:7 ~THE JOURNEY~" becomes the first ever album by a Korean male act in history to surpass 600,000 sales on Oricon
Charts/Sales 200801 V's 'Sweet Night' & BTS's 'Your Eyes Tell' are now the Only songs by an Asian Acts in history to topped all the Major Music Markets in the world on iTunes
Streams 200729 BTS’s ‘Lights’ Has Been Certified Silver by RIAJ for Surpassing 30 MILLION Streams in Japan (4th song to achieve this)
Streams 200729 chart data: RM's "mono." has now surpassed 200 million streams on Spotify
Streams 200730 BTS has earned over 1 BILLION on-demand streams in the US this year


200730 Hi we are~ TinyTAN!! Thread
200802 TinyTAN Character Intro Compilation
200802 TinyTAN RM - Unbreakable Cuteness Thread
200802 TinyTAN Jin - Worldwide Cutie Thread
200802 TinyTAN SUGA - Sweetie with Swagger Thread
200802 TinyTAN j-hope - Little Hope Right Here Thread
200802 TinyTAN Jimin - Lovely Little Angel Thread
200802 TinyTAN V - Precious Baby Bear Thread
200802 TinyTAN Jungkook - Adorable Golden Baby Thread
200802 TinyTAN: Still dreaming, right? Thread


200728 "Ooooh, this looks FUN!" 😃 Don't miss how mischievous SHOOKY causes a ruckus to BT21! Thread
200728 Shh. Time for BABY nap 😌 Thread
200729 Q&A Time - Stories Behind BT21 UNIVERSE Thread

BT21 merchandise news



200728 Unofficial BTS In The SOOP Bingo!
200730 "Autumn In Front of the Post Office" by Jin - mini Korean lesson


Rolling /bangtan Awards 2020 nomination form

Top Discussion Posts

  1. [+533] Releasing songs/album in english should not be considered selling out.
  2. [+177] Older Army, how do you deal with the idea that fans are all young?
  3. [+177] What have you learned about Korean culture and the language from listening and watching BTS?
  4. [+116] Out-of-the-box Run BTS ideas!
  5. [+85] Differences in Rap Lines Lyricism

Weekly threads


Here are past week's top 5 fanart posts from our sister subreddit, /heungtan!
Submitter Thread
mylifeasmickey I finally finished my labor of love for JK. Golden Boy cross stitch! Details below
sogicereal Namjoon Portrait ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Jennifer-Lorelei My BT21 Homemade Cupcakes, I made these Abit a go but i just had to post them here, I love BTS so much these were a joy to make. <3
fath0m_ Namjoon, quickly sketched
JeonLisaaaa 💜 Jeon Jeongguk 💜
submitted by llaverna to bangtan [link] [comments]

Signs of Collapse, summary of 2018

Hi /collapse! I don't usually post my series on here because it's a bit of preaching to the choir, but I thought that for once I will try it out, and you can praise it or rip it apart if you want to. I don't feel like much more needs to be said, this is my selection of collapse related news that I've come across during the year and that has been published this year.
Previous posts:

Signs of Collapse 2018 Summary

Human well-being & non-specific climate change
Economy, Politics & Industry
Pests, viruses and bacterial infections
Coral reefs
Ice and water
Hurricanes, storms and winds
Heat waves, forest fires and tree loss
submitted by Dave37 to collapse [link] [comments]

State of the European Union 2018

State of the European Union 2018

Reddit Live Thread HERE (NOW OVER)

Location: Strasbourg, France.
TL;DR: The State of the European Union speech will be on Wednesday, 12 September, from 09:00 CEST to 10:00 CEST. It will be presented by Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission. The parliamentary debate will be held after the speech.
Official live video feeds
Other live coverage
Live Blogs
Hashtags on social media
#SOTEU, #FutureOfEurope


The State of the European Union is an annual speech delivered each September by the President of the European Commission before the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).
At 9:00 Brussels time, President Jean-Claude Juncker, will deliver his speech before a plenary session of the European Parliament. The speech reviews the successes and failures of the Union, declares its general political direction, and sets out the legislative agenda of the European Commission for the year.
Once the hour-long speech has concluded, the European Parliament then holds an open debate, going over the State of the European Union speech, and the political situation throughout the European Union.

Summary of Upcoming Commission Proposals:

  • Improving the detection and removal of terrorist content online within one hour by companies like Google, or they will face fines
  • New rules on stopping data misuse by EU political groupings (EPP, ALDE etc.)
  • Scrapping the biannual clock change in the European Union
  • Upgrading the mandate and resources of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency to a “genuine border police” with 10,000 officials by 2020
  • Upgrading the European Asylum Support Office (future EU Asylum Agency)
  • A new policy on returning migrants, including common conditions and timelines for returns
  • Africa package (creating more paths for legal migration, tackling root causes of migration, trade agreement with Africa etc.)
  • Strengthening the European Banking Authority to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing through more resources and greater enforcement powers
  • Creating a European Cybersecurity Research and Competence Centre
  • Commission initiative to strengthen the enforcement of the rule of law in the European Union
  • Commission communication on the possible extension of the tasks of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office to include the fight against cross-border terrorism
  • Commission communications on enhancing the use of qualified majority voting in common foreign and security policy and the internal market
  • Single Market implementation and enforcement report
  • Commission communication on the future of EU Energy and Climate policy, including the future of the Euratom Treaty
  • Long-term EU strategy for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • "Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030, on the follow-up to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change" reflection paper

The President of the European Commission

Jean-Claude Juncker
Term: 1 November 2014 - 31 October 2019
Jean-Claude Juncker started as a deputy in Luxembourg in 1984. Soon after, he started taking on various governmental roles. He because Luxembourg’s minister of finances in 1989, and subsequently became Prime Minister of Luxembourg, holding the office between 1995 and 2013.
Juncker held the Eurogroup presidency from 2005 to 2013, serving 3 terms. He was then chosen as the European People’s Party lead candidate for the 2014 European Parliament elections. He was proposed by the European Council afterwards, and the European Parliament voted in favour of him being President. He has previously announced he will not stand for a second term as President, meaning his tenure will end on the 31st October 2019.

Current European political topics

European Parliament Elections

Between May 23rd to the 26th 2019, elections to the European Parliament will be held. Following Brexit, the amount of MEPs will be reduced to 705, with some of the UK’s MEPs being redistributed to other member states and some being held in reserve for any potential enlargements of the EU.
The European Parliament has confirmed that it will follow the “Spitzenkandidaten” process once more. The European political parties will endorse ‘lead candidates’ ahead of the vote which will compete to be President of the European Commission. The European Council officially proposes a candidate for Commission President, ‘taking into account’ the results of the Parliament elections. However, the European Parliament has already stated it will reject any candidate who was not designated as a ‘lead candidate’ ahead of time.
Candidate Date Announced European Political Party
Maroš Šefčovič 4th June 2018 Party of European Socialists
Ska Keller 9th July 2018 European Greens
Manfred Weber 5th September 2018 European People's Party
Petra de Sutter 12th September 2018 European Greens
The European Commission is set to propose rules that could result in the political parties at the EU level (European People’s Party, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe etc.) being fined up to 5% of their annual budget if they misuse personal data in a similar way to how Cambridge Analytica operated, trying to influence elections with this data.
As part of a broader package to counter online voter manipulation and personal data misuse for political purposes, the European Commission will recommend that governments should crack down on “micro-targeting”, the practice of sending personalised political messages to users without their consent. It will also be recommended that member states introduce stricter transparency requirements on online political advertising.
Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Vera Jourova has said that voters should be able to “always understand when something is an online campaign, who runs the campaign, who pays for it and what they want to achieve.” However, she said that the EU wouldn’t go as far as regulating the online activity of any political grouping, stating that the internet is a “zone for free expression.”
Overview of the European Parliament elections, 2019


In the 2017 SOTEU speech, Juncker proposed an EU minister of finance, who would be a Vice-President of the Commission and also President of the Eurogroup, the informal meeting of Eurozone finance ministers. By extension, they would also be Chair of the board of the European Monetary Fund. This minister could oversee the use of EU budgetary instruments and represent the euro area at a global level.
In December 2017, the Commission proposed to integrate the European Stability Mechanism (to become the European Monetary Fund) and the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance into EU law. The possibility of introducing an EU finance minister who would be a Vice President of the Commission as well as chair of the Eurogroup was also floated. They could oversee the budgetary instruments of the EU and represent the Euro area at a global level.
The Meseberg Declaration agreed between France and Germany calls for establishing a eurozone budget for competitiveness, convergence and stablisation within the framework of the EU. Resources would come from national contributions, allocation of tax revenue and European resources. However, 12 EU member states including Austria, Finland and the Netherlands questioned the need for any “fiscal capacity”, saying that there is “wide divergence” on the need for any budget, or at least what form it may take.
More recently, Germany’s deputy finance minister Jörg Kukies has stated that talks on a Eurozone budget should not distract from talks on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the EU’s multi-annual budget. The “most pressing issue” was to figure out how the EU budget can contribute to stabilization, competitiveness and convergence. “This is a more relevant question than carving out a separate budget for the Eurozone”.
Under the Commission’s MFF Proposals, the European Commission proposed a €30 billion European Investment Stabilisation Function, which would provide back-to-back loans to a member state experiencing financial difficulties, provided they adhered to relevant EU budgetary rules beforehand.
A Convergence Facility for Member States actively trying to join the euro will be introduced, assisting member states with the reforms needed to do so. Bulgaria is actively attempting to join the euro, and will have to join the system of EU banking supervision (banking union) as well as the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II) for 2 years before it can join the euro area.
A Reform Support Programme of €25 billion has also been proposed, which would provide financial incentives and also provide technical assistance for EU member states to carry out structural reforms. This programme is voluntary, and the money could be claimed back if the reforms are reversed.
In June 2018, EU leaders agreed in principle on making the European Stability Mechanism the backstop to the Single Resolution Fund. The Fund is used to wind down/resolve banks that have been declared failing or likely to fail by the European Central Bank, and shall reach the target level of at least 1% of the amount of covered deposits of all credit institutions within the Banking Union by 2024. The backstop should effectively double its capacity, providing around €55 billion of support.
Eurozone countries will work towards an agreement in December 2018 to change how the ESM functions, including creating the backstop to the Single Resolution Fund and how the ESM is governed. In future it could be integrated into EU law following the Commission’s proposal.
Eurozone finance ministers also agreed to work towards adopting a roadmap on starting political discussions on a European Deposit Insurance Scheme in December 2018. This Scheme would guarantee deposits of up to €100,000. When a bank is placed into insolvency or in resolution and it is necessary to pay out deposits, the national schemes and the European Deposit Insurance Scheme could intervene.
Factsheets on Deepening Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union


In June 2018, the European Council adopted conclusions on migration, calling on, among other things, for vessels operating in the Mediterranean to respect international law and not impede the work of the Libyan Coast Guard. Disembarkation platforms in third countries from which some asylum seekers could be relocated and voluntary controlled centres in EU member states were an option agreed to, though no country has currently agreed to host either. There was also agreement on the need to have dedicated funds to manage external migration in the next MFF.
The aim of ‘controlled centres’ inside the EU would be to improve the process of distinguishing between those individuals who qualify for refugee status, and those who don’t. The centres would be managed by a Member State with support from EU agencies. The Commission has offered to assist any member state granting access to their ports for disembarkation through a disembarkation team, which could include around 500 people from Frontex, Europol and the European Asylum Support Office. The EU budget could also cover all infrastructure and operational costs. The initial registration and asylum screening process could be as short as 72 hours.
For those Member States which agree to process a share of those disembarked from sea, the Commision is offering to allocate €6,000 per person relocated and will cover the transfer costs of €500 per person given to the country of disembarkation.
The European Commission intends to propose an upgrade to the European Border and Coastguard Agency (Frontex) to have 10,000 officiers by 2020, though most of them could be from a pool of national border guards to start with, with 50% of staff being permanent by 2027. It will have the power to bear arms, and would aim to intercept new arrivals, stop unauthorised travel between EU states and accelerate the return of rejected asylum seekers to their countries of origin, even without the consent of the member state. The agency would also gain more powers to exchange information with third countries. A senior EU official has been quoted as saying “we want to federalise external border protection as much as possible and help out countries on the front line.” However, certain EU member states such as Malta are reluctant about further competence shifts to Frontex.
The Italian government has recently been rejecting NGO vessels rescuing migrants in the Mediterranean from docking in Italy, though other member states such as Malta and France have done this as well. Italy has also rejected permission for Italian navy ships to dock in Italy to disembark rescued migrants, and threatened to torpedo Operation Sophia (the EU’s naval mission in the Mediterranean to combat people smuggling) if the rules weren’t changed to stop the automatic disembarkation of rescued migrants in Italy. The possibility of simply rejecting Sophia vessels from docking in Italian ports was also floated.
On 24th August, the Italian government threatened to withhold its EU budget contribution if other EU countries didn’t agree to taking migrants from the Italian Coast Guard ship Diciotti, currently stranded in an Italian port. The European Commission called a meeting of 12 EU member states, but no agreement was found at that meeting.
Only Ireland and Albania agreed to take in some of the migrants, and Italy also threatened to veto the EU’s next multi-year budget, the Multiannual Financial Framework if the EU didn’t start to share in the intake of migrants. The MFF is adopted by unanimous approval among member states following the approval of the European Parliament.
Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Günther Oettinger pointed out that Italy refusing to pay its budgetary contribution would be the first time that event happened in the history of the European Union, and Italy would potentially face both late interest payments and sanctions.
The reform of the Common European Asylum System, comprising 7 proposals, may be touched upon:
Proposal Description Stage of legislative process
Dublin Regulation Determines which member state is responsible for processing an application for international protection EP adopted position, Council yet to adopt a position
Eurodac Regulation Strengthen the Eurodac fingerprint database by collecting more data such as facial images to facilitate returns and help tackle irregular migration Political agreement
EU Asylum Agency Upgrading the European Asylum Support Office to a full EU Asylum Agency, providing guidance and assistance for assessments of asylum applications Agreement, but won’t be adopted until other proposals finalised
Asylum Procedure Regulation Aims to achieve a fully harmonised EU procedure for granting and withdrawing international protection EP adopted position, Council yet to adopt a position
Qualification Regulation Harmonised protection standards and rights for asylum seekers, ensuring asylum seekers are treated in the same way in all member states Negotiations between EP and Council
Reception Conditions Directive Harmonised EU reception standards for asylum seekers Negotiations between EP and Council
EU Resettlement Framework Common framework for EU member states resettling recognised refugees from outside EU territory Negotiations between EP and Council
There will be a report on progress during the October 2018 European Council.
The latest proposals from the Austrian presidency are to have a form of “mandatory” solidarity whereby member states are free to help with migration either by taking in migrants, giving experts and equipment or contributing in some other way. However, Italy reportedly rejects this plan and wants more relocation of migrants. Background information: Finding solutions to migratory pressures
Background information: Reform of EU asylum rules
Commission factsheets on migration


In July 2018, President Trump and President Juncker came to an agreement on trade which provided for negotiations which would explore the possibility of negotiating a deal facilitating zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers and zero subsidies on non-auto industrial goods. Tariffs on automobiles are stopped for as long as there is suitable progress on negotiations, with the tariffs on steel and aluminium being reviewed.
Trump later dismissed the EU’s offer on tariffs as “not good enough” and said the EU’s trade policies were almost as bad as China’s after Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said the EU was “willing to bring down...our car tariffs to zero”, provided the USA did the same. The USA is holding out on the prospect of a partial trade deal within the next two months.
If tariffs on cars were to be introduced, the European Commission has been working on a list of US products that would face retaliatory tariffs.
Italy has threatened to veto the ratification of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) negotiated with Canada. Currently, the trade deal is provisionally applied, meaning most of its provisions are in force pending the ratification of all member states. If a member state fails to ratify, provisional application has to be terminated.
In last year’s SOTEU speech, Juncker announced that all proposed negotiating mandates for future trade and investment details would be published, starting for the negotiations with Australia and New Zealand.
The status of the EU’s trade deal negotiations is as follows:
Country Status
Australia Negotiation, 2nd round in November
Canada Provisionally applied since 21st September 2017, but CJEU case pending on the compatibility of its court system with EU law. Austria’s and Belgium’s ratification depend on the outcome of this case.
Chile Negotiation, 3rd round concluded in June 2018, no new date set.
Indonesia Negotiation, 6th round in October 2018
Japan Signed, but yet to be ratified by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. Aim to be applied by April 2019, before Brexit. No national ratification is needed.
Singapore Commission has proposed decision to sign and ratify the EU-Singapore agreements. The FTA will only need European Parliament and Council of Ministers approval, while the Investment Protection Agreement will need that in addition to national ratification.
Mercosur Negotiation, next round September 10th - 14th, will require national ratification.
New Zealand Negotiation, 1st round concluded in July 2018
Mexico Agreement in principle, aim to finish the legal text by the end of 2018.
Vietnam Currently undergoing translation into all EU languages, Commission will then propose to sign and ratify the deal. Also split into a Free Trade Agreement (EP/Council approval) and an Investment Protection Agreement (requiring national ratification).

Rule of Law

In December 2017, the European Commission activated Article 7(1) for the first time in the history of the EU, citing threats to the rule of law and judicial independence in Poland. Infringement proceedings have also been launched against the Law on Ordinary Courts, and most recently against the Law on the Supreme Court, which may have forced around 40% of Supreme Court judges to retire. The Supreme Court has suspended the law as it awaits the results of a CJEU case on the law.
The European Parliament will vote on whether or not to Article 7(1) against Hungary later today, determining a clear risk of a serious breach of the EU’s values, after the Civil Liberties committee adopted a report recommending its activation. The European Parliament will have to vote by a ⅔ majority to trigger the article, though abstentions will not count towards this threshold. The European People’s Party, of which the governing party of Hungary Fidesz is a member, will be given a free vote on the matter.
Following this, a hearing will be conducted of Hungary where the Council can address recommendations to it. The Council needs to vote by a ⅘ majority to actually determine a clear risk of a serious breach of the EU’s values. This is separate from Article 7(2), which is the process leading to sanctions.
As part of the 2021-2027 MFF proposals, the Commission has proposed a mechanism whereby EU funding could be suspended to member states that don’t have independent judiciaries or flout the rule of law. The Commission would propose to suspend funding, and the decision is presumed to be adopted unless a qualified majority of EU countries votes against it. Individual beneficiaries of EU funding through schemes such as Erasmus+ should not be affected.
In October 2018, the Commission intends to produce a mechanism to promote the rule of law in the European Union, though it is not yet clear what form this may take.
The Commission will also produce a document which discusses the possibility of expanding the competences of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office to fight cross-border terrorism, which currently has a mandate to fight fraud against the EU budget. 22 member states (all bar Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Sweden & the United Kingdom) are currently part of the project.


The United Kingdom and the European Union have reached agreement on at least 80% of the draft withdrawal agreement text, including issues such as the rights of EU citizens post Brexit and the budgetary settlement that the UK will pay. Agreement was also reached on a transition period, where the UK would follow EU law and pay into the budget as if it was a member until December 31st, 2020. The UK can negotiate and sign deals during this period but not implement them unless authorised by the European Commission.
Negotiations are still needed on certain issues, such as the Protocol on Northern Ireland and the way a hard border can be avoided between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus, Gibraltar, data protection, ongoing police and judicial cooperation, the role of the EU Court of Justice and geographical indicators are other areas that are yet to be resolved.
The UK Government published a White Paper (also referred to as the ‘Chequers’ agreement) on July 12th, 2018, leading to the resignation of Cabinet ministers Boris Johnson and David Davis from the government. The EU has also opposed this agreement, with Chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier stating that accepting it could be “the end of the single market and the European project.” It is still controversial in the UK as well, with a former Brexit minister Steve Baker predicting up to 80 Conservative MPs could vote against the agreement. The UK government may even scrap the agreement if the EU gives way on its hard position on the Irish border.
Some EU member states are considering giving Barnier a new mandate to help close a Brexit deal, which will be discussed at the Salzburg summit in a week's time. The planned timing of a deal and the remaining sticking points such as the Irish border will be discussed. Formal guidelines would be adopted by the October European Council, and talks would aimed to be concluded at a hypothetical special Brexit summit in November. However, other sources have said that the current guidelines are sufficient and that the UK may not like the content of hypothetical new guidelines.
The Brexit withdrawal agreement will need the consent of the European Parliament and a reinforced qualified majority vote (72% of the states representing 65% of the population) in the Council of Ministers. It will be accompanied by a political declaration on the future relationship between the UK and the EU, though negotiations can’t properly start until the UK becomes a third country.
Background information: Brexit
Background information: Brexit negotiations

Internal Market

Following a public consultation in which 4.6 million European citizens replied, the European Commission will propose to scrap the biannual change in the clocks. 84% of those who responded were in favour of scrapping the change. Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc has stated the change was unlikely to happen before 2021 at the earliest. EU countries are free to decide on their own time zones.
A “digital tax” was proposed by the European Commission whereby EU member states would charge a 3% levy on large companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google. This idea has proved controversial, with countries such as Ireland preferring a solution adopted at a global level to avoid stifling investment and innovation.
To facilitate agreement on the file, France has said it could consider ways to compensate Ireland for possible lost revenues from the proposal, and a "sunset clause" has been suggested where by the EU tax would no longer have effect once the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) comes up with a global solution. The aim is to agree on the EU tax by the end of 2018.

Foreign Relations

High Representative Federica Mogherini wants to see a binding agreement on relations between Serbia and Kosovo by the end of her mandate in November 2019. Recently, there have been suggestions of ‘border swaps’ between Kosovo and Serbia to agree on a deal. Some have been receptive to the idea, but countries such as Germany have rejected any border changes.
Germany has begun construction of Nord Stream II in German coastal waters, a controversial gas pipeline with Russia, despite the threat of US sanctions on the companies involved in financing the pipeline and the objection of some Eastern European states. President Trump has started that the project would make Germany a “captive” of Russia.
Germany, Finland, Sweden and Russia have given approval for the pipeline to pass through their territorial waters, but Denmark’s approval is still pending. Nord Stream 2 filed an application to Denmark for a new route that would avoid Denmark’s territorial waters altogether.
The European Commission also published a plan to provide €18 million in aid to Iran following some US sanctions being re-introduced on August 6th. In November, the US will introduce sanctions on oil. The EU has introduced a ‘blocking statute’ which forbids companies from complying with US sanctions. If firms are wanting to pull out of Iran to comply with US sanctions, they should get EU authorisation, but not if it is a business decision.
A communication on extending the use of qualified majority voting (QMV) in foreign policy will be produced, exploring the possibility of introducing QMV rules on human rights, sanctions, and joint civilian mission decisions. Certain sanctions regimes may keep unanimity rules, but it could be used especially when the EU has to implement UN sanctions. It will require unanimous agreement among all member states to move from unanimity to qualified majority voting rules.


On Monday, the European Parliament’s Environment committee voted for cutting emissions for cars and vans by 20% by 2025 and 45% by 2030, above the targets of 15% and 30% proposed by the Commission. The plenary of the European Parliament will vote on the issue next month.
Carbon prices under the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) hit a decade high in August 2018 at €20 a tonne, following reforms to introduce a Market Stability Reserve that removes excess credits from the market.
The ETS provides ‘licences’ to pollute a certain amount each year. Those businesses that don’t have enough licences for the amount of pollution they give off are required to purchase more else they are fined, while those who have more licences than needed can sell the excess. The cap is progressively reduced over time so as to reduce carbon emissions within the EU.
The European Commission will potentially produce a long-term EU strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in November 2018.

Previous State of the European Union Speeches


President Juncker presented a much more upbeat picture of the state of the EU, saying "the wind is back in Europe's sails." He rejected calls for a multi-speed Europe, stating that “Europe must breathe with both lungs. Otherwise our continent will struggle for air.” He also stated that now was the time for completing the “European House” as the “sun is shining”.
He announced various proposals, such as creating an EU Cybersecurity Agency, trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand, reforms of the Eurozone, opening up Schengen to Bulgaria and Romania, and moving to more qualified majority voting for certain decisions.


For Juncker’s second SOTEU speech, he again put forward a somewhat gloomy picture of the state of the EU, stating that “our European Union is, at least in part, in an existential crisis”. This speech followed the UK’s vote to leave the European Union in June 2016.
He mentioned how the EU was currently facing many “unresolved problems”, and revealed proposals the Commission would be putting forward over the next year to try to resolve them, attempting to create a Europe that “protects, empowers and defends”.


Juncker’s first SOTEU speech as Commission President mentioned how there was “not enough Union in this Union”, painting a somewhat dark picture of the state of the European Union at the time.
The main topics of his speech were migration, the Eurozone crisis, the UK’s (then) future referendum on EU membership, EU-Ukraine relations and addressing climate change.


There was no State of the Union speech, as it was the year of the European Parliament elections.
submitted by rEuropeanUnion to europe [link] [comments]

Signs of collapse 2018

Hi /Sustainability! I have been working on an ongoing project for 3 years now nick-named “Signs of collapse”. Even if we strive for and dream of a sustainable world, a lot of things are becoming worse. And I think in order to reach a world that is truly sustainable, it's imperative that we fully understand where we are now and which path we are on. To progress, we have to identify the problems and accept them for what they are if we wish to have any chance addressing them.
I try my best to not make this series into a rant about every little problem or mishap that’s going on. Even in a sustainable society accidents would happen and natural catastrophes would occur, seasons would vary in intensity from year to year and so on. So what I present here is my best attempt at distilling out anthropogenic anomalies.
I define a “sign of collapse” as a negative market externality that the current socioeconomic system for whatever reason hasn’t dealt with and is now ending up hurting people or the ecosystem. I try to pick studies and news that shows the occurring consequences of the current system’s failure to deal with externalities.
I’m also trying to make the argument, and feel free to disagree with me and have a discussion, that urgent action is needed now and there's close to no upper limit to how radically environmentalist one can reasonably become at the present time. If you want to do something, you better hurry before it’s too late.
Feel free to share any of the material or repost this on other suitable subreddits. If you would like to get involved in this project, don’t hesitate to chat me up.
Previous posts:

Signs of Collapse 2018 Q4 and Summary

Human well-being & non-specific climate change
Economy, Politics & Industry
Pests, viruses and bacterial infections
Coral reefs
Ice and water
Hurricanes, storms and winds
Heat waves, forest fires and tree loss
submitted by Dave37 to sustainability [link] [comments]

forbes 30 under 30 indonesia video

As many as 30 athletes under the age of 30 collected from the Forbes assessment have the names of athletes from Indonesia who contributed to the list of young athletes who excel, they are Marcus (29 years) and Kevin (24 years) who are now still in the status of “world number one” as badminton players. Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia kembali dirilis Forbes sebagai daftar pengusaha muda sukses di wilayah Asia Pasifik yang dirilis Selasa 2 April 2019. Dalam daftar tersebut, 17 pengusaha muda Indonesia masuk di dalamnya. Dalam daftar para wirausahawan muda dari 23 negara yang mencakup 10 bidang industri, terdapat 17 generasi muda Indonesia yang sukses dalam membangun bisnisnya. This year Indonesia Forbes 30 Under 30 divide into 7 different industries, namely: Art, ... Forbes has chosen several women who save their seat at Forbes 30 Under 30 in 2020. SINGAPORE (March 27, 2018) – Forbes announced today its third annual “30 Under 30 Asia” list, featuring 300 young disruptors, innovators and entrepreneurs across Asia, all under the age of ... Recently, Forbes Asia unveiled its 30 Under 30 Asia 2018 list and we spotted not one, not two, but 16 Indonesians who have made Indonesia proud with their achievements, be it in the technology, arts, financial, or entertainment industries. The common thread that we see is their passion in helping Indonesia’s development, as well as their vision in creating a better homeland for all of us. Forbes announced today its fourth annual “30 Under 30 Asia” list, featuring 300 young disruptors, innovators and entrepreneurs across Asia, all under the age of 30, who are challenging ... Forbes Indonesia 30 UNDER 30 CLASS OF 2020 Forbes Indonesia February 2020 Forbes Indonesia took a big step last year by presenting our very own 30 Under 30 list. We have seen many of last year’s honorees gaining significant tractions in their achievement, further growing their business, extending their networks to facilitate more substantial impact, and, most importantly, inspiring more ...

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